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Last active August 9, 2022 08:20
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Const table of 10's
use core::ops::{Div, Mul, Not};
trait TableRaw<const SIZE: usize>: Sized + Copy {
const TABLE: [Self; SIZE];
trait ConstProperties: Sized {
const MAX: Self;
const DIGITS10: usize;
impl<T, const SIZE: usize> const TableRaw<SIZE> for T
T: ~const Copy + ~const From<u8> + ~const Mul<Output = T> + ~const Default,
const TABLE: [Self; SIZE] = {
let mut array: [Self; SIZE] = [Default::default(); SIZE];
let multiplier: Self = Self::from(10u8);
let mut current: Self = Self::from(1u8);
let mut counter = 0;
while counter < (SIZE - 1) {
array[counter] = current;
current = current * multiplier;
counter += 1;
array[counter] = current;
impl<T> const ConstProperties for T
T: ~const Eq
+ ~const From<u8>
+ ~const Copy
+ ~const Not<Output = T>
+ ~const Div<Output = Self>
+ ~const PartialOrd
+ ~const PartialEq
+ ~const Mul<Output = T>,
const MAX: Self = {
let mut zero = Self::from(0u8);
const DIGITS10: usize = {
let mut result: usize = 1;
let mut max = Self::MAX;
let mut ten: Self = Self::from(10u8);
// u8 has a length of 2...this is an ad-hoc solution!
if core::any::type_name::<T>().len() == 2 {
result + 2
} else {
loop {
if max < ten { break result; }
if max < ten * ten { break result + 1; }
if max < ten * ten * ten { break result + 2; }
if max < ten * ten * ten * ten { break result + 3; }
max = max / (ten * ten * ten * ten);
result += 4;
const fn t<T: ConstProperties + TableRaw<{ <T as ConstProperties>::DIGITS10 }>>(
) -> [T; <T as ConstProperties>::DIGITS10] {
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", t::<u8>());
println!("{:?}", t::<u16>());
println!("{:?}", t::<u32>());
println!("{:?}", t::<u64>());
println!("{:?}", t::<usize>());
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