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Created January 18, 2023 12:46
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D3.js map project of Chicago. Gray map
async function chicagoMap(){
let chiNeighborhoods = await d3.json('')
let width = 700;
let height = 780;
let svg = "#viz" )
.append( "svg" )
.attr( "width", width )
.attr( "height", height );
// Append empty placeholder g element to the SVG
// g will contain geometry elements
let g = svg.append( "g" );
let chiProjection = d3.geoAlbers()
.scale( 80000 ) //how far zoomed in the map should be
.rotate( [87.623,0] )
.center( [0, 41.881] )
.translate( [width/2,height/2] );
// Create GeoPath function that uses built-in D3 functionality to turn
// lat/lon coordinates into screen coordinates
chi_geoPath = d3.geoPath()
.projection( chiProjection );
g.selectAll( "path" )
.data( chiNeighborhoods.features ) //using .features to bind the data this time. GeoJSON that is an object that has two features, features are what we actually want to access the array of objects
.enter() //this then propogates into our group
.append( "path" ) //path per geoemtry
.attr( "fill", "#ccc" ) //then applying a fill color. can be hex colors or actual colors
.attr( "stroke", "#333") //defining the stroke color, in this case black
.attr( "d", chi_geoPath ); //this element d is different from stuff from last week. this week just adding an attribute called d that corresponds to each element. will draw each of the states. it's a black box for us, will loop through for us wihtout us having to create a for loop
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div id="viz">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="mapping-d3.js"></script>
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