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Last active November 18, 2022 05:44
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JavaScript and TypeScript: two worlds run at different times
// Constants are values with names.
// Functions accept values and return values.
const favoriteNumber = 7
const favoriteNumber2 = (n: number) => n * 2
const doubleNumber = (n: number) => n * 2
const a = doubleNumber(favoriteNumber)
// = 14
// Types are value specifications with names.
// Generic types accept types and return types.
type FavoriteNumber = 7
type DualNumber<N extends number> = [N, N]
type A = DualNumber<FavoriteNumber>
// = [7, 7]
// TypeScript is a blend of JavaScript and types.
// It’s really two languages that execute at different times.
// The JavaScript executes at run time. If something goes wrong, it’s a runtime exception or bug.
// The TypeScript executes at compile time. If something goes wrong, it’s a compiler error.
// Ideally the validation that every type is right at compile time, leads to fewer errors occuring at runtime.
// In TypeScript, every constant, variable, function, and class have a corresponding type.
// The two languages are sewn together.
const z: number = 9
// Generics help with this tapestry, by allowing the types to flexibly adapt to the current scenario.
// Just like a function that doubles numbers doesn’t need to know in advance every single possible number that
// could ever be passed to it as a parameter, a generic type doesn’t need to know in advance every single type
// that could ever be passed it as a parameter.
// The doubleNumber(n) function spits out a new value, based on the number that was passed as a parameter.
// The DualNumber<N> generic type spits out a new type, based on the type that was passed as a parameter.
// You’ll notice that these two have a lot of similarities, just different syntax:
// const doubleNumber = (n: number) => …
// type DualNumber<N extends number> = …
// Just like Functions allow our programs to vary and adapt when executing at runtime,
// Generic types allow our programs to vary and adapt when executing at compile time.
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