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Created January 15, 2015 21:35
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A way to generate a color palette using base colors
$colors: (
primary: (
base: #063b6d
accent: (
base: #d40026
action: (
base: #4c7659
selection: (
base: #b22727
//Combines two color maps (or really any nested map)
@function combine_colors($map1, $map2){
@each $pal, $color in $map2{
$value: ($pal: $color);
$map1: map-merge($map1, $value);
@return $map1;
//Adds lighter, darker variations to color map
// 1. Gather variation names.
// 2. Define the lighten/darken percentages.
// 3. Get half the length of the varations for use later.
// 4. Loop through the pallets and colors of the map input.
// 5. Store the base color value that we'll add to throughout the next loop.
// 6. Loop through the variation names.
// 7. Grab the lighten/darken amount based on the loop iteration.
// 8. If the loop is over half done, switch from lighten to darken.
// 9. Create the variation and color definition in map format ("name": color).
//10. Merge the current base color map with the new variant map.
//11. Format the previous loops results into a nested map.
//12. Merge the input map with itself and the new nested map.
//13. Return the map with the new values.
@function generate_color_variations(
$variations: (light, lighter, lightest, dark, darker, darkest), //[1]
$increments: (10%, 20%, 30%, 10%, 20%, 40%) //[2]
$switch-variation: length($variations) / 2; //[3]
$new-map: $map !global;
@each $pal, $color in $map{ //[4]
$values-list: $color !global; //[5]
@each $variant in $variations { //[6]
$i: index($variations, $variant);
$amount: nth($increments, $i); //[7]
@if $tint == false{
@if $i > $switch-variation { //[8]
$new-color: darken(map-get($color, base), $amount) !global; //[8]
$new-color: lighten(map-get($color, base), $amount) !global; //[8]
@if $i > $switch-variation { //[8]
$new-color: shade(map-get($color, base), $amount) !global; //[8]
$new-color: tint(map-get($color, base), $amount) !global; //[8]
$value: ($variant: $new-color); //[9]
// This is required because sass maps are formatted as
// (first-level: ((second-level: value)) )
$values-list: map-merge($value, $values-list) !global; //[10]
$inner-map: ($pal:($values-list)); //[11]
$new-map: combine_colors($new-map, $inner-map) !global; //[12]
@return $new-map; //[13]
//Generate the variations.
$colors: generate_color_variations($colors);
//Get colors
@function color($color, $tone: 'base') {
@return map-get(map-get($colors, $color), $tone);
div {
color: color(primary);
background-color: color(primary, lightest);
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