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Last active December 14, 2015 22:08
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Save Revlin/5155856 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The following is some really basic explorations of the capabilities of Mojolicious::Lite -- I will update as I find out more
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use Mojolicious::Lite;
# The following is some really basic explorations of the capabilities of
# Mojolicious::Lite -- I will update as I find out more and a living (or
# more alive) version of this script is available on gist @
my $app = app;
my $version = Mojolicious->VERSION;
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
#1) How to get info about the host environment(something like CGI's @ENV)
# Some host environment info is modeled by Mojo::Message::Request
# which I guess is intended to emulate the HTTP request process
my $req = $self->req;
# $req can now be used to access other objects like header, url,
# and env, this last being a hash which is equivalent to @ENV, if
# running Mojolicious within a CGI environment [ with app->start('cgi') ]
my $URL = $req->url; # now we should be able to display parts of the URL...
say $URL; # ...but running on a local server, this returns "/"
say $URL->host; # and this is actually uninitialized
#2) How to use inline text to "render" HTML
$self->render( inline => <<HTML );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Mojolicious Title App</title>
Mojolicious: $version <br />
Reading: $URL
# Not the simplest way to render this content, since the output of the
# following is equivallent to the inline heredoc used above...
#$self->render( text => "Mojolicious: $version\n Reading: $URL" );
# K, this is the end of the / route
#3) A more consistent method of getting info about request headers
get '/mojolicious' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $request = join("&", (
'accept: '.$self->req->headers->accept,
'accept_encoding: '.$self->req->headers->accept_encoding,
'accept_charset: '.$self->req->headers->accept_charset,
'accept_language: '.$self->req->headers->accept_language,
'accept_ranges: '.$self->req->headers->accept_ranges,
'authorization: '.$self->req->headers->authorization,
'cache_control: '.$self->req->headers->cache_control,
'connection: '.$self->req->headers->connection,
'content_disposition: '.$self->req->headers->content_disposition,
'content_encoding: '.$self->req->headers->content_encoding,
'content_length: '.$self->req->headers->content_length,
'content_range: '.$self->req->headers->content_range,
'content_type: '.$self->req->headers->content_type,
'cookie: '.$self->req->headers->cookie,
'date: '.$self->req->headers->date,
'dnt: '.$self->req->headers->dnt,
'etag: '.$self->req->headers->etag,
'expect: '.$self->req->headers->expect,
'expires: '.$self->req->headers->expires,
'host: '.$self->req->headers->host,
'if_modified_since: '.$self->req->headers->if_modified_since,
'is_finished: '.$self->req->headers->is_finished,
'is_limit_exceded: '.$self->req->headers->is_limit_exceeded,
'last_modified: '.$self->req->headers->last_modified,
'leftovers: '.$self->req->headers->leftovers,
'location: '.$self->req->headers->location,
'names: '.(join " ", sort @{$self->req->headers->names} ),
'origin: '.$self->req->headers->origin,
'proxy_authenticate: '.$self->req->headers->proxy_authenticate,
'proxy_authorization: '.$self->req->headers->proxy_authorization,
'range: '.$self->req->headers->range,
'referrer: '.$self->req->headers->referrer,
'sec_websocket_accept: '.$self->req->headers->sec_websocket_accept,
'sec_websocket_extensions: '.$self->req->headers->sec_websocket_extensions,
'sec_websocket_key: '.$self->req->headers->sec_websocket_key,
'sec_websocket_protocol: '.$self->req->headers->sec_websocket_protocol,
'sec_websocket_version: '.$self->req->headers->sec_websocket_version,
'server: '.$self->req->headers->server,
'set_cookie: '.$self->req->headers->set_cookie,
'status: '.$self->req->headers->status,
'te: '.$self->req->headers->te,
'trailer: '.$self->req->headers->trailer,
'transfer_encoding: '.$self->req->headers->transfer_encoding,
'upgrade: '.$self->req->headers->upgrade,
'user_agent: '.$self->req->headers->user_agent,
'www_authenticate: '.$self->req->headers->www_authenticate,
) );
#4) How to use EP templates to "render" HTML
$self->stash(message=>"la la la la");
$self->render('mojo', request=>$request);
# Go to http://localhost:3000/mojolicious to see these header values
#5) How to make Mojolicious search the project's root directory for static files
my $static = $app->static;
push @{$static->paths}, ($ENV{PWD});
# i.e. try navigating to http://localhost:3000/ to see this source
# Now we'll start 'er up
# this other version of start() is for running as CGI script
@@ mojo.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Mojolicious Title App</title>
<br /><br /><br />
Welcome to the Mojolicious real-time web framework!<br />
This page was generated from the template "mojo.html.ep"<br />
<a href="<%== url_for %>">Click here</a> to reload the page.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<% foreach my $parm (split '&', $request ) { %>
<%= $parm %><br />
<% } %>
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