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Created July 20, 2015 16:44
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Plotting lat+lon from a csv on a simple leaflet map using folium and pandas
import pandas, folium
inputfile = '/home/alex/Desktop/test/data/level_1a.tsv'
df1a = pandas.read_csv(inputfile, sep='\t')
map_1 = folium.Map(location=[34.5242, 69.17935], zoom_start=7)#, width='100%', height='100%')
for index, row in df1a.iterrows():
map_1.circle_marker([row['latitude'], row['longitude']], popup = row['project_id'], line_color='#3186cc', fill_color='#3186cc', fill_opacity=0.2)#, radius=(row['even_split_commitments']))
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