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Last active March 29, 2022 21:04
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  • Save EntropyWorks/a768b3bc4444146d56be81af05d73fed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EntropyWorks/a768b3bc4444146d56be81af05d73fed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add all the hosts from your ansible inventory to your .ssh/known_hosts and also use ssh-copy-id to add keys to the hosts
# Original idea found at
# ansible -i inventory.ini add-ssh-keys.yml
- name: Store known hosts of 'all' the hosts in the inventory file
hosts: localhost
connection: local
ssh_known_hosts_command: "ssh-keyscan -T 10"
ssh_known_hosts_file: "{{ lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/known_hosts' }}"
ssh_known_hosts: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
- name: For each host, scan for its ssh public key
shell: "ssh-keyscan {{ item }},`dig +short {{ item }}`"
with_items: "{{ ssh_known_hosts }}"
register: ssh_known_host_results
ignore_errors: yes
- ssh
- name: Remove the public key in the '{{ ssh_known_hosts_file }}'
name: "{{ item.item }}"
state: "absent"
path: "{{ ssh_known_hosts_file }}"
with_items: "{{ ssh_known_host_results.results }}"
- ssh
- name: Add/update the public key in the '{{ ssh_known_hosts_file }}'
name: "{{ item.item }}"
key: "{{ item.stdout }}"
state: "present"
path: "{{ ssh_known_hosts_file }}"
with_items: "{{ ssh_known_host_results.results }}"
- ssh
- name: For each host, ssh-copy-id my ssh public keys to the host
shell: "sshpass -p {{ ansible_ssh_pass }} ssh-copy-id {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ ssh_known_hosts }}"
when: not (( ansible_ssh_pass is undefined ) or ( ansible_ssh_pass is none ) or ( ansible_ssh_pass | trim == ''))
- sshcopy
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grantcurell commented Apr 1, 2018

Line 33 you have an indent error, but thanks for the code! This was handy for a quick way to get this done!

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Nice play! I have a question. I'm confused by your use of dig. When I run this, I get errors "dig: not found". Researching this, it looks to me like dig is an ansible lookup plugin: Shouldn't your dig line look more like:

"ssh-keyscan {{ item }},lookup('dig', '{{ item }}')"

?? How does your dig line even work?

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@timblaktu dig is a part of bind-utils package (on RedHat systems) or dnsutils (on Debian systems).

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Line 33 you have an indent error, but thanks for the code! This was handy for a quick way to get this done!


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sreopsbr commented Oct 1, 2018

In the last task where to put the: ansible_ssh_pass?

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kvegh commented Oct 28, 2018

I guess you do not use the ssh_known_hosts_command var later at all?

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kvegh commented Oct 28, 2018

Thank you for putting this altogether, adapted it, works fine.

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michield commented Nov 9, 2018

You can also do

export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False && ansible-playbook -e 'record_host_keys=True' ping.yml

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