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Last active September 27, 2021 05:35
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Manually creating GCP VPC tunnels

GCP VPC tunnel

Notes from Qwiklabs: Optimizing networks on GCP

Creating VPC tunnels manually. This is not how you connect VPC's in GCP, but this shows what all the pieces are.

Create two VPCs with a subnet and firewall rules

gcloud compute networks create cloud —subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute firewall-rules create cloud-fw —network cloud —allow tcp:22,tcp:5001,udp:5001,icmp
gcloud compute networks subnets create cloud-east —network cloud     —range —region us-east1

gcloud compute networks create on-prem —subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute firewall-rules create on-prem-fw —network on-prem —allow tcp:22,tcp:5001,udp:5001,icmp
gcloud compute networks subnets create on-prem-central     —network on-prem —range —region us-central1

Create Target VPN gateways

 gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways create on-prem-gw1 —network on-prem —region us-central1
 gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways create cloud-gw1 —network cloud —region us-east1

Add external IP’s to gateways

gcloud compute addresses create cloud-gw1 —region us-east1
gcloud compute addresses create on-prem-gw1 —region us-central1
cloud_gw1_ip=$(gcloud compute addresses describe cloud-gw1  —region us-east1 —format=‘value(address)’)
on_prem_gw_ip=$(gcloud compute addresses describe on-prem-gw1 —region us-central1 —format=‘value(address)’)

Forwarding rules for VPN gateway. It’s a bit unintuitive in GCP console/cli because this is supposed to be a load balancer command (but it’s not in this case). In console, it’s listed under VPN gateway.

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create cloud-1-fr-esp —ip-protocol ESP     —address $cloud_gw1_ip —target-vpn-gateway cloud-gw1 —region us-east1
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create cloud-1-fr-udp500 —ip-protocol UDP     —ports 500 —address $cloud_gw1_ip —target-vpn-gateway cloud-gw1 —region us-east1
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create cloud-fr-1-udp4500 —ip-protocol UDP     —ports 4500 —address $cloud_gw1_ip —target-vpn-gateway cloud-gw1 —region us-east1

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create on-prem-fr-esp —ip-protocol ESP     —address $on_prem_gw_ip —target-vpn-gateway on-prem-gw1 —region us-central1
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create on-prem-fr-udp500 —ip-protocol UDP —ports 500     —address $on_prem_gw_ip —target-vpn-gateway on-prem-gw1 —region us-central1
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create on-prem-fr-udp4500 —ip-protocol UDP —ports 4500     —address $on_prem_gw_ip —target-vpn-gateway on-prem-gw1 —region us-central1

Create VPN tunnels

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create on-prem-tunnel1 —peer-address $cloud_gw1_ip     —target-vpn-gateway on-prem-gw1 —ike-version 2 —local-traffic-selector     —remote-traffic-selector —shared-secret=sharedsecret —region us-central1
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create cloud-tunnel1 —peer-address $on_prem_gw_ip     —target-vpn-gateway cloud-gw1 —ike-version 2 —local-traffic-selector     —remote-traffic-selector —shared-secret=sharedsecret —region us-east1

Create routes to funnel via tunnels

gcloud compute routes create on-prem-route1 —destination-range     —network on-prem —next-hop-vpn-tunnel on-prem-tunnel1     —next-hop-vpn-tunnel-region us-central1
gcloud compute routes create cloud-route1 —destination-range     —network cloud —next-hop-vpn-tunnel cloud-tunnel1 —next-hop-vpn-tunnel-region us-east1

Create VM instances to test throughput

gcloud compute instances create “cloud-loadtest” —zone “us-east1-b”     —machine-type “n1-standard-4” —subnet “cloud-east”     —image “debian-9-stretch-v20180814” —image-project “debian-cloud” —boot-disk-size “10”     —boot-disk-type “pd-standard” —boot-disk-device-name “cloud-loadtest”
gcloud compute instances create “on-prem-loadtest” —zone “us-central1-a”     —machine-type “n1-standard-4” —subnet “on-prem-central”     —image “debian-9-stretch-v20180814” —image-project “debian-cloud” —boot-disk-size “10”     —boot-disk-type “pd-standard” —boot-disk-device-name “on-prem-loadtest”

Running iperf from one VPC to the other resulted in ~200Mbs throughput.

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