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Last active May 9, 2021 05:00
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DH secret

# What's our secret ?

One can safely share a secret using DH key exchange :

 pubkey(self) = g ^ privkey mod prime
 secret = pubkey(otherparty) ^ privkey mod prime

Cryptography can be understood with the annalogy padlock and keys. How can we exchange a secret at plain sight ?

Indeed your public key "act" as a padlock to secure a message, I have a key of this pad lock.

And my public key is the padlock that can be open with your private key to reveal the exact same secret !

Your key (private key):
Padlock (public key):

Our shared DH secret is:

This secret is only know to you and me ... and can be used as a "master key" for locks we both have access too.

As a quick verification that we have the same key, we see the same robot image at the top right of this page.

This file can be viewed on, and executed on

var g = bigInt(3);
var prime = bigInt('k672zw0jialf0skyp85r078stdrmlucv5fnkl85vjz6d4v3pqqb'.slice(1),36);
// my secret keys ...
let privkey = 'k6n4zqqme17qgl1u6gb7f2kzvmg2ii0y36';
let sk2 = bigInt(privkey.slice(1),36);
var pk2 = g.modPow(sk2,prime);
console.log('sk2: k'+sk2.toString(36))
console.log('pk2: k'+pk2.toString(36));
function update(ev) {
skelem = document.getElementsByName('private')[0];
if (skelem.value == '') {
skelem.value = privkey
} else {
privkey = skelem.value || privkey;
// your private key ...
let sk1 = bigInt(privkey.slice(1),36);
var pk1 = g.modPow(sk1,prime);
pkelem = document.getElementsByName('public')[0];
pkelem.value = 'k'+pk1.toString(36)
// our shared secret from me to you
var sec1 = pk2.modPow(sk1,prime);
secelem = document.getElementsByName('secret')[0];
secelem.value = 'k'+sec1.toString(36)
// our shared secret from you to me
var sec2 = pk1.modPow(sk2,prime);
// encrypted bot keys ...
let bot2 = sec2.modPow(pk2,prime);
let img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
img.src = `${bot2.toString(36)}`
img.title = bot2.toString(36)
return sec1;
function hex2byte(hex) {
let bytes = [];
for(var i=0; i< hex.length-1; i+=2){
bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
let str = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes);
return str;
function byte2hex(str) {
let hex = ''
for (let i=0; i < str.length; ++i) {
let chr = str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
hex += chr.length < 2 ? '0' + chr : chr
return hex
function keyGen(base, exponent, modulus) {
return base.modPow(exponent,modulus);
var bigInt = function(e) {
"use strict";
function o(e, t) {
this.value = e, this.sign = t, this.isSmall = !1
function u(e) {
this.value = e, this.sign = e < 0, this.isSmall = !0
function a(e) {
return -r < e && e < r
function f(e) {
return e < 1e7 ? [e] : e < 1e14 ? [e % 1e7, Math.floor(e / 1e7)] : [e % 1e7, Math.floor(e / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(e / 1e14)]
function l(e) {
var n = e.length;
if (n < 4 && O(e, i) < 0) switch (n) {
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
return e[0];
case 2:
return e[0] + e[1] * t;
return e[0] + (e[1] + e[2] * t) * t
return e
function c(e) {
var t = e.length;
while (e[--t] === 0);
e.length = t + 1
function h(e) {
var t = new Array(e),
n = -1;
while (++n < e) t[n] = 0;
return t
function p(e) {
return e > 0 ? Math.floor(e) : Math.ceil(e)
function d(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = n.length,
s = new Array(r),
o = 0,
u = t,
a, f;
for (f = 0; f < i; f++) a = e[f] + n[f] + o, o = a >= u ? 1 : 0, s[f] = a - o * u;
while (f < r) a = e[f] + o, o = a === u ? 1 : 0, s[f++] = a - o * u;
return o > 0 && s.push(o), s
function v(e, t) {
return e.length >= t.length ? d(e, t) : d(t, e)
function m(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = new Array(r),
s = t,
o, u;
for (u = 0; u < r; u++) o = e[u] - s + n, n = Math.floor(o / s), i[u] = o - n * s, n += 1;
while (n > 0) i[u++] = n % s, n = Math.floor(n / s);
return i
function g(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = n.length,
s = new Array(r),
o = 0,
u = t,
a, f;
for (a = 0; a < i; a++) f = e[a] - o - n[a], f < 0 ? (f += u, o = 1) : o = 0, s[a] = f;
for (a = i; a < r; a++) {
f = e[a] - o;
if (!(f < 0)) {
s[a++] = f;
f += u, s[a] = f
for (; a < r; a++) s[a] = e[a];
return c(s), s
function y(e, t, n) {
var r, i;
return O(e, t) >= 0 ? r = g(e, t) : (r = g(t, e), n = !n), r = l(r), typeof r == "number" ? (n && (r = -r), new u(r)) : new o(r, n)
function b(e, n, r) {
var i = e.length,
s = new Array(i),
a = -n,
f = t,
c, h;
for (c = 0; c < i; c++) h = e[c] + a, a = Math.floor(h / f), h %= f, s[c] = h < 0 ? h + f : h;
return s = l(s), typeof s == "number" ? (r && (s = -s), new u(s)) : new o(s, r)
function w(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = n.length,
s = r + i,
o = h(s),
u = t,
a, f, l, p, d;
for (l = 0; l < r; ++l) {
p = e[l];
for (var v = 0; v < i; ++v) d = n[v], a = p * d + o[l + v], f = Math.floor(a / u), o[l + v] = a - f * u, o[l + v + 1] += f
return c(o), o
function E(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = new Array(r),
s = t,
o = 0,
u, a;
for (a = 0; a < r; a++) u = e[a] * n + o, o = Math.floor(u / s), i[a] = u - o * s;
while (o > 0) i[a++] = o % s, o = Math.floor(o / s);
return i
function S(e, t) {
var n = [];
while (t-- > 0) n.push(0);
return n.concat(e)
function x(e, t) {
var n = Math.max(e.length, t.length);
if (n <= 400) return w(e, t);
n = Math.ceil(n / 2);
var r = e.slice(n),
i = e.slice(0, n),
s = t.slice(n),
o = t.slice(0, n),
u = x(i, o),
a = x(r, s),
f = x(v(i, r), v(o, s));
return v(v(u, S(g(g(f, u), a), n)), S(a, 2 * n))
function T(e, n, r) {
return e < t ? new o(E(n, e), r) : new o(w(n, f(e)), r)
function N(e) {
var n = e.length,
r = h(n + n),
i = t,
s, o, u, a, f;
for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
a = e[u];
for (var l = 0; l < n; l++) f = e[l], s = a * f + r[u + l], o = Math.floor(s / i), r[u + l] = s - o * i, r[u + l + 1] += o
return c(r), r
function C(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = n.length,
s = t,
o = h(n.length),
u = n[i - 1],
a = Math.ceil(s / (2 * u)),
f = E(e, a),
c = E(n, a),
p, d, v, m, g, y, b;
f.length <= r && f.push(0), c.push(0), u = c[i - 1];
for (d = r - i; d >= 0; d--) {
p = s - 1, f[d + i] !== u && (p = Math.floor((f[d + i] * s + f[d + i - 1]) / u)), v = 0, m = 0, y = c.length;
for (g = 0; g < y; g++) v += p * c[g], b = Math.floor(v / s), m += f[d + g] - (v - b * s), v = b, m < 0 ? (f[d + g] = m + s, m = -1) : (f[d + g] = m, m = 0);
while (m !== 0) {
p -= 1, v = 0;
for (g = 0; g < y; g++) v += f[d + g] - s + c[g], v < 0 ? (f[d + g] = v + s, v = 0) : (f[d + g] = v, v = 1);
m += v
o[d] = p
return f = L(f, a)[0], [l(o), l(f)]
function k(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = n.length,
s = [],
o = [],
u = t,
a, f, c, h, p;
while (r) {
if (O(o, n) < 0) {
f = o.length, c = o[f - 1] * u + o[f - 2], h = n[i - 1] * u + n[i - 2], f > i && (c = (c + 1) * u), a = Math.ceil(c / h);
do {
p = E(n, a);
if (O(p, o) <= 0) break;
} while (a);
s.push(a), o = g(o, p)
return s.reverse(), [l(s), l(o)]
function L(e, n) {
var r = e.length,
i = h(r),
s = t,
o, u, a, f;
a = 0;
for (o = r - 1; o >= 0; --o) f = a * s + e[o], u = p(f / n), a = f - u * n, i[o] = u | 0;
return [i, a | 0]
function A(e, n) {
var r, i = Q(n),
s = e.value,
a = i.value,
if (a === 0) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");
if (e.isSmall) return i.isSmall ? [new u(p(s / a)), new u(s % a)] : [G[0], e];
if (i.isSmall) {
if (a === 1) return [e, G[0]];
if (a == -1) return [e.negate(), G[0]];
var h = Math.abs(a);
if (h < t) {
r = L(s, h), c = l(r[0]);
var d = r[1];
return e.sign && (d = -d), typeof c == "number" ? (e.sign !== i.sign && (c = -c), [new u(c), new u(d)]) : [new o(c, e.sign !== i.sign), new u(d)]
a = f(h)
var v = O(s, a);
if (v === -1) return [G[0], e];
if (v === 0) return [G[e.sign === i.sign ? 1 : -1], G[0]];
s.length + a.length <= 200 ? r = C(s, a) : r = k(s, a), c = r[0];
var m = e.sign !== i.sign,
g = r[1],
y = e.sign;
return typeof c == "number" ? (m && (c = -c), c = new u(c)) : c = new o(c, m), typeof g == "number" ? (y && (g = -g), g = new u(g)) : g = new o(g, y), [c, g]
function O(e, t) {
if (e.length !== t.length) return e.length > t.length ? 1 : -1;
for (var n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
if (e[n] !== t[n]) return e[n] > t[n] ? 1 : -1;
return 0
function M(e) {
var t = e.abs();
if (t.isUnit()) return !1;
if (t.equals(2) || t.equals(3) || t.equals(5)) return !0;
if (t.isEven() || t.isDivisibleBy(3) || t.isDivisibleBy(5)) return !1;
if (t.lesser(25)) return !0
function H(e) {
return (typeof e == "number" || typeof e == "string") && +Math.abs(e) <= t || e instanceof o && e.value.length <= 1
function B(e, t, n) {
t = Q(t);
var r = e.isNegative(),
i = t.isNegative(),
s = r ? e.not() : e,
o = i ? t.not() : t,
u = [],
a = [],
f = !1,
l = !1;
while (!f || !l) s.isZero() ? (f = !0, u.push(r ? 1 : 0)) : r ? u.push(s.isEven() ? 1 : 0) : u.push(s.isEven() ? 0 : 1), o.isZero() ? (l = !0, a.push(i ? 1 : 0)) : i ? a.push(o.isEven() ? 1 : 0) : a.push(o.isEven() ? 0 : 1), s = s.over(2), o = o.over(2);
var c = [];
for (var h = 0; h < u.length; h++) c.push(n(u[h], a[h]));
var p = bigInt(c.pop()).negate().times(bigInt(2).pow(c.length));
while (c.length) p = p.add(bigInt(c.pop()).times(bigInt(2).pow(c.length)));
return p
function I(e) {
var n = e.value,
r = typeof n == "number" ? n | j : n[0] + n[1] * t | F;
return r & -r
function q(e, t) {
return e = Q(e), t = Q(t), e.greater(t) ? e : t
function R(e, t) {
return e = Q(e), t = Q(t), e.lesser(t) ? e : t
function U(e, t) {
e = Q(e).abs(), t = Q(t).abs();
if (e.equals(t)) return e;
if (e.isZero()) return t;
if (t.isZero()) return e;
var n = G[1],
r, i;
while (e.isEven() && t.isEven()) r = Math.min(I(e), I(t)), e = e.divide(r), t = t.divide(r), n = n.multiply(r);
while (e.isEven()) e = e.divide(I(e));
do {
while (t.isEven()) t = t.divide(I(t));
e.greater(t) && (i = t, t = e, e = i), t = t.subtract(e)
} while (!t.isZero());
return n.isUnit() ? e : e.multiply(n)
function z(e, t) {
return e = Q(e).abs(), t = Q(t).abs(), e.divide(U(e, t)).multiply(t)
function W(e, n) {
e = Q(e), n = Q(n);
var r = R(e, n),
i = q(e, n),
s = i.subtract(r);
if (s.isSmall) return r.add(Math.round(Math.random() * s));
var a = s.value.length - 1,
f = [],
c = !0;
for (var h = a; h >= 0; h--) {
var d = c ? s.value[h] : t,
v = p(Math.random() * d);
f.unshift(v), v < d && (c = !1)
return f = l(f), r.add(typeof f == "number" ? new u(f) : new o(f, !1))
function V(e) {
var t = e.value;
return typeof t == "number" && (t = [t]), t.length === 1 && t[0] <= 36 ? "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(t[0]) : "<" + t + ">"
function $(e, t) {
t = bigInt(t);
if (t.isZero()) {
if (e.isZero()) return "0";
throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0.")
if (t.equals(-1)) return e.isZero() ? "0" : e.isNegative() ? (new Array(1 - e)).join("10") : "1" + (new Array(+e)).join("01");
var n = "";
e.isNegative() && t.isPositive() && (n = "-", e = e.abs());
if (t.equals(1)) return e.isZero() ? "0" : n + (new Array(+e + 1)).join(1);
var r = [],
i = e,
while (i.isNegative() || i.compareAbs(t) >= 0) {
s = i.divmod(t), i = s.quotient;
var o = s.remainder;
o.isNegative() && (o = t.minus(o).abs(), i =, r.push(V(o))
return r.push(V(i)), n + r.reverse().join("")
function J(e) {
if (a(+e)) {
var t = +e;
if (t === p(t)) return new u(t);
throw "Invalid integer: " + e
var r = e[0] === "-";
r && (e = e.slice(1));
var i = e.split(/e/i);
if (i.length > 2) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + f.join("e"));
if (i.length === 2) {
var s = i[1];
s[0] === "+" && (s = s.slice(1)), s = +s;
if (s !== p(s) || !a(s)) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + s + " is not a valid exponent.");
var f = i[0],
l = f.indexOf(".");
l >= 0 && (s -= f.length - l, f = f.slice(0, l) + f.slice(l + 1));
if (s < 0) throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers");
f += (new Array(s + 1)).join("0"), e = f
var h = /^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(e);
if (!h) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + e);
var d = [],
v = e.length,
m = n,
g = v - m;
while (v > 0) d.push(+e.slice(g, v)), g -= m, g < 0 && (g = 0), v -= m;
return c(d), new o(d, r)
function K(e) {
return a(e) ? new u(e) : J(e.toString())
function Q(e) {
return typeof e == "number" ? K(e) : typeof e == "string" ? J(e) : e
var t = 1e7,
n = 7,
r = 9007199254740992,
i = f(r),
s = Math.log(r);
o.prototype.add = function(e) {
var t, n = Q(e);
if (this.sign !== n.sign) return this.subtract(n.negate());
var r = this.value,
i = n.value;
return n.isSmall ? new o(m(r, Math.abs(i)), this.sign) : new o(v(r, i), this.sign)
}, = o.prototype.add, u.prototype.add = function(e) {
var t = Q(e),
n = this.value;
if (n < 0 !== t.sign) return this.subtract(t.negate());
var r = t.value;
if (t.isSmall) {
if (a(n + r)) return new u(n + r);
r = f(Math.abs(r))
return new o(m(r, Math.abs(n)), n < 0)
}, = u.prototype.add, o.prototype.subtract = function(e) {
var t = Q(e);
if (this.sign !== t.sign) return this.add(t.negate());
var n = this.value,
r = t.value;
return t.isSmall ? b(n, Math.abs(r), this.sign) : y(n, r, this.sign)
}, o.prototype.minus = o.prototype.subtract, u.prototype.subtract = function(e) {
var t = Q(e),
n = this.value;
if (n < 0 !== t.sign) return this.add(t.negate());
var r = t.value;
return t.isSmall ? new u(n - r) : b(r, Math.abs(n), n >= 0)
}, u.prototype.minus = u.prototype.subtract, o.prototype.negate = function() {
return new o(this.value, !this.sign)
}, u.prototype.negate = function() {
var e = this.sign,
t = new u(-this.value);
return t.sign = !e, t
}, o.prototype.abs = function() {
return new o(this.value, !1)
}, u.prototype.abs = function() {
return new u(Math.abs(this.value))
}, o.prototype.multiply = function(e) {
var n, r = Q(e),
i = this.value,
s = r.value,
u = this.sign !== r.sign,
if (r.isSmall) {
if (s === 0) return G[0];
if (s === 1) return this;
if (s === -1) return this.negate();
a = Math.abs(s);
if (a < t) return new o(E(i, a), u);
s = f(a)
return i.length + s.length > 4e3 ? new o(x(i, s), u) : new o(w(i, s), u)
}, o.prototype.times = o.prototype.multiply, u.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(e) {
return a(e.value * this.value) ? new u(e.value * this.value) : T(Math.abs(e.value), f(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== e.sign)
}, o.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(e) {
return e.value === 0 ? G[0] : e.value === 1 ? this : e.value === -1 ? this.negate() : T(Math.abs(e.value), this.value, this.sign !== e.sign)
}, u.prototype.multiply = function(e) {
return Q(e)._multiplyBySmall(this)
}, u.prototype.times = u.prototype.multiply, o.prototype.square = function() {
return new o(N(this.value), !1)
}, u.prototype.square = function() {
var e = this.value * this.value;
return a(e) ? new u(e) : new o(N(f(Math.abs(this.value))), !1)
}, o.prototype.divmod = function(e) {
var t = A(this, e);
return {
quotient: t[0],
remainder: t[1]
}, u.prototype.divmod = o.prototype.divmod, o.prototype.divide = function(e) {
return A(this, e)[0]
}, u.prototype.over = u.prototype.divide = o.prototype.over = o.prototype.divide, o.prototype.mod = function(e) {
return A(this, e)[1]
}, u.prototype.remainder = u.prototype.mod = o.prototype.remainder = o.prototype.mod, o.prototype.pow = function(e) {
var t = Q(e),
n = this.value,
r = t.value,
i, s, o;
if (r === 0) return G[1];
if (n === 0) return G[0];
if (n === 1) return G[1];
if (n === -1) return t.isEven() ? G[1] : G[-1];
if (t.sign) return G[0];
if (!t.isSmall) throw new Error("The exponent " + t.toString() + " is too large.");
if (this.isSmall && a(i = Math.pow(n, r))) return new u(p(i));
s = this, o = G[1];
for (;;) {
r & !0 && (o = o.times(s), --r);
if (r === 0) break;
r /= 2, s = s.square()
return o
}, u.prototype.pow = o.prototype.pow, o.prototype.modPow = function(e, t) {
e = Q(e), t = Q(t);
if (t.isZero()) throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0");
var n = G[1],
r = this.mod(t);
if (r.isZero()) return G[0];
while (e.isPositive()) e.isOdd() && (n = n.multiply(r).mod(t)), e = e.divide(2), r = r.square().mod(t);
return n
}, u.prototype.modPow = o.prototype.modPow, o.prototype.compareAbs = function(e) {
var t = Q(e),
n = this.value,
r = t.value;
return t.isSmall ? 1 : O(n, r)
}, u.prototype.compareAbs = function(e) {
var t = Q(e),
n = Math.abs(this.value),
r = t.value;
return t.isSmall ? (r = Math.abs(r), n === r ? 0 : n > r ? 1 : -1) : -1
}, = function(e) {
if (e === Infinity) return -1;
if (e === -Infinity) return 1;
var t = Q(e),
n = this.value,
r = t.value;
return this.sign !== t.sign ? t.sign ? 1 : -1 : t.isSmall ? this.sign ? -1 : 1 : O(n, r) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1)
}, o.prototype.compareTo =, = function(e) {
if (e === Infinity) return -1;
if (e === -Infinity) return 1;
var t = Q(e),
n = this.value,
r = t.value;
return t.isSmall ? n == r ? 0 : n > r ? 1 : -1 : n < 0 !== t.sign ? n < 0 ? -1 : 1 : n < 0 ? 1 : -1
}, u.prototype.compareTo =, o.prototype.equals = function(e) {
return === 0
}, u.prototype.eq = u.prototype.equals = o.prototype.eq = o.prototype.equals, o.prototype.notEquals = function(e) {
return !== 0
}, u.prototype.neq = u.prototype.notEquals = o.prototype.neq = o.prototype.notEquals, o.prototype.greater = function(e) {
return > 0
}, = u.prototype.greater = = o.prototype.greater, o.prototype.lesser = function(e) {
return < 0
}, = u.prototype.lesser = = o.prototype.lesser, o.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(e) {
return >= 0
}, u.prototype.geq = u.prototype.greaterOrEquals = o.prototype.geq = o.prototype.greaterOrEquals, o.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(e) {
return <= 0
}, u.prototype.leq = u.prototype.lesserOrEquals = o.prototype.leq = o.prototype.lesserOrEquals, o.prototype.isEven = function() {
return (this.value[0] & 1) === 0
}, u.prototype.isEven = function() {
return (this.value & 1) === 0
}, o.prototype.isOdd = function() {
return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1
}, u.prototype.isOdd = function() {
return (this.value & 1) === 1
}, o.prototype.isPositive = function() {
return !this.sign
}, u.prototype.isPositive = function() {
return this.value > 0
}, o.prototype.isNegative = function() {
return this.sign
}, u.prototype.isNegative = function() {
return this.value < 0
}, o.prototype.isUnit = function() {
return !1
}, u.prototype.isUnit = function() {
return Math.abs(this.value) === 1
}, o.prototype.isZero = function() {
return !1
}, u.prototype.isZero = function() {
return this.value === 0
}, o.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function(e) {
var t = Q(e),
n = t.value;
return n === 0 ? !1 : n === 1 ? !0 : n === 2 ? this.isEven() : this.mod(t).equals(G[0])
}, u.prototype.isDivisibleBy = o.prototype.isDivisibleBy, o.prototype.isPrime = function() {
var t = M(this);
if (t !== e) return t;
var n = this.abs(),
r = n.prev(),
i = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19],
s = r,
o, u, a, f;
while (s.isEven()) s = s.divide(2);
for (a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
f = bigInt(i[a]).modPow(s, n);
if (f.equals(G[1]) || f.equals(r)) continue;
for (u = !0, o = s; u && o.lesser(r); o = o.multiply(2)) f = f.square().mod(n), f.equals(r) && (u = !1);
if (u) return !1
return !0
}, u.prototype.isPrime = o.prototype.isPrime, o.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(t) {
var n = M(this);
if (n !== e) return n;
var r = this.abs(),
i = t === e ? 5 : t;
for (var s = 0; s < i; s++) {
var o = bigInt.randBetween(2, r.minus(2));
if (!o.modPow(r.prev(), r).isUnit()) return !1
return !0
}, u.prototype.isProbablePrime = o.prototype.isProbablePrime, = function() {
var e = this.value;
return this.sign ? b(e, 1, this.sign) : new o(m(e, 1), this.sign)
}, = function() {
var e = this.value;
return e + 1 < r ? new u(e + 1) : new o(i, !1)
}, o.prototype.prev = function() {
var e = this.value;
return this.sign ? new o(m(e, 1), !0) : b(e, 1, this.sign)
}, u.prototype.prev = function() {
var e = this.value;
return e - 1 > -r ? new u(e - 1) : new o(i, !0)
var _ = [1];
while (_[_.length - 1] <= t) _.push(2 * _[_.length - 1]);
var D = _.length,
P = _[D - 1];
o.prototype.shiftLeft = function(e) {
if (!H(e)) return e.isNegative() ? this.shiftRight(e.abs()) : this.times(G[2].pow(e));
e = +e;
if (e < 0) return this.shiftRight(-e);
var t = this;
while (e >= D) t = t.multiply(P), e -= D - 1;
return t.multiply(_[e])
}, u.prototype.shiftLeft = o.prototype.shiftLeft, o.prototype.shiftRight = function(e) {
var t;
if (!H(e)) return e.isNegative() ? this.shiftLeft(e.abs()) : (t = this.divmod(G[2].pow(e)), t.remainder.isNegative() ? t.quotient.prev() : t.quotient);
e = +e;
if (e < 0) return this.shiftLeft(-e);
var n = this;
while (e >= D) {
if (n.isZero()) return n;
t = A(n, P), n = t[1].isNegative() ? t[0].prev() : t[0], e -= D - 1
return t = A(n, _[e]), t[1].isNegative() ? t[0].prev() : t[0]
}, u.prototype.shiftRight = o.prototype.shiftRight, o.prototype.not = function() {
return this.negate().prev()
}, u.prototype.not = o.prototype.not, o.prototype.and = function(e) {
return B(this, e, function(e, t) {
return e & t
}, u.prototype.and = o.prototype.and, o.prototype.or = function(e) {
return B(this, e, function(e, t) {
return e | t
}, u.prototype.or = o.prototype.or, o.prototype.xor = function(e) {
return B(this, e, function(e, t) {
return e ^ t
}, u.prototype.xor = o.prototype.xor;
var j = 1 << 30,
F = (t & -t) * (t & -t) | j,
X = function(e, t) {
var n = G[0],
r = G[1],
i = e.length;
if (2 <= t && t <= 36 && i <= s / Math.log(t)) return new u(parseInt(e, t));
t = Q(t);
var o = [],
a, f = e[0] === "-";
for (a = f ? 1 : 0; a < e.length; a++) {
var l = e[a].toLowerCase(),
c = l.charCodeAt(0);
if (48 <= c && c <= 57) o.push(Q(l));
else if (97 <= c && c <= 122) o.push(Q(l.charCodeAt(0) - 87));
else {
if (l !== "<") throw new Error(l + " is not a valid character");
var h = a;
do a++; while (e[a] !== ">");
o.push(Q(e.slice(h + 1, a)))
for (a = 0; a < o.length; a++) n = n.add(o[a].times(r)), r = r.times(t);
return f ? n.negate() : n
o.prototype.toString = function(t) {
t === e && (t = 10);
if (t !== 10) return $(this, t);
var n = this.value,
r = n.length,
i = String(n[--r]),
s = "0000000",
while (--r >= 0) o = String(n[r]), i += s.slice(o.length) + o;
var u = this.sign ? "-" : "";
return u + i
}, u.prototype.toString = function(t) {
return t === e && (t = 10), t != 10 ? $(this, t) : String(this.value)
}, o.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return +this.toString()
}, o.prototype.toJSNumber = o.prototype.valueOf, u.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value
}, u.prototype.toJSNumber = u.prototype.valueOf;
var G = function(e, t) {
return typeof e == "undefined" ? G[0] : typeof t != "undefined" ? +t === 10 ? Q(e) : X(e, t) : Q(e)
for (var Y = 0; Y < 1e3; Y++) G[Y] = new u(Y), Y > 0 && (G[-Y] = new u(-Y));
return = G[1], = G[0], G.minusOne = G[-1], G.max = q, G.min = R, G.gcd = U, G.lcm = z, G.isInstance = function(e) {
return e instanceof o || e instanceof u
}, G.randBetween = W, G
typeof module != "undefined" && module.hasOwnProperty("exports") && (module.exports = bigInt);
pandoc --template index.htm -o index.html
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<p><img style="float: right; display:block"> # What’s our secret ?</p>
<p>One can safely share a secret using DH key exchange :</p>
<pre><code> pubkey(self) = g ^ privkey mod prime
secret = pubkey(otherparty) ^ privkey mod prime</code></pre>
<p>Cryptography can be understood with the annalogy padlock and keys. How can we exchange a secret at plain sight ?</p>
<!--If you give me your public key (the padlock use to secure our secret),
we will be 2 in the whole world to know the secret image of the \*bot below.
<p>Indeed your public key “act” as a padlock to secure a message, I have a key of this pad lock.</p>
<p>And my public key is the padlock that can be open with your private key to reveal the exact same secret !</p>
<p><br clear=all>Your key (private key): <input name="private"> <br>Padlock (public key): <input name=public disabled></p>
<p>Our shared DH secret is: <input name=secret disabled></p>
<p>This secret is only know to you and me … and can be used as a “master key” for locks we both have access too.</p>
<p>As a quick verification that we have the same key, we see the same robot image at the top right of this page.</p>
<p>This file can be viewed on <a href=""></a>, and executed on <a href=""></a>.</p>
<script src="bigint.js"></script>
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input {
width: calc(60% - 16px);
input[disabled] {
border: 0px;
background-color: transparent;
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