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Last active July 27, 2020 15:53
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  • Save Birdie0/5830535877a94ab772efeb897e58e0e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Birdie0/5830535877a94ab772efeb897e58e0e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reddit.rss to Discord filter code + parser
// ==========
// ==========
// set to false if you want to filter text, link or posts without preview
const textPosts: boolean = true
const linkPosts: boolean = true
const noPicPosts: boolean = true
// Trigger Data
// !!! Feed.newFeedItem === Trigger
const entryTitle: string = Trigger.EntryTitle
const entryUrl: string = Trigger.EntryUrl
const entryAuthor: string = Trigger.EntryAuthor
const entryContent: string = Trigger.EntryContent
const entryImageUrl: string = Trigger.EntryImageUrl
const entryPublished: string = Trigger.EntryPublished
const feedTitle: string = Trigger.FeedTitle
const feedUrl: string = Trigger.FeedUrl
const currentUserTime: moment.Moment = Meta.currentUserTime
const triggerTime: moment.Moment = Meta.triggerTime
let body: {
username?: string,
avatar_url?: string,
content?: string,
embeds?: {
color?: string | number,
author?: { name: string, url?: string, icon_url?: string },
title?: string,
url?: string,
description?: string,
fields?: { name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean }[],
image?: { url: string },
thumbnail?: { url: string },
footer?: { text: string, icon_url?: string },
timestamp?: string | moment.Moment
tts?: boolean,
allowed_mentions?: {
parse?: ("everyone" | "roles" | "users")[],
roles?: string[],
users?: string[]
} = {}
if (entryContent.indexOf("<table>") === 0) { // link post
if (!linkPosts) { MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.skip("skipped link post!") }
const data: RegExpMatchArray = entryContent.match(/^<table> <tr><td> <a href="(\S+)"> <img src="(\S+)" alt="(.+)" title="(.+)" \/> <\/a> <\/td><td> &#32; submitted by &#32; <a href="(\S+)"> \/u\/(\S+) <\/a>(?: &#32; to &#32; <a href="(\S+)"> r\/(\S+) <\/a>)? <br\/> <span><a href="(\S+)">\[link\]<\/a><\/span> &#32; <span><a href="(\S+)">\[comments\]<\/a><\/span> <\/td><\/tr><\/table>$/)
if (!data) { MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.skip("error") }
const feedUrl: string = data[1]
const thumbnailUrl: string = data[2]
const thumbnailAlt: string = data[3]
const thumbnailTitle: string = data[4] // same as data[3]
const authorUrl: string = data[5]
const authorName: string = data[6]
const subredditUrl: string = data[7] || `${data[10].match(/reddit\.com\/r\/(.+?)\//i)[1]}`
const subredditName: string = data[8] || data[10].match(/reddit\.com\/r\/(.+?)\//i)[1]
const postUrl: string = data[9]
const commentsUrl: string = data[10] // same as data[1]
body = { // EDITABLE-BEGIN!!!
embeds: [{
author: {
name: authorName.slice(0, 256),
url: authorUrl
title: entryTitle.slice(0, 256),
url: entryUrl,
image: {
url: postUrl
footer: {
text: `r/${subredditName}`,
icon_url: ""
color: 0xFF4500
} else if (entryContent.indexOf("<!-- SC_OFF -->") === 0) { // text post
if (!textPosts) { MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.skip("skipped text post!") }
const data: RegExpMatchArray = entryContent.match(/^<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md">(.+) <\/div><!-- SC_ON --> &#32; submitted by &#32; <a href="(\S+)"> \/u\/(\S+) <\/a>(?: &#32; to &#32; <a href="(\S+)"> r\/(\S+) <\/a>)? <br\/> <span><a href="(\S+)">\[link\]<\/a><\/span> &#32; <span><a href="(\S+)">\[comments\]<\/a><\/span>$/)
if (!data) { MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.skip("error") }
const postContent: string = data[1].replace(/<\/?strong>/g, "**")
.replace(/<\/?em>/g, "*")
.replace(/<\/?del>/g, "~~")
.replace(/<\/?sup>/g, "__")
.replace(/<a href="(\S+?)">(.+?)<\/a>/g, "[$2]($1)")
.replace(/<\/?blockquote>/g, "```\n")
.replace(/<\/?code>/g, "`")
.replace(/<li>/g, "• ")
.replace(/<\/p>/g, "\n")
.replace(/<.+?>/g, "")
const authorUrl: string = data[2]
const authorName: string = data[3]
const subredditUrl: string = data[4] || `${data[7].match(/reddit\.com\/r\/(.+?)\//i)[1]}`
const subredditName: string = data[5] || data[7].match(/reddit\.com\/r\/(.+?)\//)[1]
const commentsUrl: string = data[6]
const commentsUrl2: string = data[7]
body = { // EDITABLE-BEGIN!!!
embeds: [{
author: {
name: authorName.slice(0, 256),
url: authorUrl
title: entryTitle.slice(0, 256),
url: entryUrl,
description: postContent.slice(0, 2048),
footer: {
text: `r/${subredditName}`,
icon_url: ""
color: 0xFF4500
} else if (entryContent.indexOf("&#32; submitted by &#32;") === 0) { // no preview post
if (!noPicPosts) { MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.skip("skipped no pic post!") }
const data: RegExpMatchArray = entryContent.match(/^&#32; submitted by &#32; <a href="(\S+)"> \/u\/(\S+) <\/a>(?: &#32; to &#32; <a href="(\S+)"> r\/(\S+) <\/a>)? <br\/> <span><a href="(\S+)">\[link\]<\/a><\/span> &#32; <span><a href="(\S+)">\[comments\]<\/a><\/span>$/)
if (!data) { MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.skip("error") }
const authorUrl: string = data[1]
const authorName: string = data[2]
const subredditUrl: string = data[3] || `${data[6].match(/reddit\.com\/r\/(.+?)\//i)[1]}`
const subredditName: string = data[4] || data[6].match(/reddit\.com\/r\/(.+?)\//i)[1]
const postUrl: string = data[5]
const commentsUrl: string = data[6]
body = { // EDITABLE-BEGIN!!!
embeds: [{
author: {
name: authorName.slice(0, 256),
url: authorUrl
title: entryTitle.slice(0, 256),
url: entryUrl,
description: `[Link](${postUrl})`,
footer: {
text: `r/${subredditName}`,
icon_url: ""
color: 0xFF4500
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