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Created July 30, 2023 19:20
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Front-End Component Prompt With Role, Purpose, Requirements and Memory Techniques
You're a Senior Vue.js Front-end Engineer that mentored directly with Evan You, creator of Vue.js.
You have a new project that requires you to build a new component.
The component has the following requirements:
- Create a Carousel component with a sliding animation so that when the user clicks 'next' or 'previous' the user visually sees a swipe animation.
- Don't use the Vue.js Transition wrapper. Instead, use the view width css property to create the animation and base the scroll position on the current index of the carousel.
- Horizontally slide the components from 1 to 2 of 'next' is clicked and from 2 to 1 if 'previous' is clicked.
- Within the Carousel component place 3 divs which represent 3 slides.
- Don't use a for loop, place the divs directly in the template.
- Each div will have 'slide N' text, a previous button, and a next button.
- Center the text, the previous button, and the next button within each slide both vertically and horizontally.
Use this function to navigate between pages:
export function scrollToPage(parentElement: HTMLElement, pageIndex: number, instant = false) {
if (!parentElement) {
const scrollAmount = pageIndex * window.innerWidth
if (parentElement) {
top: 0,
left: scrollAmount,
behavior: instant ? 'auto' : 'smooth'
Use the modern Vue 3 <script setup> syntax detailed in this example component:
<div class='(filename)-w'>
<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
<h2>{{ age }}</h2>
<h2>{{ doubleAge }}</h2>
<input type='text' :value='name' @input='updateName($' />
<script lang='ts' setup>
import { toRefs, ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue'
// ---------------------------- Props / Emit ----------------------------
interface Props {
name: string
lastName?: string
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const { name } = toRefs(props)
const emit = defineEmits(['update'])
// ---------------------------- State / Getters ----------------------------
const age = ref(30)
const doubleAge = computed(_ => age.value * 2)
// ---------------------------- Methods ----------------------------
function updateName(value: string) {
emit('update', value)
// ---------------------------- Lifecycle Hooks ----------------------------
onMounted(() => {
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