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Last active September 19, 2019 11:51
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logic in typescript
type B = 1 | 0;
type BITS_4 = [B,B,B,B];
// note: 'assert' interfaces function as unit tests
interface assert {
true: 1;
false: 0;
interface assert { true: 0 } // expected error
interface assert { false: 1 } // expected error
interface assert { true: any } // expected error
interface assert { false: any } // expected error
interface assert { true: 1 } // good: no error
interface assert { false: 0 } // good: no error
type DIV_4<
numerator extends BITS_4,
divisor extends BITS_4,
/* variables: */
count extends BITS_4 = N_0,
remainder extends BITS_4 = numerator
> = {
// remainder < divisor
1: {count:count, remainder:remainder},
// remainder >= divisor
0: DIV_4<numerator, divisor, ADD_4<count, N_1>, SUB_4<remainder, divisor>>
COMP_4<remainder, divisor>['less'] extends 1 ? 1 : 0
interface assert { true: equals<DIV_4<N_4, N_2>, {count:N_2, remainder:N_0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<DIV_4<N_9, N_2>, {count:N_4, remainder: N_1}> }
type MUL_4<
regA extends BITS_4,
regB extends BITS_4,
/* variables: */
sum0 extends BITS_4 = BITWISE_AND<[regA[0], regA[0], regA[0], regA[0]], regB>,
sum1 extends BITS_4 = ADD_4<[0, AND<regA[1],regB[0]>, AND<regA[1],regB[1]>, AND<regA[1],regB[2]>], sum0>,
sum2 extends BITS_4 = ADD_4<[0, 0, AND<regA[2],regB[0]>, AND<regA[2],regB[1]>], sum1>,
sum3 extends BITS_4 = ADD_4<[0, 0, 0, AND<regA[3], regB[0]>], sum2>
> = sum3;
interface assert { true: equals<MUL_4<N_5, N_0>, N_0> }
interface assert { true: equals<MUL_4<N_2, N_3>, N_6> }
interface assert { true: equals<MUL_4<N_3, N_3>, N_9> }
interface assert { true: equals<MUL_4<N_3, N_5>, N_15> }
type SUB_4<
regA extends BITS_4,
regB extends BITS_4,
/* variables: */
a extends SUBTRACT_RESULT = FULL_SUBTRACTOR<0, regA[0], regB[0]>,
b extends SUBTRACT_RESULT = FULL_SUBTRACTOR<a['borrow'], regA[1], regB[1]>,
c extends SUBTRACT_RESULT = FULL_SUBTRACTOR<b['borrow'], regA[2], regB[2]>,
d extends SUBTRACT_RESULT = FULL_SUBTRACTOR<c['borrow'], regA[3], regB[3]>,
> = [a['diff'], b['diff'], c['diff'], d['diff']];
interface assert { true: equals<SUB_4<N_5, N_2>, N_3> }
type ADD_4<
regA extends BITS_4,
regB extends BITS_4,
/* variables: */
a extends ADDER_RESULT = FULL_ADDER<0, regA[0], regB[0]>,
b extends ADDER_RESULT = FULL_ADDER<a['carry'], regA[1], regB[1]>,
c extends ADDER_RESULT = FULL_ADDER<b['carry'], regA[2], regB[2]>,
d extends ADDER_RESULT = FULL_ADDER<c['carry'], regA[3], regB[3]>,
> = [a['sum'], b['sum'], c['sum'], d['sum']];
interface assert { true: equals<ADD_4<N_2, N_3>, N_5> }
type N_0 = [0, 0, 0, 0];
type N_1 = [1, 0, 0, 0];
type N_2 = [0, 1, 0, 0];
type N_3 = [1, 1, 0, 0];
type N_4 = [0, 0, 1, 0];
type N_5 = [1, 0, 1, 0];
type N_6 = [0, 1, 1, 0];
type N_7 = [1, 1, 1, 0];
type N_8 = [0, 0, 0, 1];
type N_9 = [1, 0, 0, 1];
type N_10 = [0, 1, 0, 1];
type N_11 = [1, 1, 0, 1];
type N_12 = [0, 0, 1, 1];
type N_13 = [1, 0, 1, 1];
type N_14 = [0, 1, 1, 1];
type N_15 = [1, 1, 1, 1];
borrow extends B,
a extends B,
b extends B,
/* variables: */
subtractor1 extends SUBTRACT_RESULT = HALF_SUBTRACTOR<a, b>,
subtractor2 extends SUBTRACT_RESULT = HALF_SUBTRACTOR<subtractor1['diff'], borrow>,
> = {
borrow:OR<subtractor1['borrow'], subtractor2['borrow']>
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<0, 0, 0>, {diff:0, borrow:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<1, 0, 0>, {diff:1, borrow:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<0, 1, 0>, {diff:1, borrow:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<0, 0, 1>, {diff:1, borrow:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<1, 1, 0>, {diff:0, borrow:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<1, 0, 1>, {diff:0, borrow:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<0, 1, 1>, {diff:0, borrow:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_SUBTRACTOR<1, 1, 1>, {diff:1, borrow:1}> }
carry extends B,
a extends B,
b extends B,
/* variables: */
adder1 extends ADDER_RESULT = HALF_ADDER<a, b>,
adder2 extends ADDER_RESULT = HALF_ADDER<carry, adder1['sum']>
> = {
carry:OR<adder2['carry'], adder1['carry']>
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<0, 0, 0>, {sum:0, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<1, 0, 0>, {sum:1, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<0, 1, 0>, {sum:1, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<0, 0, 1>, {sum:1, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<1, 1, 0>, {sum:0, carry:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<1, 0, 1>, {sum:0, carry:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<0, 1, 1>, {sum:0, carry:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<FULL_ADDER<1, 1, 1>, {sum:1, carry:1}> }
type SUBTRACT_RESULT = {diff: B, borrow: B};
type ADDER_RESULT = {sum: B, carry: B};
type HALF_SUBTRACTOR<a extends B, b extends B> = {
diff: XOR<a, b>,
borrow: AND<NOT<a>, b>
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_SUBTRACTOR<0, 0>, {diff:0, borrow:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_SUBTRACTOR<1, 0>, {diff:1, borrow:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_SUBTRACTOR<0, 1>, {diff:1, borrow:1}> }
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_SUBTRACTOR<1, 1>, {diff:0, borrow:0}> }
type HALF_ADDER<a extends B, b extends B> = {sum:XOR<a, b>, carry:AND<a, b>};
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_ADDER<0, 0>, {sum:0, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_ADDER<1, 0>, {sum:1, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_ADDER<0, 1>, {sum:1, carry:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<HALF_ADDER<1, 1>, {sum:0, carry:1}> }
type BITWISE_AND<a extends BITS_4, b extends BITS_4> = [
AND<a[0], b[0]>,
AND<a[1], b[1]>,
AND<a[2], b[2]>,
AND<a[3], b[3]>,
interface assert { true: equals<
[0, 0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0]>
type COMP_4<
a extends BITS_4,
b extends BITS_4,
/* variables: */
c0 extends COMP_RESULT = COMP<a[0], b[0]>,
c1 extends COMP_RESULT = COMP<a[1], b[1]>,
c2 extends COMP_RESULT = COMP<a[2], b[2]>,
c3 extends COMP_RESULT = COMP<a[3], b[3]>,
> = {
less: OR_4<
AND<c3['eq'], c2['grt']>,
AND_4<1, c3['eq'], c2['eq'], c1['grt']>,
AND_4<c3['eq'], c2['eq'], c1['eq'], c0['grt']>
eq: AND_4<c0['eq'], c1['eq'], c2['eq'], c3['eq']>,
grt: OR_4<
AND<c3['eq'], c2['less']>,
AND_4<1, c3['eq'], c2['eq'], c1['less']>,
AND_4<c3['eq'], c2['eq'], c1['eq'], c0['less']>
interface assert { true: equals<COMP_4<N_1, N_5>, {less:1, eq:0, grt:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<COMP_4<N_9, N_9>, {less:0, eq:1, grt:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<COMP_4<N_11, N_3>, {less:0, eq:0, grt:1}> }
type COMP_RESULT = {less: B, eq: B, grt: B};
type COMP<a extends B, b extends B,
/* variables */
aLessThanB extends B = AND<NOT<b>, a>,
aGreaterThanB extends B = AND<b, NOT<a>>,
equal extends B = NOR<aLessThanB, aGreaterThanB>
> = {less: aLessThanB, eq: equal, grt: aGreaterThanB};
interface assert { true: equals<COMP<1, 0>, {less:1, eq:0, grt:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<COMP<0, 0>, {less:0, eq:1, grt:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<COMP<1, 1>, {less:0, eq:1, grt:0}> }
interface assert { true: equals<COMP<0, 1>, {less:0, eq:0, grt:1}> }
type equals<a extends any, b extends any> = a extends b ? 1 : 0;
interface assert { true: equals<[0, 1], [0, 1]> }
interface assert { false: equals<[0, 1], [1, 1]> }
type XOR<a extends B, b extends B> = AND<NAND<a, b>, OR<a, b>>;
interface assert { true: XOR<1, 0> }
interface assert { true: XOR<0, 1> }
interface assert { false: XOR<1, 1> }
interface assert { false: XOR<0, 0> }
type AND_4<a extends B, b extends B, c extends B, d extends B> = AND<AND<a, b>, AND<c, d>>;
interface assert { true: AND_4<1, 1, 1, 1> }
interface assert { false: AND_4<1, 1, 1, 0> }
interface assert { false: AND_4<0, 1, 0, 1> }
interface assert { false: AND_4<0, 0, 0, 0> }
type AND<a extends B, b extends B> = NOT<NAND<a, b>>;
interface assert { true: AND<1, 1> }
interface assert { false: AND<1, 0> }
interface assert { false: AND<0, 1> }
interface assert { false: AND<0, 0> }
type NOR<a extends B, b extends B> = NOT<OR<a, b>>;
interface assert { true: NOR<0, 0> }
interface assert { false: NOR<1, 0> }
interface assert { false: NOR<0, 1> }
interface assert { false: NOR<1, 1> }
type OR_4<a extends B, b extends B, c extends B, d extends B> = OR<OR<a, b>, OR<c, d>>;
interface assert { true: OR_4<1, 1, 1, 1> }
interface assert { true: OR_4<1, 1, 1, 0> }
interface assert { true: OR_4<0, 0, 0, 1> }
interface assert { false: OR_4<0, 0, 0, 0> }
type OR<a extends B, b extends B> = NAND<NOT<a>, NOT<b>>;
interface assert { true: OR<1, 1> }
interface assert { true: OR<1, 0> }
interface assert { true: OR<0, 1> }
interface assert { false: OR<0, 0> }
type NOT<a extends B> = NAND<a, 1>;
interface assert { true: NOT<0> }
interface assert { false: NOT<1> }
type NAND<a extends B, b extends B> = {
1: {
1: 0;
0: 1;
0: {
1: 1;
0: 1;
interface assert { true: NAND<0, 0> }
interface assert { true: NAND<1, 0> }
interface assert { true: NAND<0, 1> }
interface assert { false: NAND<1, 1> }
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