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Last active April 2, 2022 14:02
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Everything you need to know about RAM Bundling & Inline requires


Few things to know

  • Using RAM bundling can worsen your load time to a screen that has components that have not yet loaded because it needs to natively reach for the file in-memory
  • Make sure to use modulePaths to set the essential JS files in the first load
  • Preloading before navigating might be a good idea?
const getLoadedModules = () => {
  const modules = require.getModules();
  const moduleIds = Object.keys(modules);

  const loadedModuleNames = moduleIds
    .filter((moduleId) => modules[moduleId].isInitialized)
    .map((moduleId) => modules[moduleId].verboseName);
  const waitingModuleNames = moduleIds
    .filter((moduleId) => !modules[moduleId].isInitialized)
    .map((moduleId) => modules[moduleId].verboseName);

  // make sure that the modules you expect to be waiting are actually waiting

  // grab this text blob, and put it in a file named packager/modulePaths.js
    `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(loadedModuleNames.sort(), null, 2)};`,

Module example:

const module = {
  dependencyMap: [2, 7, 494, 495, 493],
  factory: ['Function anonymous'],
  hasError: false,
  hot: {
    _acceptCallback: null,
    _didAccept: false,
    _disposeCallback: null,
    accept: ['Function accept'],
    dispose: ['Function dispose'],
  importedAll: {},
  importedDefault: {},
  isInitialized: true,
  publicModule: {
    exports: {},
    hot: {
      _acceptCallback: null,
      _didAccept: false,
      _disposeCallback: null,
      accept: ['Function accept'],
      dispose: ['Function dispose'],
    id: 0,
  verboseName: 'index.tsx',

Some strategies to adopt:

  • Use inline requires for the navigator screen components?

You can use "getComponent"

  getComponent={() => require('./ProfileScreen').default}

But what about all of the imports happening at a highlevel? How do we map what's necessary versus what's not?

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