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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Modify MBostocks Canvas example to have Points

This example uses d3.behavior.zoom with pre-projected geometry for map panning and zooming, in conjunction with dynamic simplification and viewport clipping. This approach is quite fast, but more work to implement than an SVG transform.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
canvas {
background: #eee;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var width = 960,
height = 960;
var scale,
area; // minimum area threshold for simplification
var clip = d3.geo.clipExtent()
.extent([[0, 0], [width, height]]);
var simplify = d3.geo.transform({
point: function(x, y, z) {
if (z >= area) * scale + translate[0], y * scale + translate[1]);
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.translate([0, 0])
.scaleExtent([1, 15]);
var canvas ="body").append("canvas")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
context.lineJoin = "round";
context.lineCap = "round";
var path = d3.geo.path()
.projection({stream: function(s) { return; }})
// Added Funcitons to process Points. Note that clip2 requires a different clip window.
// Does this mean that the projection somehow begins in the middle?
var mercator = d3.geo.mercator()
.translate([960 / 2, 960 / 2])
.scale((960 - 1) / 2 / Math.PI);
var clip2 = d3.geo.clipExtent()
.extent([[-(width/2), -(height/2)], [width, height]]);
//.extent([[0,0], [width, height]]);
var simplify2 = d3.geo.transform({
point: function(x, y, z) { x * scale + translate[0]/2.75 , y *scale - translate[1]);
var pointpath = d3.geo.path()
.projection( {stream: function(s) { return (; }} )
//.projection( {stream: function(s) { return (; }} )
// Use queue
queue().defer(d3.json, "world.json")
.defer(d3.csv, "Samples.csv",type)
function makemap(error, world, samples) {
//function to create feature colelciton from features
to_fc = function(feats) {return {type: "FeatureCollection", features: feats}};
var sphere = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.sphere),
land = topojson.feature(world,,
boundary = topojson.mesh(world, world.objects.countries, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }),
samplecollection = to_fc(samples);
.call(zoom.on("zoom", zoomed))
function zoomed() {
translate = zoom.translate();
scale = zoom.scale();
area = 1 / scale / scale;
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);;
context.fillStyle = "#fff";
context.fillStyle = "LightGrey";
context.strokeStyle = "#fff";
// This section will add the point features (samplepoints)
// using a special pathdrawing construct (pointpath))
context.strokeStyle = "Blue";
//apply this to each csvfile
function type(d) {
return {
type: "Feature",
properties: {
name: d.SampleCode,
geotype: d.Geotype,
count: d.PI_count,
size: 5000
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [+d.Longitude, +d.Latitude]
}"height", height + "px");
rm -rf -- %(GENERATED_FILES)
.PHONY: all clean
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
curl -o $@ '$(notdir $@)'
build/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp: build/
unzip -d $(dir $@) $<
touch $@
world.json: build/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp sphere.json
node_modules/.bin/topojson \
-q 1e5 \
--projection='width = 960, height = 960, d3.geo.mercator() \
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]) \
.scale((width - 1) / 2 / Math.PI)' \
-- \
countries=build/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp \
sphere=sphere.json | \
node_modules/.bin/topojson-merge \
--io countries \
--oo land \
-o $@
"name": "anonymous",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"topojson": "1"
SampleCode Latitude Longitude Size Geotype
AZ01 33.35806 -111.32721 61730.29929 a
AZ02 33.43775 -111.30519 166147.6412 a
AZ03 34.21755 -109.22896 118075.4937 a
AZ04 34.53717 -110.09396 314878.8177 a
AZ05 34.56431 -110.38235 705157.953 a
AZ06 35.04198 -110.38687 395845.0444 a
AZ07 35.10607 -111.30835 548069.8453 a
AZ08 34.51915 -111.46603 908447.015 a
AZ09 34.44321 -111.47303 786101.567 a
AZ10 34.39214 -111.45026 328140.8969 a
AZ11 34.38891 -111.45797 220013.9831 a
AZ12 34.36824 -111.50876 109339.0167 a
AZ13 34.33726 -111.54618 216857.2687 a
AZ14 34.23854 -112.03839 930399.6721 a
AZ15 34.16685 -112.06871 250517.3247 a
AZ16 33.28233 -111.28156 722120.5044 a
AZ17 33.29682 -111.2785 181173.2445 a
AZ18 33.20114 -111.40992 213780.0541 a
AZ19 33.11833 -111.39158 169320.6548 a
AZ20 33.11647 -111.51023 728513.7554 a
AZ21 33.27089 -111.45057 285363.4632 a
AZ22 33.30591 -111.44886 709788.6403 a
AZ23 33.40036 -111.41787 202284.1225 a
AZ24 31.96724 -111.09028 906009.0013 a
AZ25 31.95468 -110.91076 138432.507 a
AZ26 32.22389 -111.01674 175632.6013 a
AZ27 32.22389 -111.10163 933857.3797 a
AZ28 32.40247 -111.19073 760931.9761 a
AZ29 32.73455 -111.48723 421853.4191 a
AZ31 32.95157 -111.68881 776247.9895 a
AZ32 33.36074 -112.18619 250230.4569 a
AZ33 33.66005 -112.58229 596284.2142 a
NM01 31.78799 -106.681299 199142.9663 a
NM02 32.174912 -106.668377 887850.1704 a
NM03 32.550983 -106.920216 170421.3152 a
NM04 32.897472 -107.311575 50109.49519 b
NM05 33.620577 -107.137356 419880.8765 b
NM06 34.254182 -106.904894 171686.2272 b
NM07 34.351912 -106.881421 883272.0028 b
NM08 34.849193 -106.726914 832018.6754 b
NM09 35.20139 -106.54953 377932.143 b
NM10 35.515806 -106.22414 24283.84469 b
NM11 35.843316 -105.989859 399537.7848 b
NM12 36.208213 -105.960028 128943.6298 b
NM13 36.266537 -105.794279 222245.0913 b
NM14 36.330232 -105.673837 294781.8212 b
NM15 36.319716 -105.610656 560224.9692 b
NM16 36.596725 -105.462796 704384.1645 b
NM17 34.494071 -105.635306 769554.8486 b
NM18 36.535331 -105.708987 841092.5819 b
NM19 36.683192 -105.510598 199189.5669 b
NM20 36.995935 -105.522159 888225.2829 b
NM21 36.356589 -105.607623 105736.9972 b
NE01 41.99573 -72.12707 697916.032 b
NE02 41.99573 -72.12707 125439.0534 b
NE03 41.99573 -72.1268 831551.6471 b
NE04 42.70706 -71.06933 397328.5668 b
NE06 43.67925 -70.2649 259468.8337 b
NE07 43.67925 -70.2649 262030.2608 b
NE08 43.77292 -70.13171 220150.264 b
NE09 43.77292 -70.13171 639114.5837 b
NE10 43.87128 -69.91389 791714.8454 b
NE11 43.71785 -70.0026 547196.3934 b
NE12 44.22283 -69.04369 495090.1301 b
NE13 44.22033 -69.05127 116400.4809 b
NE14 44.42868 -68.9884 69990.5666 b
NE17 44.60818 -67.39812 953311.0728 b
NE18 44.60818 -67.39812 368923.324 b
NE19 44.76442 -67.52693 237621.3878 b
NE20 44.76442 -67.52693 425010.5284 b
NE21 44.81775 -67.31612 813112.3248 b
NE22 44.96294 -68.9067 306912.3669 b
NE23 45.204 -69.37175 401400.651 b
NE24 45.51657 -69.67851 979447.4139 b
NE25 45.65195 -69.74537 806011.171 b
NE26 45.62211 -69.83631 46518.20174 b
NE27 45.62245 -69.8368 993999.2437 b
NE28 45.16833 -69.98354 770287.0019 b
NE29 44.58397 -70.33955 414634.7364 c
NE30 44.49235 -70.64126 740871.0031 c
NE31A 44.34007 -71.21779 527552.995 c
NE31B 44.34007 -71.21779 988640.8447 c
NE31C 44.34007 -71.21779 128798.7849 c
NE31D 44.34007 -71.21779 595789.9773 c
NE31E 44.34007 -71.21779 822601.7713 c
NE31G 44.34007 -71.21779 175551.0644 c
NE31H 44.34007 -71.21779 653278.1495 c
NE31F 44.34007 -71.21779 306885.303 c
NE32 44.0006 -71.2287 188549.5406 c
NE34 43.2996 -71.60166 216414.6718 c
NE35 43.28898 -71.59154 520959.6831 c
AK01 60.181583 -149.639933 40312.65276 c
AK02 60.152383 -149.436067 495859.6336 c
AK03 60.074783 -149.438433 249038.239 c
AK04 60.12105 -149.448 328484.0693 c
AK05 60.356617 -149.349717 145231.5677 c
AK06 60.4119 -149.383583 488960.0257 c
AK07 60.530033 -149.556033 553046.0309 c
AK08 60.530167 -149.5557 940270.442 c
AK09 60.530067 -149.555883 964657.8102 c
AK10 60.530117 -149.555633 464529.0702 c
AK11 60.530117 -149.5559 736687.9253 c
AK12 60.471167 -150.469917 461045.9958 c
AK13 60.471333 -150.46965 449090.3598 c
AK14 60.54205 -150.744117 598502.8177 c
AK15 60.523683 -150.6135 683271.1639 c
AK16 60.5325 -150.398633 147485.1889 c
AK17 60.48575 -150.0759 438498.2835 c
AK18 60.48815 -149.949433 932604.1063 c
AK19 60.646833 -149.464133 414626.8424 c
AK20 60.736667 -149.458 714490.0363 c
AK21 60.7734 -149.225167 353170.2588 c
AK22 60.77305 -149.224333 332643.5159 c
AK23 60.845533 -148.990667 371746.0757 d
AK24 60.845867 -148.991167 167220.5801 d
AK25 62.322467 -150.122017 882316.9329 d
AK26 62.172917 -150.119317 953724.594 d
AK27 62.217833 -150.161817 320452.3146 d
AK28 62.042317 -150.042317 690347.6346 d
AK29 61.92305 -150.07295 259041.8236 d
AK30 61.9227 -150.073467 147976.2561 d
AK31 61.829517 -150.072033 710014.9181 d
AK32 61.7292 -150.0841 133096.7368 d
AK33 61.571067 -149.825367 41219.89087 d
AK34 61.554 -149.81345 566796.1771 d
AK35 61.483483 -149.2524 203553.4166 d
AK36 61.483717 -149.25215 964786.5097 d
AK37 61.408883 -149.134683 228769.3882 d
AK38 61.409017 -149.134883 425196.5891 d
AK39 61.411 -149.148167 51459.88669 d
AK40 61.2463 -149.5368 323367.1246 d
AK41 61.243583 -149.539833 639302.6832 d
AK42 61.2362 -149.609667 828490.7715 d
AK43 61.232267 -149.667117 424763.6739 d
AK44 61.2026 -150.021233 372986.1704 d
AK45 61.201833 -150.022017 325238.8464 d
AK46 61.2026 -150.021233 533059.8124 d
AK47 61.143 -150.023 485929.517 d
AK48 61.142667 -150.02195 493636.6063 d
AK49 61.1444 -150.016817 215738.6182 d
AK50 61.143283 -149.796133 413059.236 d
AK51 61.02995 -149.76185 400383.5073 d
AK52 61.03065 -149.762417 864506.1146 d
AU01 -37.6798 145.7934 856314.1924 d
AZ50 31.897623 -106.574 865832.422 d
AZ51 32.360097 -107.033 158057.9253 d
AZ52 32.229806 -108.083212 292822.6116 d
AZ53 32.191466 -109.923798 319429.0244 d
AZ54 32.04112 -110.0908 254964.7428 d
AZ55 32.012737 -110.695 219940.1805 d
AZ56 32.155281 -110.734281 114655.0511 d
AZ57 32.423868 -111.02763 911763.729 d
AZ58 33.726593 -112.00487 752653.5094 d
AZ59 33.698688 -111.951108 832517.2099 d
BR13617 9.7382 -83.3456 352242.7319 d
BM01 9.7382 -83.3456 397209.4039 d
CH01 40.8392 111.39 786375.5748 d
CH02 31.442 120.703 789323.7461 d
CH03 30.305 120.085167 960030.5956 d
CH04 31.5901 120.2518 666443.6622 d
CH05 32.15 118.95 89371.55915 d
CH06 35.221567 113.168067 696047.2708 d
CH07 32.073233 118.558817 782394.4254 d
CH08 32.0481 118.6002 260919.3444 d
CR01 9.5792 -83.898 12994.38049 d
CR02 10.6798 -83.79978 759844.404 d
CR03 9.3333 -83.22345 189342.1889 d
CR04 9.3333 -83.5555 958945.7533 d
DA01 32.6789 -96.8899 544346.635 d
DA02 32.78 -96.78 618561.4442 d
DA03 32.9999 -96.67789 902153.9156 d
DR01 19.809 -70.721167 976414.6568 d
DR02 19.816667 -70.721667 13222.08139 d
DR03 19.743333 -70.721 208172.9283 d
DR04 19.826667 -70.7255 9602.632333 d
DR05 19.831667 -70.725167 112975.9852 d
DR06 19.82 -70.723333 661074.4758 d
DR07 19.8185 -70.723167 304603.7406 d
DR08 19.818333 -70.723667 397461.3818 d
EC01 -2.79069 -78.767777 401554.5899 d
EC02 -2.79069 -78.767777 194086.4542 d
FL01 24.656813 -81.515831 269271.7449 d
FL02 24.7297825 -81.001268 284045.6142 d
HI01 21.294983 -157.660633 310490.3694 d
HI02 21.39065 -157.748233 628889.5973 d
HI03 21.682717 -157.953017 456367.6853 d
HI04 21.411583 -157.7862 39041.5595 d
HI05 21.3609 -157.805817 505462.2142 d
HI06 21.57655 -158.269867 208141.6952 d
HI07 21.407983 -157.824733 367754.3325 d
HI08 21.571867 -158.107533 100695.0778 d
HI09 21.5713 -158.2102 936845.3889 d
HI10 21.57565 -158.2699 168564.2451 d
HS01 34.51897 -105.87574 615366.3554 d
HS02 34.51897 -105.87574 532819.6095 d
HS03 34.518974 -105.87574 1962.616138 d
HS04 33.130046 -107.253058 275588.2532 d
HS05 35.777038 -106.690741 225969.1471 d
HS06 35.849327 -106.699868 977339.838 d
HS07 34.518974 -105.87574 930283.7948 d
IN01 17.65535 78.723967 86140.60529 d
IN02 14.212133 76.410083 91296.15571 d
IN03 29.056074 77.354816 697601.4895 d
IN04 29.054431 77.345001 975021.2182 d
NC01 35.234 -77.5643 659811.558 d
NC02 35.1894 -77.567 893323.5108 d
NJ01 39.8721 -75.111 273162.2288 d
NY01 41.79287 -74.33073 243817.2419 d
NY02 41.79189 -74.30701 925309.0091 d
NY03 41.7476 -74.26419 908083.4838 e
NY04 41.73763 -74.22292 929830.3234 e
NY05 41.73562 -74.19284 130022.945 e
NY06 41.74558 -74.12951 44595.61616 e
NY07 41.75281 -74.09241 145537.7268 e
NY08 40.7501 -72.084733 825957.581 e
OR01 45.569833 -121.306667 627134.1486 e
OR02 45.5695 -121.875167 985972.4752 e
OR03 45.5525 -121.845833 998542.5681 e
OR04 45.725333 -122.413667 352885.5483 e
OR05 45.742667 -122.362 44098.90162 e
OR07 45.7425 -122.343333 507028.3689 e
OR08 45.686667 -120.607167 571346.0257 e
OR09 45.59 -120.8295 960156.3531 e
OR10 45.658667 -119.16 837346.2928 e
OR11 45.841667 -118.307 541306.3653 e
OR12 45.7525 -118.798167 835091.8451 e
OR13 45.935667 -118.480333 855865.8401 e
OR14 45.94 -118.393833 110094.4871 e
OR15 45.7535 -119.393167 369528.791 e
OR16 45.6885 -119.194667 117273.6327 e
OR17 45.485805 -120.780333 421812.2086 e
OR18 45.541333 -121.441 826815.9494 e
OR19 45.542667 -120.442333 992111.6814 e
OR20 45.507333 -121.39 981136.4138 e
OR21 45.507333 -121.411167 435404.4249 e
OR22 45.507333 -122.045167 817218.4372 e
OR23 45.506833 -121.059333 111408.5858 e
OR24 45.555667 -120.761167 318038.8856 e
OR25 45.555667 -120.761167 890168.0423 e
OR27 45.555667 -120.761167 294499.6132 e
OR28 45.555667 -120.761167 289701.1699 e
OR31 45.555667 -120.761167 922563.9003 e
OR36 45.555667 -120.761167 917394.0314 e
OR41 45.555667 -120.761167 543826.7105 e
PA01 40.345 -75.8372 78079.87811 e
SA02 -29.875241 30.964849 796607.5476 e
SA03 -29.872257 30.97226 680560.6341 e
SA04 -29.88279 30.991871 652605.0725 e
SA05 -29.830012 31.022862 965620.1705 e
SA06 -29.816958 30.941728 428832.5593 e
SA07 -29.5434 30.5535 995606.7855 e
SA08 -29.738887 30.604118 277689.0192 e
SA09 -29.715141 30.501165 473168.5126 e
SA10 -29.734208 30.60539 483224.3062 e
TZ05 -2.45 34.678 539273.8156 e
TZ06 -2.56 34.5667 948037.1541 e
TZ09 -2.23 34.432 626305.4382 e
TZ12 -2.34 34.532 924257.8683 e
BR01 -21.6107 -47.6307 947268.915 e
BR02 -21.643833 -47.644667 502833.1999 e
BR03 -21.6487 -47.6396 41724.81084 e
BR04 -21.648767 -47.639933 806358.3861 e
BR05 -21.692417 -47.60855 348591.1837 e
BR06 -21.694083 -47.615533 461740.6556 e
BR07 -21.73895 -47.6594 178621.4828 e
BR08 -21.72755 -47.649933 793796.4877 e
BR09 -21.730167 -47.612883 994475.5787 e
BR10 -21.726917 -47.611 222158.4534 e
BR11 -21.7225 -47.596717 599478.5655 e
BR12 -21.728733 -47.583833 844766.3562 e
BR13 -22.965167 -42.001 529188.1302 e
BR14 -22.9705 -42.032833 3483.318856 e
BR15 -22.984833 -41.990833 760690.6066 e
BR16 -22.960833 -42.004 391838.7514 e
BR17 -22.9681 -41.9942 301128.9918 e
BR18 -22.980617 -41.983967 27448.61557 e
BR19 -18.290983 -49.2583 935134.1755 e
BR20 -18.290983 -49.2583 920364.9851 e
BR21 -18.290983 -49.2583 908495.2576 e
BR22 -22.92075 -42.038167 335427.9341 e
BR23 -22.820567 -42.153833 574773.0418 e
BR24 -22.9418 -42.041833 354410.3364 e
BR25 -22.726083 -41.966833 931354.2182 e
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