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Created January 31, 2023 17:19
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def merge_sort(array: list):
length = len(array)
buff = [0 for _ in range(length)]
def merge_sort_master(start_index, finish_index):
size = finish_index - start_index + 1
if size < 2:
size //= 2
merge_sort_master(start_index, start_index + size - 1)
merge_sort_master(start_index + size, finish_index)
index = start_index
left_index = start_index
right_index = start_index + size
while left_index <= start_index + size - 1 and right_index <= finish_index:
if array[left_index] < array[right_index]:
buff[index] = array[left_index]
left_index += 1
buff[index] = array[right_index]
right_index += 1
index += 1
while left_index <= start_index + size - 1:
buff[index] = array[left_index]
left_index += 1
index += 1
while right_index <= finish_index:
buff[index] = array[right_index]
right_index += 1
index += 1
for i in range(start_index, finish_index+1):
array[i] = buff[i]
merge_sort_master(0, length - 1)
return array
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