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character codes javascript object
'20':'caps lock',
'33':'page up',
'34':'page down',
'37':'left arrow',
'38':'up arrow',
'39':'right arrow',
'40':'down arrow',
'91':'left window key',
'92':'right window key',
'93':'select key',
'96':'numpad 0',
'97':'numpad 1',
'98':'numpad 2',
'99':'numpad 3',
'100':'numpad 4',
'101':'numpad 5',
'102':'numpad 6',
'103':'numpad 7',
'104':'numpad 8',
'105':'numpad 9',
'110':'decimal point',
'144':'num lock',
'145':'scroll lock',
'187':'equal sign',
'191':'forward slash',
'192':'grave accent',
'219':'open bracket',
'220':'back slash',
'221':'close braket',
'222':'single quote'
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