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Python Code for adding posts to WordPress remotely
import urllib
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods import posts
import xmlrpclib
from wordpress_xmlrpc.compat import xmlrpc_client
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods import media, posts
import os
########################### Read Me First ###############################
------------------------------------------In DETAIL--------------------------------
Add new posts to WordPress remotely using Python using XMLRPC library provided by the WordPress.
Installation Requirement
Verify you meet the following requirements
Install Python 2.7 (Don't download 3+, as most libraries dont yet support version 3).
Install from PyPI using easy_install python-wordpress-xmlrpc
Easy_Install Link:
Windows Installation Guide
-Download and Install Easy_Install from above Link -Extract Downloaded File and from CMD go to the extracted directory and run 'python install'. This will install easy_install. -Go to %/python27/script and run following command easy_install python-wordpress-xmlrpc
Ubuntu Installation Guide
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install python-wordpress-xmlrpc
Note: Script has its dummy data to work initially which you can change or integrate with your code easily for making it more dynamic.
For Bugs/Suggestions
------------------------------------------In DETAIL--------------------------------
class Custom_WP_XMLRPC:
def post_article(self,wpUrl,wpUserName,wpPassword,articleTitle, articleCategories, articleContent, articleTags,PhotoUrl):
#Download File
f = open(self.path,'wb')
#Upload to WordPress
client = Client(self.wpUrl,self.wpUserName,self.wpPassword)
filename = self.path
# prepare metadata
data = {'name': 'picture.jpg','type': 'image/jpg',}
# read the binary file and let the XMLRPC library encode it into base64
with open(filename, 'rb') as img:
data['bits'] = xmlrpc_client.Binary(
response =
attachment_id = response['id']
post = WordPressPost()
post.title = articleTitle
post.content = articleContent
post.terms_names = { 'post_tag': articleTags,'category': articleCategories}
post.post_status = 'publish'
post.thumbnail = attachment_id =
print 'Post Successfully posted. Its Id is: ',
# POST & Wp Credentials Detail #
#Url of Image on the internet
# Dont forget the /xmlrpc.php cause thats your posting adress for XML Server
#WordPress Username
#WordPress Password
#Post Title
articleTitle='Testing Python Script version 3'
#Post Body/Description
articleContent='Final .... Testing Fully Automated'
#list of tags
#list of Categories
# Creating Class object & calling the xml rpc custom post Function
xmlrpc_object = Custom_WP_XMLRPC()
#On Post submission this function will print the post id
xmlrpc_object.post_article(wpUrl,wpUserName,wpPassword,articleTitle, articleCategories, articleContent, articleTags,ariclePhotoUrl)
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This is amazing! Was looking for a simple Python script like this!

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Where i found wordpress_xmlrpc module

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What can I do for some custom fields given by theme or plugin? How can I fill those fields?

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@imsurajkadam did you find something for your problem??

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What can I do for some custom fields given by theme or plugin? How can I fill those fields?

@imsurajkadam You can check the Wordpress API documentation for a function or method that return the id of the custom field and add that call to the class. Maybe also check the documentation or code of the theme/plugin to identify the custom field.

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