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Last active August 5, 2019 23:07
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v3.0 – Risk on Prosper Loans
license: gpl-3.0
height: 1045
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High Risks and Low Returns
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<p>Prosper is a P2P lending platform that allows investors to choose among personal loans to invest in. They do that by considering a number of factors, which include a custom calculated <span style="font-weight: normal">Prosper Score</span> that represents the risk for each loan. The higher the score, the lower the risk, and the lower the interest rates paid by the borrower to the investors.</p>
<p>However, on average, loans with a Prosper Score of 2-4 <i>(higher risk expected)</i> had similar proportions of bad loans (defaulted loans, charged off loans or loans past due) as loans with a score of 6-8 <i>(lower risk expected)</i>. In other words, investors who invested in loans with a score of 6-8 expected <i>lower risk</i> loans — and received <i>lower rates</i> in return — but ended up with risky loans just the same.</p>
<p><i>NOTE: Each point in the chart below represents one Prosper Score value, ranging from 1 to 11.</i></p>
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function draw(data) {
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new dimple.color("lightgrey")
// Set up axes
var x = chart.addMeasureAxis("x", "PropBadPerScore");
x.title = "Proportion of Bad Loans";
x.overrideMax = 0.35;
var y = chart.addMeasureAxis("y", "MeanRatePerScore");
y.title = "Mean Interest Rate";
y.overrideMax = 0.35;
// Add data series
series = chart.addSeries("ProsperScore", dimple.plot.bubble);
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// Set tooltip
series.getTooltipText = function (e) {
return [
"Proportion of Bad Loans: "+e.xValue.toFixed(2),
"Mean Interest Rate: "+e.yValue.toFixed(2)
// Hide all gridlines
<script type="text/javascript">
// Read data using d3 and pass it to the draw function
d3.csv("prosper_loans_export.csv", draw);
ID ProsperScore MeanRatePerScore PropBadPerScore
1 4 0.225381286224692 0.100277888050814
2 5 0.229148282890044 0.137980230306736
3 2 0.27124604578564 0.121227887617066
4 6 0.206216924580551 0.116061247760222
5 7 0.185063461356988 0.0956874587147306
6 3 0.24785846637006 0.0969641455116462
7 1 0.302066633064516 0.314516129032258
8 9 0.125149573144263 0.0651135870351613
9 8 0.151730482037667 0.0861196382643325
10 10 0.0979689894736842 0.0229473684210526
11 11 0.0932809752747253 0.00206043956043956
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