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Created October 10, 2022 15:05
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Save LingDong-/fe21246d1b6c69d6418e6e9b13122344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a baseline PNG decoder in 400 lines
// baseline PNG decoder in 400 lines
// - supports all color types: RGBA, RGB, gray+A, gray, paletted
// - supports all bit depths: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bits (color type dependant, per spec)
// - allways return RGBA(0-255) format: other color+bit combinations will be scaled
// - downscaled 16-bit values retain floating point, e.g. 1000/65535 -> 3.89/255
// - support transparency palette / chroma-key
// - supports interlaced / non-interlaced
// - supports all zlib methods: non-compressed / fixed / dynamic huffman
// - supports all filters: none / sub / up / average / paeth
// - ignores checksums (CRC / adler32 / etc.)
// - ignores gAMA (gamma correction suggestion)
// - ignores most ancillary blocks
// - not optimized for speed, no error handling
// reference:
// -
// -
// -
// -
// -
// -
// lingdong 2022, MIT license
function read_png(bytes){
let w = (bytes[16]<<24)|(bytes[17]<<16)|(bytes[18]<<8)|bytes[19];
let h = (bytes[20]<<24)|(bytes[21]<<16)|(bytes[22]<<8)|bytes[23];
let chan = [1,null,3,-1,2,null,4][bytes[25]];
let bitdep = bytes[24];
let lace = bytes[28];
let ci=33, ct;
let zs = [];
let plte = [];
let trns = [];
let l = (bytes[ci]<<24)|(bytes[ci+1]<<16)|(bytes[ci+2]<<8)|bytes[ci+3];
ct = String.fromCharCode(bytes[ci+4],bytes[ci+5],bytes[ci+6],bytes[ci+7]);
if (ct == 'IDAT'){
for (let i = ci+8; i < ci+8+l; i++) zs.push(bytes[i]);
if (ct == 'PLTE' && chan == -1){
for (let i = ci+8; i < ci+8+l; i+=3){
if (ct == 'tRNS'){
for (let i = ci+8; i < ci+8+l; i++) trns.push(bytes[i]);
ci += l + 12;
}while(ct != 'IEND');
zs = zs.slice(2,-4);
let cur = 0;
function gbit(n=1,rev=false){
function g(i){
let b = ~~(i/8);
return (zs[b] >> (i%8)) &1 ;
let o = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++){
if (!rev) o = (o << 1) | g(cur++);
else o |= (g(cur++) << j)
return o;
let bfinal,btype;
let dat = [];
function glz(a,read_dst=null){
let len, ex0, dst, ex1;
if (a<=264){
len = a - 254;
}else if (a<=284){
let n = ~~((a-265)/4) + 1;
let m = (a-265)%4;
ex0 = gbit(n,true);
len = ex0 + m * (1<<n) + [0,11,19,35,67,131][n];
len = 258;
let d;
if (read_dst){
d = read_dst();
d = gbit(5);
if (d <= 3){
dst = d+1;
let n = ~~((d-4)/2) + 1;
let m = (d-4)%2;
ex1 = gbit(n,true);
dst = ex1 + m * (1<<n) + [0,5,9,17,33,65,129,257,513,1025,2049,4097,8193,16385][n];
let ptr = dat.length-dst;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++){
function mkhuff(lens,num){
let bl_count = new Array(num).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++){
bl_count[0] = 0;
let MAX_BITS = 15;
let code = 0;
let nextcode = new Array(16).fill(0);
for (let bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {
code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
nextcode[bits] = code;
let codes = {};
for (let n = 0; n < num; n++) {
let len = lens[n];
if (len != 0) {
codes[nextcode[len].toString(2).padStart(lens[n],'0')] = n;
return codes;
bfinal = gbit(1);
btype = gbit(2,true);
if (btype == 0){
let len = zs.pop() | (zs.pop() << 8);
let nle = zs.pop() | (zs.pop() << 8);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++){
cur = 0;
}else if (btype == 1){
while (1){
let a = gbit(7);
if (a == 0){
}else if (a <= 0b0010111){
a = (a << 1) | gbit(1);
if (a <= 0b10111111){
}else if (a <= 0b11000111){
a = (a << 1) | gbit(1);
}else if (btype == 2){
let hlit = gbit(5,true) + 257;
let hdist = gbit(5,true) + 1;
let hclen = gbit(4,true) + 4;
let lens = new Array(19).fill(0);
let ordr = [16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15];
for (let i = 0; i < hclen; i++){
lens[ordr[i]] = gbit(3,true);
let codes = mkhuff(lens,19);
let n = 0;
let b = "";
let lencodes = [];
while (n < hlit+hdist){
let a = gbit(1);
b += ""+a;
let c = codes[b];
if (c != undefined){
b = "";
let f=0,m;
if (c <= 15){
lencodes[n++] = c;
}else if (c == 16){
m = gbit(2,true)+3;
f = lencodes[n-1];
}else if (c == 17){
m = gbit(3,true)+3;
}else if (c == 18){
m = gbit(7,true)+11;
for (let j = 0; j < m; j++) lencodes[n++] = f;
let zlen = mkhuff(lencodes.slice(0,hlit),hlit);
let zdst = mkhuff(lencodes.slice(hlit),hdist);
b = "";
while (1){
b += ""+gbit(1);
let c = zlen[b];
if (c != undefined){
b = "";
if (c < 256){
}else if (c == 256){
let bb = "";
while (1){
bb += ""+gbit(1);
let cc = zdst[bb];
if (cc != undefined) return cc;
function paeth (a, b, c){
let p = a + b - c;
let pa = Math.abs(p - a);
let pb = Math.abs(p - b);
let pc = Math.abs(p - c);
if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) return a;
else if (pb <= pc) return b;
return c;
let bpp = (chan >= 2) ? (chan * bitdep/8) : Math.ceil(bitdep/8); // byte/pix
function mkdata(bpl,h){
let data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < h; i++){
let t = dat.pop();
for (let j = 0; j < (bpl)/bpp; j++){
for (let k = 0; k < bpp; k++){
let v = dat.pop();
let ua = j?data[i*(bpl)+(j-1)*bpp+k]:0;
let ub = i?data[(i-1)*(bpl)+(j)*bpp+k]:0;
let uc = (i&&j)?data[(i-1)*(bpl)+(j-1)*bpp+k]:0;
if (t == 0){
}else if (t == 1){
data.push( (ua+v)%256 );
}else if (t == 2){
data.push( (ub+v)%256 );
}else if (t == 3){
data.push( ((~~((ua+ub)/2))+v)%256 );
}else if (t == 4){
let u = paeth(ua,ub,uc);
data.push( (u+v)%256 );
return data;
function mkrgba(data,w,h,bpl){
if (chan == 4 && bitdep == 8){
return data;
let kr,kg,kb,fix_chroma;
if (fix_chroma = (trns.length && ((chan == 3) || (chan == 1 && bitdep>=8) ))){
kr = kg = kb = (trns[0]<<8 | trns[1]);
if (chan > 1){
kg = (trns[2]<<8 | trns[3]);
kb = (trns[4]<<8 | trns[5]);
let rgba = new Array(w*h*4);
function remap8(a,b,c,d){
for (let i = 0; i < w*h; i++){
rgba[i*4 ] = (a>=0)?data[i*chan+a]:255;
rgba[i*4+1] = (b>=0)?data[i*chan+b]:255;
rgba[i*4+2] = (c>=0)?data[i*chan+c]:255;
rgba[i*4+3] = (d>=0)?data[i*chan+d]:255;
function remap16(a,b,c,d,dont_scale=false){
let s=1,q=65535;
if (!dont_scale){
s = 255/65535; q = 255;
for (let i = 0; i < w*h; i++){
rgba[i*4 ] = (a>=0)?( ((data[i*chan*2+a*2]<<8) | data[i*chan*2+a*2])*s ):q;
rgba[i*4+1] = (b>=0)?( ((data[i*chan*2+b*2]<<8) | data[i*chan*2+b*2])*s ):q;
rgba[i*4+2] = (c>=0)?( ((data[i*chan*2+c*2]<<8) | data[i*chan*2+c*2])*s ):q;
rgba[i*4+3] = (d>=0)?( ((data[i*chan*2+d*2]<<8) | data[i*chan*2+d*2])*s ):q;
function gpb(i){
let b = ~~(i * bitdep / 8);
let c = (i*bitdep) % 8;
let s = ((8-bitdep)-c);
let d = (data[b] >>> s) & ((1<<bitdep)-1);
return d;
if (bitdep == 8){
if (chan == 4) remap8(0,1,2,3);
else if (chan == 3) remap8(0,1,2,-1);
else if (chan == 2) remap8(0,0,0,1);
else if (chan == 1) remap8(0,0,0,-1);
for (let i = 0; i < w*h; i++){
rgba[i*4 ] = plte[data[i]][0];
rgba[i*4+1] = plte[data[i]][1];
rgba[i*4+2] = plte[data[i]][2];
rgba[i*4+3] = trns[data[i]]??255;
}else if (bitdep == 16){
if (chan == 4) remap16(0,1,2,3);
else if (chan == 3) remap16(0,1,2,-1, fix_chroma);
else if (chan == 2) remap16(0,0,0,1);
else if (chan == 1) remap16(0,0,0,-1, fix_chroma);
for (let i = 0; i < w*h; i++){
let idx = (data[i*2]<<8) | data[i*2+1];
rgba[i*4 ] = plte[idx][0];
rgba[i*4+1] = plte[idx][1];
rgba[i*4+2] = plte[idx][2];
rgba[i*4+3] = trns[idx]??255;
if (chan == 1){
let key = trns.length ? (trns[0]<<8 | trns[1]) : -1;
for (let i = 0; i < h; i++){
for (let j = 0; j < w; j++){
let idx = gpb((bpl)*i*8/bitdep+j);
if (idx !== key){
let v = idx/((1<<bitdep)-1) * 255;
rgba[(i*w+j)*4 ] = v;
rgba[(i*w+j)*4+1] = v;
rgba[(i*w+j)*4+2] = v;
rgba[(i*w+j)*4+3] = 255;
for (let i = 0; i < h; i++){
for (let j = 0; j < w; j++){
let idx = gpb((bpl)*i*8/bitdep+j);
let v = plte[idx];
rgba[(i*w+j)*4 ] = v[0];
rgba[(i*w+j)*4+1] = v[1];
rgba[(i*w+j)*4+2] = v[2];
rgba[(i*w+j)*4+3] = trns[idx]??255;
if (fix_chroma){
for (let i = 0; i < rgba.length; i+=4){
if (rgba[i] == kr && rgba[i+1] == kg && rgba[i+2] == kb) rgba[i+3] = 0;
if (bitdep == 16){
for (let i = 0; i < rgba.length; i++){
rgba[i] *= 255/65535;
return rgba;
let bpl = Math.ceil(w * bitdep * Math.abs(chan)/8);
let data,rgba;
function cpy4(i,j,b,k){
if (b && j<w && i<h){
let idx = i*w*4+j*4; k*=4;
rgba[idx] = b[k]; rgba[idx+1] = b[k+1]; rgba[idx+2] = b[k+2]; rgba[idx+3] = b[k+3];
if (lace){
let sb, sh;
let w0 = Math.ceil(w/8), w1 = Math.ceil((w-4)/8), w2 = Math.ceil(w/4);
let w3 = Math.ceil((w-2)/4), w4 = Math.ceil(w/2), w5 = Math.ceil((w-1)/2);
let q = bitdep*Math.abs(chan)/8;
let im0 = mkrgba(mkdata(sb=Math.ceil(w0*q),sh=Math.ceil(h/8)), w0,sh,sb);
let im1 = (w>4)?mkrgba(mkdata(sb=Math.ceil(w1*q),sh=Math.ceil(h/8)), w1,sh,sb):null;
let im2 = (h>4)?mkrgba(mkdata(sb=Math.ceil(w2*q),sh=Math.ceil((h-4)/8)), w2,sh,sb):null;
let im3 = (w>2)?mkrgba(mkdata(sb=Math.ceil(w3*q),sh=Math.ceil(h/4)), w3,sh,sb):null;
let im4 = (h>2)?mkrgba(mkdata(sb=Math.ceil(w4*q),sh=Math.ceil((h-2)/4)), w4,sh,sb):null;
let im5 = (w>1)?mkrgba(mkdata(sb=Math.ceil(w5*q),sh=Math.ceil(h/2)), w5,sh,sb):null;
let im6 = (h>1)?mkrgba(mkdata(sb=bpl, sh=Math.ceil(h/2)), w ,sh,sb):null;
rgba = new Array(w*h*4);
for (let i = 0; i < h; i+=8){
for (let j = 0; j < w; j+=8){
cpy4( i,j, im0, (~~(i/8)*w0+~~(j/8)) );
cpy4( i,j+4, im1, (~~(i/8)*w1+~~(j/8)) );
cpy4( i+4,j, im2, (~~(i/8)*w2+~~(j/4)) );cpy4( i+4,j+4, im2, (~~(i/8)*w2+~~(j/4)+1) );
cpy4( i,j+2, im3, (~~(i/4)*w3+~~(j/4)) );cpy4( i,j+6, im3, (~~(i/4)*w3+~~(j/4)+1) );
cpy4( i+4,j+2, im3, (~~(i/4+1)*w3+~~(j/4)) );cpy4( i+4,j+6, im3, (~~(i/4+1)*w3+~~(j/4)+1));
for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++) cpy4( i+~~(k/4)*4+2, j+(k%4)*2, im4, (~~(i/4+~~(k/4))*w4+~~(j/2)+~~(k%4)));
for (let k = 0; k <16; k++) cpy4( i+~~(k/4)*2, j+(k%4)*2+1, im5, (~~(i/2+~~(k/4))*w5+~~(j/2)+~~(k%4)));
for (let i = 0; (i < h) && im6; i+=2){
for (let j = 0; j < w*4; j++) rgba[(i+1)*w*4+j] = im6[(i/2)*w*4+j];
data = mkdata(bpl,h);
rgba = mkrgba(data,w,h,bpl);
return [rgba,w,h];
// node.js example
const fs = require('fs');
let bytes = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync("test.png"));
let [data,w,h] = read_png(bytes);
// fs.writeFileSync("out.png",new Uint8Array(write_png(data,w,h)));
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