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Last active May 2, 2024 21:49
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Trading using Python — Relative Strength Index (RSI)
# data: dictionary { 'dd/mm/yyy': price, 'dd/mm/yyyy': price, ... }
def relativeStrengthIndex(data, num):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise Exception('Dictionary input expected')
if not isinstance(num, int):
raise Exception('Integer input expected')
if num < 7 or num > 21:
raise Exception('Unusual numeric input detected')
if (num > len(data)):
raise Exception('Insufficient data for calculation')
result = {}
last_price = -1
gains_losses_list = []
for x in range(len(data_list)):
if (last_price != -1):
diff = round((data_list[x] - last_price), 2)
if (diff > 0):
gains_losses = [ data_list[x], diff, 0 ]
elif (diff < 0):
gains_losses = [ data_list[x], 0, abs(diff) ]
gains_losses = [ data_list[x], 0, 0 ]
sum_gains = 0
sum_losses = 0
avg_gains = 0
avg_losses = 0
if (x == num):
series = gains_losses_list[-num::]
for y in series:
sum_gains += y[1]
sum_losses += y[2]
avg_gains = sum_gains / num
avg_losses = sum_losses / num
rs = avg_gains / avg_losses
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))
last_gain_avg = avg_gains
last_loss_avg = avg_losses
result[data_keys[x]] = round(rsi, 2)
if (x > num):
current_list = gains_losses_list[-1::]
current_gain = current_list[0][1]
current_loss = current_list[0][2]
current_gains_avg = (last_gain_avg * (num - 1) + current_gain) / num
current_losses_avg = (last_loss_avg * (num - 1) + current_loss) / num
rs = current_gains_avg / current_losses_avg
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))
last_gain_avg = current_gains_avg
last_loss_avg = current_losses_avg
result[data_keys[x]] = round(rsi, 2)
last_price = data_list[x]
return result
data = cbpGetHistoricRates('BTC-GBP', 86400)
rsi14 = relativeStrengthIndex(data, 14)
print (rsi14)
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