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Created July 4, 2021 20:28
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Vee validate handleSubmit with invalid callback
import { PublicFormContext, SubmissionHandler } from "vee-validate";
export function createSubmitHandler<
TValues extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
TContext extends Omit<PublicFormContext<TValues>, "handleSubmit"> = Omit<
onValid: SubmissionHandler<TValues>,
onInvalid: (
formValues: {
handleSubmit: (
event: Event,
cb: SubmissionHandler<TValues>
) => Promise<void>;
} & TContext
) => void
): (
event: Event,
formValues: {
handleSubmit: (
event: Event,
cb: SubmissionHandler<TValues>
) => Promise<void>;
} & TContext
) => Promise<void> {
return (event, formValues) => {
const { promise, resolve, reject } = deffer();
promise.catch(() => onInvalid(formValues));
const handle: SubmissionHandler<TValues> = (...args) => (
resolve(), onValid(...args)
return formValues.handleSubmit(event, handle).then(reject);
type Executor<T, TErr> = {
resolve: (value?: T) => void;
reject: (reason?: TErr) => void;
function deffer<T, TError>(): { promise: Promise<T> } & Executor<T, TError> {
let control: any;
const promise = new Promise<T>(
(resolve, reject) => (control = { resolve, reject })
return {
resolve: control.resolve,
reject: control.reject,
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Please use this away with composition api
logaretm/vee-validate#427 (comment)

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