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Forked from sqordfish/
Last active April 3, 2024 13:42
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Python script for organizing files in windows into multiple folders by file type. I made this primarily to organize my downloads folder.
# Author: Jacob Rust
# Modified: Jesper Dramsch
# Date: 7/8/2013
# Description:This script organizes downloaded files into separate folders depending
# on the file type. This was made for windows systems.
# Download directory should be the first command line argument
# New file types can be added to the dictionary in the main method
# Usage: python
import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from tqdm import tqdm
strpath = Union[str, os.PathLike]
def safe_move(src_path: strpath, dst_path: strpath) -> None:
"""Safely moves folder and file to new location
These assume full paths including the filename, so you have control over the name.
src_path : str or Path
Location of item to be moved
dst_path : str or Path
Destination of the item to be moved
os.rename(src_path, dst_path)
except OSError:
print("Hard moving disks")
shutil.move(src_path, dst_path)
def move_folders(download_directory: strpath, download_folders: List[str], filetypes: dict) -> None:
"""Move the folders in the download directory
download_directory : strpath
Root directory
download_folders : List[str]
Folders detected in the root direcoty
filetypes : dict
Filetypes we have a mapping for in main()
print("Moving folders...")
for item in tqdm(download_folders):
if item not in filetypes.values():
src_path = Path(download_directory, item)
dst_path = Path(download_directory, "Folders", item)
safe_move(src_path, dst_path)
def move_files(download_directory: strpath, download_files: List[str], filetypes: dict) -> None:
"""Move all the files in the download folder
download_directory : strpath
Root directory
download_files : List[str]
List of files detected in the root directory
filetypes : dict
Filetypes we have a mapping for in main()
print("Moving files...")
add_keys = set()
for filename in tqdm(download_files):
out = move_file(filename, download_directory, filetypes)
if out:
return add_keys
def categorize_files_folders(download_directory: strpath, filetypes: dict) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
"""Categorise items in root into files and folders
Filters folders by target folders
download_directory : str or Path
Root directory
filetypes : dict
Filetypes we have a mapping for in main()
list, list
Lists with files and folders separated
download_files, download_folders = [], []
for item in os.listdir(download_directory):
if item in filetypes.values():
elif Path(download_directory, item).is_dir():
return download_files, download_folders
def create_folders(download_directory: strpath, filetypes: dict) -> None:
"""Create Folders in filetypes defined in main()
download_directory : str or Path
Root directory
filetypes : dict
Filetypes we have a mapping for in main()
for filetype in filetypes.values():
directory = Path(download_directory, filetype)
directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Moves file to its proper folder and delete any duplicates
def move_file(move_file: str, download_directory: strpath, filetypes: dict) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Move file
Checks if it exists at target and modifies name if different
move_file : str
Name of file to move
download_directory : str or Path
Root directory
filetypes : dict
Filetypes we have a mapping for in main()
Union[str, None]
None if successful, otherwise returns the suffix
move_file = Path(move_file)
# Ignore directories
if move_file.is_dir():
# Get suffix to check against suffix
suffix = move_file.suffix.lower()[1:]
if suffix in filetypes.keys():
src_path = Path(download_directory, move_file)
dst_path = Path(download_directory, filetypes[suffix], move_file)
# If the file doesn't have a duplicate in the new folder, move it
if not dst_path.is_file():
safe_move(src_path, dst_path.with_suffix(dst_path.suffix))
# If the file already exists with that name and has the same md5 sum
elif dst_path.is_file() and (checksum(src_path) == checksum(dst_path)):
print("removed " + str(src_path))
dst_path.with_name(dst_path.stem + "-" + str(checksum(dst_path))[:6]).with_suffix(dst_path.suffix),
return suffix
# Get md5 checksum of a file. Chunk size is how much of the file to read at a time.
def checksum(filedir: strpath, chunksize: int = 8192) -> str:
"""Generate checksum of file
filedir : str or Path
File to check
chunksize : int, optional
size of chunks to calculate, by default 8192
Returns the checksum of file
md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(filedir, "rb") as f:
while True:
chunk =
# If the chunk is empty, reached end of file so stop
if not chunk:
return md5.hexdigest()
def main(download_directory: str) -> None:
"""Define filetypes and execute main logic with moves
download_directory : str
Root dir
# Dictionary contains file types as keys and lists of their corresponding file formats
filetypes = {}
key: "Images"
for key in [
filetypes.update({key: "Audio" for key in ["aac", "aiff", "flac", "mp3", "ogg", "wav"]})
key: "Video"
for key in ["flv", "m3u8", "m4a", "m4v", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "mpe", "mpeg", "mpg", "webm", "wmv"]
key: "Documents"
for key in ["bib", "doc", "docx", "ini", "md", "odt", "pdf", "ppt", "pptx", "rst", "rtf", "tex", "txt"]
filetypes.update({key: "Executables" for key in ["exe", "msi"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Archives" for key in ["7", "7z", "gz", "rar", "tar", "zip"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Apps" for key in ["apk", "img", "iso", "ova", "vmdk"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Data" for key in ["csv", "json", "xml", "xls", "xlsx"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Web" for key in ["htm", "html", "tmpl"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Fonts" for key in ["otf", "ttf"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Office" for key in ["ics", "eml", "mbox", "potx"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Books" for key in ["acsm", "epub", "mobi"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Code" for key in ["css", "ipynb", "ipynb_files", "js", "php", "py", "yaml"]})
filetypes.update({key: "Backup" for key in ["bak", "backup", "old", "save"]})
# Single file suffixes
filetypes["apkg"] = "Anki"
filetypes["srt"] = "Captions"
# Add a folders folder as placeholder
filetypes["placeholder"] = "Folders"
# Split up contents of Downloads folder and filter out target folders
download_files, download_folders = categorize_files_folders(download_directory, filetypes)
# Create folders needed for target
create_folders(download_directory, filetypes)
# Move all files and folders in Download folder
add_keys = move_files(download_directory, download_files, filetypes)
move_folders(download_directory, download_folders, filetypes)
# Report missing keys in
if add_keys:
print("Add these keys: ", add_keys)
if __name__ == "__main__":
folder = sys.argv[1]
folder = "E:\\Downloads"
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