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Last active October 6, 2023 20:02
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  • Save Nezteb/01eb349b65ce3caa4afd1f6e271aabd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nezteb/01eb349b65ce3caa4afd1f6e271aabd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A dumb shell command cacher.
# Usage `cache ls` or `cache ./`
cache() {
local expiry_minutes=20
local command_name="$1"
local command_hash=$(echo "$*" | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1)
local cache_dir="$HOME/.cache/cli_cache"
local command_cache_dir="$cache_dir/$command_name"
local cache_file="$cache_dir/$command_hash"
# If command is "c" or "clear", clear the cache directory
if [ "$command_name" = "clear" ] || [ "$command_name" = "c" ]; then
# echo "Clearing cache: $cache_dir"
rm -rf "$cache_dir"
# Create cache directory and file if they don't
mkdir -p "$cache_dir"
mod_time=$(stat -f %m "$cache_file" 2>/dev/null)
current_time=$(date +%s)
minutes_old=$(((current_time - mod_time) / 60))
# Check if cache file exists and is not older than 20 minutes
if [ "$minutes_old" -ge $expiry_minutes ]; then
if [ -f "$cache_file" ]; then
# echo "Cache file is $minutes_old minutes old (>=$expiry_minutes), updating cache: $cache_file"
# echo "Cache file does not exist, creating cache: $$cache_file"
touch "$cache_file"
# Supposedly does colors, but it doesn't seem to work for me
script -q "$cache_file" "$*"
# Doesn't do colors
# "$@" > "$cache_file"
# Doesn't do colors
# "$@" | tee "$cache_file"
# echo "File is $minutes_old minutes old (<$expiry_minutes), using cache: $cache_file"
cat "$cache_file"
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