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Forked from cosmincatalin/
Created November 14, 2016 00:30
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AWS EMR bootstrap to install RStudio Server along with sparklyr

How to use the bootstrap

  1. You will first have to download the gist to a file and then upload it to S3 in a bucket of your choice.

  2. Using the AWS EMR Console create a cluster and choose advanced options.

  3. In Step 1 make sure you check the Spark x.x.x checkbox if you want to make use of the sparklyr library in RStudio. You can customize the Spark version by choosing a different emr Release version.

  4. In Step 3 you can configure your bootstraps. Choose to Configure and add a Custom action

    • For the Name you can fill something like Install RStudio Server
    • For the Script location you will need to point to where you have uploaded the gist (Eg. s3://my-bucket/emr/bootstrap/
    • As Optional arguments you can add the following:
      • --sd-version - optional, default is 1.0.110. The script downloads the artefact from the daily builds bucket, You can use a CLI command like aws s3 ls s3://rstudio-dailybuilds/rstudio- to check what versions are available.

      • --sd-user - optional, defaults to drwho. RStudio Server needs a real system user. The script creates one as part of the bootstrap process.

      • --sd-pass - optional, default to tardis. The password for the above specified user. If you're going to use the defaults for the credentials, make sure the EMR cluster is not Internet accessible, as this could be a serious security vunerability.

      • --spark-version - optional, defaults to 2.0.0. sparklyr which is installed as part of the bootstrap process, needs a locally downloaded version of Spark. You should make sure that this version matches the Spark version installed on the cluster. This is only relevant if you are actually going to use the sparklyr capabilities.

        EMR release --spark-version
        4.0.0 1.4.1
        4.1.0 1.5.0
        4.2.0 1.5.2
        4.3.0 1.6.0
        4.4.0 1.6.0
        4.5.0 1.6.1
        4.6.0 1.6.1
        4.7.0 1.6.1
        4.7.1 1.6.1
        4.7.2 1.6.2
        4.8.0 1.6.2
        4.8.2 1.6.2
        5.0.0 2.0.0 (default)
        5.0.3 2.0.1
  5. After the cluster has started, you will need to access your cluster's master address and specify port 8787. RStudio Server is only available on the master instance. Depending on where you cluster is launched, you might need to establish a tunnel/proxy connection.

  6. After logging in using the default/custom credentials provided, you can connect to the Spark cluster with the following script:

sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn-client")
# These variables can be overwritten using the arguments bellow
# drwho is listed as user in YARN's Resource Manager UI.
# Depending on where the EMR cluster lives, you might have to change this to avoid security issues.
# To change the default password (and user), use the arguments bellow.
# If the cluster is not visible on the Internet, you can just leave the defaults for convenience.
# A Spark version to install. sparklyr needs to have a "local" installed version of Spark to function.
# It should match the EMR cluster Spark version. Automatic detection at bootstrap time is
# unfortunately very difficult.
# To connect to Spark via YARN, after logging in the RStudio Server Web UI execute the following code:
# library(sparklyr)
# library(dplyr)
# sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn-client")
grep -Fq "\"isMaster\": true" /mnt/var/lib/info/instance.json
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
while [[ $# > 1 ]]; do
case $key in
# RStudio Server version to install. Executing `aws s3 ls s3://rstudio-dailybuilds/rstudio-` will give you valid versions
# A user to create. It is going to be this user under which all RStudio Server actions will be executed
# The password for the above specified user
# The version of Spark to install locally
echo "Unknown option: ${key}"
exit 1;
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 1. Download RStudio Server ${VERSION} "
echo "*****************************************"
echo " 2. Install dependencies "
echo "*****************************************"
# This is needed for installing devtools
sudo yum -y install libcurl libcurl-devel 1>&2
echo " 3. Install RStudio Server "
echo "*****************************************"
sudo yum -y install --nogpgcheck rstudio-server-rhel-${VERSION}-x86_64.rpm 1>&2
echo " 4. Create R Studio Server user "
echo "*****************************************"
epass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' ${PASS})
sudo useradd -m -p ${epass} ${USER}
# This is to allow access to HDFS
sudo usermod -a -G hadoop ${USER}
echo " 5. Create environment variables file "
echo "*****************************************"
# This file contains env variables that are loaded into RStudio. Using RStudio with Spark
# is the main use case for installing it in EMR in the first place, so it only makes sense that
# SPARK_HOME is added to the environment. The location is based on version ^5.0.0 of EMR.
sudo runuser -l ${USER} -c "touch /home/${USER}/.Renviron"
sudo runuser -l ${USER} -c "echo 'SPARK_HOME=/usr/lib/spark' >> /home/${USER}/.Renviron"
echo " 6. Install devtools and sparkyr "
echo "*****************************************"
# Create global install script and execute it
touch /home/hadoop/install-global.R
echo 'install.packages("devtools", "/usr/share/R/library/", repos="")' >> /home/hadoop/install-global.R
echo 'devtools::install_github("rstudio/sparklyr")' >> /home/hadoop/install-global.R
sudo R CMD BATCH /home/hadoop/install-global.R
# Create user install script and execute it
sudo runuser -l ${USER} -c 'touch /home/'${USER}'/install-user.R'
sudo runuser -l ${USER} -c "echo 'library(sparklyr)' >> /home/${USER}/install-user.R"
sudo runuser -l ${USER} -c "echo 'spark_install(version = \"${SPARK}\")' >> /home/${USER}/install-user.R"
sudo runuser -l ${USER} -c 'R CMD BATCH /home/'${USER}'/install-user.R'
echo " Done "
echo "*****************************************"
echo "RStudio Server is only installed on the master node. This is a slave."
exit 0;
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