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Last active September 7, 2023 08:31
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toggle dark mode: πŸ”‹ β†’ 🌚 / πŸ”Œ β†’ β˜€οΈ

Every 60s: toggle dark mode if on battery (save previous value). If back on power, revert to previous value.

NB: You'll get a notification when changed.


  • ~/ (don't forget to chmod u+x it)
  • ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.user.toggle_dark_mode.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
# Toggle dark-mode when on battery. It executes every 60s (see: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.user.toggle_dark_mode.plist)
# see:
# Check if running on battery
power_source=$(pmset -g ps | grep 'Now drawing from' | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d "'")
# File to store the original mode (using mktemp)
# Check current appearance mode: Dark, Light, or Auto
is_dark=$(defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyle 2>/dev/null)
auto_mode=$(defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyleSwitchesAutomatically 2>/dev/null)
# Function to display macOS notifications
notify() {
osascript -e "display notification \"$1\" with title \"$(basename $0)\""
# Switch modes based on power source
if [ "$power_source" = "Battery" ]; then
echo "πŸ”‹"
# Save the original mode if not on Dark
if [ -n "$is_dark" ]; then
echo "Dark" > "$original_mode_file"
elif [ -n "$auto_mode" ]; then
echo "Auto" > "$original_mode_file"
echo "Light" > "$original_mode_file"
# Enable Dark mode
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to true'
notify "Dark mode enabled to preserve πŸ”‹ (previous: $(cat $original_mode_file))"
echo "πŸ”Œ"
# Revert to the original mode if it was saved
if [ -f "$original_mode_file" ]; then
original_mode=$(cat "$original_mode_file")
case "$original_mode" in
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to false'
notify "Light mode reverted since you are back on πŸ”Œ"
# Already in Dark Mode, no action needed
defaults write -g AppleInterfaceStyleSwitchesAutomatically -bool true
notify "Auto mode reverted since you are back on πŸ”Œ"
# Delete the original_mode_file
rm "$original_mode_file"
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abernier commented Sep 7, 2023

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