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Last active October 25, 2023 13:26
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Customized loss function for quantile regression with XGBoost
import numpy as np
def xgb_quantile_eval(preds, dmatrix, quantile=0.2):
Customized evaluational metric that equals
to quantile regression loss (also known as
pinball loss).
Quantile regression is regression that
estimates a specified quantile of target's
distribution conditional on given features.
@type preds: numpy.ndarray
@type dmatrix: xgboost.DMatrix
@type quantile: float
@rtype: float
labels = dmatrix.get_label()
return ('q{}_loss'.format(quantile),
np.nanmean((preds >= labels) * (1 - quantile) * (preds - labels) +
(preds < labels) * quantile * (labels - preds)))
def xgb_quantile_obj(preds, dmatrix, quantile=0.2):
Computes first-order derivative of quantile
regression loss and a non-degenerate
substitute for second-order derivative.
Substitute is returned instead of zeros,
because XGBoost requires non-zero
second-order derivatives. See this page:
to see why it is possible to use this trick.
However, be sure that hyperparameter named
`max_delta_step` is small enough to satisfy:
```0.5 * max_delta_step <=
min(quantile, 1 - quantile)```.
@type preds: numpy.ndarray
@type dmatrix: xgboost.DMatrix
@type quantile: float
@rtype: tuple(numpy.ndarray)
assert 0 <= quantile <= 1
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError("Quantile value must be float between 0 and 1.")
labels = dmatrix.get_label()
errors = preds - labels
left_mask = errors < 0
right_mask = errors > 0
grad = -quantile * left_mask + (1 - quantile) * right_mask
hess = np.ones_like(preds)
return grad, hess
# Example of usage:
# bst = xgb.train(hyperparams, train, num_rounds,
# obj=xgb_quantile_obj, feval=xgb_quantile_eval)
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hess = np.ones_like(preds)ess = np.ones_like(preds)

Does this not reduce XGBoost to being a classical GBM?

What made you choose all ones as the hessian?

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@JoshuaC3, yes, you are right that replacing hessian with all ones makes xgboost close to GBM. Loosely speaking, GBM can be compared with gradient descent, whereas xgboost can be compared with Newton's method. Replacement of hessian with ones in Newton's method's update formula turns this formula to gradient descent update formula.

However, there are other differences between xgboost and software implementations of gradient boosting such as sklearn.GradientBoostingRegressor. For the sake of having them, it is beneficial to port quantile regression loss to xgboost.

Finally, a brief explanation why all ones are chosen as placeholder. Second-order derivative of quantile regression loss is equal to 0 at every point except the one where it is not defined. So "fair" implementation of quantile regression with xgboost is impossible due to division by zero. Thus, a non-zero placeholder for hessian is needed. There is nothing bad in assuming that this placeholder consists of all ones if max_delta_step hyperparameter is chosen appropriately (see docstring and the link from there). Also having varying values in placeholder without any general information is not correct, so all valid choices are equivalent to np.ones_like(preds) up to multiplication by non-zero constant.

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asquare commented Apr 3, 2018

@Nikolay-Lysenko: would it be possible to attach a license to this Gist? Thanks in advance!

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This loss function makes all my predictions 0 for quantile 0.5... anyone having the same issue?

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This loss function makes all my predictions 0 for quantile 0.5... anyone having the same issue?

I also have this issue. Did you manage to solve it?

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Ludecan commented Mar 19, 2019

Here: is a post by lightgbm that shows some issues they found with this approach and a way in which they improved it by replacing the 2nd order approximation of the Loss function with it's actual value.

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How can we find the lower and upper for the prediction interval using the above function?

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@Shafi2016, this can be done like this:

from functools import partial

lower_quantile = 0.2  # Any other value can be placed here.
upper_quantile = 0.8

xgb_quantile_lower_eval = partial(xgb_quantile_eval, quantile=lower_quantile)
xgb_quantile_lower_obj = partial(xgb_quantile_obj, quantile=lower_quantile)
lower_model = xgb.train(hyperparams, dtrain, num_rounds, obj=xgb_quantile_lower_obj, feval=xgb_quantile_lower_eval)

xgb_quantile_upper_eval = partial(xgb_quantile_eval, quantile=upper_quantile)
xgb_quantile_upper_obj = partial(xgb_quantile_obj, quantile=upper_quantile)
upper_model = xgb.train(hyperparams, dtrain, num_rounds, obj=xgb_quantile_upper_obj, feval=xgb_quantile_upper_eval)

lower_bound = lower_model.predict(dtest)
upper_bound = upper_model.predict(dtest)

However, this gist is quite old. Now, there are better solutions. I recommend you to look at CatBoost or LightGBM, because these tools have native support of quantile regression as well as performance comparable to that of XGBoost.

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Thanks for the prompt response!. I have checked with both LightGBM and CatBoost. There is no doubt that their interval level is very stable. However, I could not get an improved forecast. In fact, I have a much better forecast XGBoost of H2o. Yet, H2o does not provide support for the Quantile regression. I tried to use prediction intervals using functions from this link ( However, the interval range gets very narrow and when the interval is increased upper limits get flat and there is no impact on the lower interval. I am thinking if I can get a better interval from using your function and then wrapped it up with the prediction of XGboost H2o. I hope this can be done.

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There are some questions about license. This gist is released under MIT License, so you can use it in your projects.

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