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Created July 6, 2023 06:35
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to handle keepalived notifications.
This script will be called by keepalived with three arguments:
- name of the group or instance
- target state of the transition: "MASTER", "BACKUP", "FAULT"
The script should return 1 if the number of parameters is not 3, if the
target state is not "MASTER", "BACKUP" or "FAULT", or if the first parameter
is not "GROUP" or "INSTANCE". Otherwise it should return 0.
It should log its actions to syslog.
If the transition is to "MASTER", the script should start the service "zabbix-proxy".
It should also call a GCP cloud function to change the route to point to the new master.
This call will done to the URL defined in the variable FUNCTION_URL.
It should be called with a parameter "target" passing the hostname of the new master.
Is should also pass an Authorization header with a token.
To generate the token, the script should call the GCP metadata server.
If the transition is to "BACKUP" or "FAULT", the script should stop the service "zabbix-proxy".
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
from systemd.journal import JournalHandler
# URL of the cloud function to call
# We use the "zone" and "project" hostvars to get the region and project of the cloud function.
FUNCTION_URL = "https://{{ (zone | split('-'))[:-1] | join('-') }}-{{ project }}"
def main():
"""Main function"""
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.addHandler(JournalHandler())"Starting keepalived notification script")
logger.debug("Arguments: %s", sys.argv)
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
logger.error("Wrong number of arguments")
return 1
if sys.argv[1] not in ["GROUP", "INSTANCE"]:
logger.error("First argument must be GROUP or INSTANCE")
return 1
if sys.argv[3] not in ["MASTER", "BACKUP", "FAULT", "STOP", "DELETED"]:
logger.error("Third argument must be MASTER, BACKUP, FAULT, STOP or DELETED")
return 1
if sys.argv[3] == "MASTER":"Starting zabbix-proxy")
r =["/usr/bin/sudo", "systemctl", "start", "zabbix-proxy"])
if r.returncode != 0:
logger.error("Error starting zabbix-proxy")"Calling cloud function")
# Get the token. The request should add the header "Metadata-Flavor: Google".
# The token should be passed as a bearer token in the Authorization header.
# The audience should be the URL of the cloud function.
req = urllib.request.Request("" + FUNCTION_URL)
req.add_header("Metadata-Flavor", "Google")
# Capture if the request fails and return, logging the error and returning 1
token = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8")
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
logger.error("Error getting token: %s", err)
return 1
logger.debug("Token: %s", token)
# Set the target variable with the hostname of the current server
target = os.uname()[1]
req = urllib.request.Request(FUNCTION_URL + "?target=" + target)
req.add_header("Authorization", "bearer " + token)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
logger.error("Error calling cloud function: %s", err)
return 1
else:"Stopping zabbix-proxy")
r =["/usr/bin/sudo", "systemctl", "stop", "zabbix-proxy"])
if r.returncode != 0:
logger.error("Error stopping zabbix-proxy")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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