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Created May 7, 2018 15:01
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meteor-in-docker production - build script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Builds the docker image used in deployments.
# - embedding most files inside the image
# - turning on compilation and optimization
# - this requires the dev image as a tool (will pull it if not already available)
# This WILL wipe out any previous build and replace with a new one
# fetch build info to embed in the image
branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
commit=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
[ -z "`git status -s`" ] || untracked='+untracked'
repo=`basename -s .git \`git config --get remote.origin.url\``
BUILD_TS=`date -Iseconds`
echo "-- build $BUILD_ID on $BUILD_TS"
# dev image is our docker hub public image
# outuput imaeg is our private app image
# output dir must be a full path, as we later mount it as a docker volume
rm -rf $output_dir
mkdir -p $output_dir
# home dir for the builder is mounted, to provide a cache for meteor files between builds
mkdir -p $home_dir
# we do dep install + bundle build as part of this bash script,
# NOT inside the multi-stage dockerfile because:
# - we can mount code+meteor files here on run,
# whereas on build we could only ADD them (slowly copying them to the daemon)
echo "-- install dependencies"
docker run --rm \
--volume="${PWD}":/app \
--volume="$home_dir":/home/meteor \
$docker_img_dev meteor npm install
# A few things to note
# - we use the dev container to build the prod image, to bypass host setup completely
# - we use `docker run` instead of `docker-compose` because build host might not have docker-compose
# - we set `METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER` because host might be running this as root
# - we mount user /home/meteor, to provide a cache for meteor files between builds
echo "-- build meteor dump"
docker run --rm \
--volume="${PWD}":/app \
--volume="$home_dir":/home/meteor \
--volume="$output_dir":/build \
$docker_img_dev meteor build --directory /build \
&& cp Dockerfile $output_dir/Dockerfile \
&& echo "-- build docker container $docker_img_prod" \
&& docker build --build-arg BUILD_ID=$BUILD_ID --build-arg BUILD_TS=$BUILD_TS -t $docker_img_prod $output_dir
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