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Created February 27, 2022 13:00
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import tactic
variables (P : Type) [partial_order P]
def presheaf : Type :=
{ s : P → Prop // ∀ a b, a ≤ b → s b → s a }
instance : has_coe_to_fun (presheaf P) (λ _, P → Prop) :=
@[simp] lemma presheaf.coe_mk (s : P → Prop) (hs : ∀ a b, a ≤ b → s b → s a) :
@coe_fn (presheaf P) _ _ (⟨s, hs⟩ : presheaf P) = s := rfl
instance : partial_order (presheaf P) :=
{ le := λ A B, ∀ x, A x → B x,
le_trans := λ A B C hAB hBC x hAx, hBC _ (hAB _ hAx),
le_refl := λ A x, id,
le_antisymm := λ A B hAB hBA, subtype.val_injective (funext $ λ x, propext ⟨hAB _, hBA _⟩) }
lemma presheaf.le_def {A B : presheaf P} : A ≤ B = ∀ x, A x → B x := rfl
instance : has_Inf (presheaf P) :=
{ Inf := λ s, ⟨λ p, ∀ A : presheaf P, A ∈ s → A p,
λ a b hab h A hAs, A.2 _ _ hab (h _ hAs)⟩ }
instance : complete_lattice (presheaf P) :=
complete_lattice_of_Inf _
(λ s, begin
{ dsimp [Inf, lower_bounds],
intros A hAs p h,
apply h,
exact hAs },
{ dsimp [Inf, upper_bounds, lower_bounds],
intros A h p hAp B hBs,
apply h,
exact hBs,
exact hAp }
lemma infi_def {ι : Sort*} (A : ι → presheaf P) :
infi A = ⟨λ p, ∀ i, A i p, λ x y hxy h i, (A i).2 _ y hxy (h i)⟩ :=
(infi_le_iff.2 (λ B h p hBp i, h i _ hBp))
(le_infi (λ i p h, h _))
variable {P}
def yoneda (a : P) : presheaf P :=
⟨λ b, b ≤ a, λ b c, le_trans⟩
def yoneda_le_iff (A : presheaf P) (p : P) : yoneda p ≤ A ↔ A p :=
simp [yoneda, presheaf.le_def],
{ intro h, apply h, exact le_rfl },
{ intros h x hxp,
apply A.2,
apply hxp,
exact h }
@[simp] lemma yoneda_mono {a b : P} : yoneda a ≤ yoneda b ↔ a ≤ b :=
rw yoneda_le_iff, refl,
lemma eq_supr (A : presheaf P) : A = ⨆ (p : P) (h : A p), yoneda p :=
apply le_antisymm; simp only [le_supr_iff, supr_le_iff, yoneda_le_iff],
{ intros B hB p,
exact hB p },
{ exact λ _, id }
variables {A : Type*} [complete_lattice A] (f : P → A) (hf : monotone f)
include hf
def ump : presheaf P → A :=
λ A, ⨆ (p : P) (h : A p), f p
lemma ump_supr {ι : Sort*} (a : ι → presheaf P) : ump f hf (supr a) = ⨆ i, ump f hf (a i) :=
apply le_antisymm,
simp only [ump, le_supr_iff, supr_le_iff],
{ intros x hx y hy,
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