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Created September 2, 2012 22:09
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d3.js [vanilla/mbostock]: axes examples
# Editor backup files

D3.js Axes ……

This gist accompanies this gist which showcases the augmented axes component: here we see these axes rendered (if at all possible) using the mbostock d3 master head, i.e. 'vanilla d3'.

Related gists

  • gist 3605035: a series of linear axes with varying degress of sophistication, using the advanced d3.axis component
  • gist 3605069: same code, with crash protection wrappers, for vanilla D3.js (use to see how many of these vanilla D3.js supports today)
  • gist 3605124: reduced code suitable for use with vanilla D3.js v2.10 as is, with crash protection wrappers
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Classical Scales</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font: 10px sans-serif;
.error {
fill: red;
font-size: 200%;
line, path {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.minor :not(.minor) {
display: none;
<filter id="glow">
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"0 0 0 0.98 0
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Correct IFRAME, Iff we're shown in an iframe!
.style("height", "1500px");
var margin = {top: 0, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20},
width = 960 - margin.right - margin.left,
height = 1500 - - margin.bottom;
hstep = Math.floor(height / 32);
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([.05, .95])
.range([0, width]);
var log_x = d3.scale.log()
.domain([.05, 95])
.range([0, width]);
var log_x_v2 = d3.scale.log()
.domain([.05, 9500])
.range([0, width]);
var log_x_v3 = d3.scale.log()
.domain([.05, .95])
.range([0, width]);
var pow_x_2 = d3.scale.pow()
.domain([.05, 9.5])
.range([0, width]);
var pow_x_2_v2 = d3.scale.pow()
.domain([.05, 9500])
.range([0, width]);
var pow_x_2_v3 = d3.scale.pow()
.domain([0, 2])
.range([0, width]);
var pow_x_4 = d3.scale.pow()
.domain([0, 9.5])
.range([0, width]);
var pow_x_f5 = d3.scale.pow()
.exponent(1 / 5)
.domain([0, 9.5])
.range([0, width]);
var pow_x_m3 = d3.scale.pow()
.domain([0, 9.5])
.range([0, width]);
var sqrt_x = d3.scale.sqrt()
.domain([0, 9.5])
.range([0, width]);
var quantile_x = d3.scale.quantile()
.domain([.05, .1, .11, .12, .13, .15, .2, .25, .4, .55, .7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5, 5.1, 6.3, 6.7, 6.8, 7, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 9.5])
.range([0, width / 8, width / 4, width / 2, width * 3 / 4, width]);
var quantize_x = d3.scale.quantize()
.domain([.05, 9.5])
.range([0, width / 8, width / 4, width / 2, width * 3 / 4, width]);
// d3.scale.threshold ASSUMPTION: domain.length == range.length - 1
var threshold_x = d3.scale.threshold()
.domain([50, 140, 201, 605])
.range([0, width / 4, width / 2, width * 3 / 4, width]);
var identity_x = d3.scale.identity()
.domain([0, width]);
var svg ="svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.right + margin.left)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
var axis_y = hstep;
var descr = function(txt) {
return function() {
this.insert("text", "g")
.attr("class", "description")
.attr("x", width / 2)
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("dy", "-1em")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle");
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(descr("regular, linear axis (range = [0.05 - 0.95])"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(descr("regular, with .tickSubdivide(false)"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(descr("regular, with .tickSubdivide(true)"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(descr("regular, with 10 subticks per tick"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(descr('regular, with 10 subticks per tick, using non-numeric .tickSubdivide("9")'));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(d3.svg.axis().scale(x).tickSubdivide(9).tickSize(6, 3, 10))
.call(descr("regular, with 10 (smaller) subticks and longer start/end ticks"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(d3.svg.axis().scale(x).tickSubdivide(9).tickSize(8, function(d, i) {
return (d.subindex == 5 ? 5 : 3);
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical, with 10 (smaller) subticks, emphasis on the fifth, and longer start/end ticks, inverted"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(d3.svg.axis().scale(x).tickSubdivide(16 - 1).tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (d.subindex == 8 ? 8 : d.subindex % 2 == 0 ? 5 : 2);
}, -4))
.call(descr("classical, with 16 subticks, emphasis on the even and half-way ticks a la classical inches scale, start/end ticks inverted"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical log_x")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.call(d3.svg.axis().scale(log_x).tickSubdivide(9).tickSize(8, function(d, i) {
return (d.subindex == 5 ? 5 : 3);
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical logarithmic, with 10 (smaller) subticks, emphasis on the fifth, and longer start/end ticks, inverted"));
// returns function suitable for axis.tickSubdivision():
function example_subdiv_A(scale) {
return function(subticks, ticks, i, n, extent) {
var t0, t1, s, v;
var min_subwidth = 4;
function nice_modulus(m) {
if (m >= 20) return 20;
if (m >= 10) return 10;
if (m >= 5) return 5;
if (m >= 2) return 2;
return 0;
function fill_subticks(base, idx, m) {
var v0, v1, v05, j, modulus, delta;
v0 = scale(t0.value);
v1 = scale(t1.value);
// test if this tick range is thresholded/quantized in any way:
v05 = scale((t1.value + t0.value) / 2);
if (v05 == v1 || v05 == v0)
modulus = nice_modulus((v1 - v0) / min_subwidth);
if (modulus <= 0)
delta = (t1.value - t0.value) / modulus;
for (j = modulus; j-- > 1; ) {
v = base.value + m * j * delta;
if (v > extent[0] && v < extent[1]) {
value: v,
index: idx,
base: base,
subindex: m * j,
modulus: modulus,
majors: ticks
if (i == 0) {
t0 = ticks[0];
t1 = ticks[1];
fill_subticks(t0, -1, -1);
} else if (i == n) {
t0 = ticks[n - 2];
t1 = ticks[n - 1];
fill_subticks(t1, n - 1, 1);
} else {
t0 = ticks[i - 1];
t1 = ticks[i];
fill_subticks(t0, i - 1, 1);
return subticks;
function b0rk_prevention(svg, f) {
var s;
try {
s = f();
} catch (e) {
s = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "b0rk")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")");
.text("B0rk B0rk B0rk!")
.attr("class", "error")
.attr("style", "stroke: white; stroke-width: 10;")
.attr("x", 40)
.attr("y", 10)
.attr("text-anchor", "left");
.text("B0rk B0rk B0rk!")
.attr("class", "error")
.attr("style", "filter: url(#glow);")
.attr("x", 40)
.attr("y", 10)
.attr("text-anchor", "left");
return s;
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical log_x")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(12, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 8 :
((5 * d.subindex == d.modulus) && (d.modulus >= 10) ? 6 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 5 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4))));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical logarithmic, with output-dependent # of subticks, emphasis on the 2nd and other even (but only when we have 10+ subticks!) and .5 subdiv, and longer start/end ticks"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical log_x_v2")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(12, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 8 :
((5 * d.subindex == d.modulus) && (d.modulus >= 10) ? 6 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 5 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4))));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical logarithmic as above, but for a much larger range"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical log_x_v2")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(12, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 9 :
((5 * d.subindex == d.modulus) && (d.modulus >= 10) ? 6 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 5 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4))));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical logarithmic as above, but for a much smaller range"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square power, with 10 (smaller) subticks, emphasis on the even (for modulo >= 10) and fifth, and longer start/end ticks, inverted"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square power, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square power, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc., for larger range"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square power, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square power, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc., for smaller range"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square power, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical power(4), with 10 (smaller) subticks, emphasis on the even (for modulo >= 10) and fifth, and longer start/end ticks, inverted"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical power(4), adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical power(1/5), with 10 (smaller) subticks, emphasis on the even (for modulo >= 10) and fifth, and longer start/end ticks, inverted"));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical power(1/5), adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical power(-3), with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical power(-3), adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square root, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
.call(descr("classical square root, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical quantile, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical quantile, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical quantized, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical quantized, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical threshold, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical threshold, adaptive subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical identity, with 10 (smaller) subticks, etc."));
axis_y += hstep;
b0rk_prevention(svg, function() {
.attr("class", "x minor endticks classical")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + axis_y + ")")
.tickSize(10, function(d, i) {
return (2 * d.subindex == d.modulus ? 7 :
((d.subindex % 2 == 0) && (d.modulus > 10) ? 4 :
(d.modulus > 10 ? 2 : 4)));
}, -10))
}).call(descr("classical identity, adaptive subticks, etc."));
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