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Created March 10, 2012 18:22
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cfldap and user authentication on Active Directory
<cfparam name="isAuthenticated" default="false">
<cfparam name="logindomain" default="domain">
<cfparam name="ldapServer" default="">
<cfparam name="dcStart" default="DC=domain,DC=co,DC=uk">
<cfif IsDefined("form.username") AND form.username is not "" AND IsDefined("form.password") AND form.password is not "">
<cfldap action="QUERY"
<cfset isAuthenticated="true">
<cfcatch type="ANY">
<cfset isAuthenticated="no">
<cfif isAuthenticated>
<p>You are authenticated: #isauthenticated#
<p>Get out foul beast!
<form action="#cgi.script_name#" method="POST">
<p>Enter a your login and pwd to see if you authenticate
<p>Username #logindomain#\<input type="Text" name="username" <cfif (IsDefined("form.username") AND form.username is not "")>value="#form.username#"</cfif>>
<br>password<input type="password" name="password" <cfif (IsDefined("form.password") AND form.password is not "")>value="#form.password#"</cfif>>
<br><input type="Submit" value="Login" name="">
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Kevinsky86 commented Mar 11, 2020

I've found that this script works as is on a Windows based Coldfusion box against a Zentyal DC.
CentOS Lucee seems to want a filter attribute in cfldap as well. "cn=" in my case for same Zentyal DC.

Script works on both platforms with filter attribute.

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Works great to authenticate the user.
How can I use this to get the cn?
I would like it to say "You are authenticated 'CN'"

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