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Created December 31, 2020 23:21
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Autohotkey script to switch screen for two named apps
#SingleInstance Force
MMPrimDPI := 1.0 ;DPI Scale of the primary monitor (divided by 100).
MMSecDPI := 1.0 ;DPI Scale of the secondary monitor (divided by 100).
SysGet, MMCount, MonitorCount
SysGet, MMPrimary, MonitorPrimary
SysGet, MMPrimLRTB, Monitor, MMPrimary
WinGetPos, MMWinGetX, MMWinGetY, MMWinGetWidth, MMWinGetHeight, A
MMWinGetXMiddle := MMWinGetX + (MMWinGetWidth / 2)
MMDPISub := Abs(MMPrimDPI - MMSecDPI) + 1
;Second mon is off, window is lost, bring to primary
if ( (MMCount = 1) and !((MMWinGetXMiddle > MMPrimLRTBLeft + 20) and (MMWinGetXMiddle < MMPrimLRTBRight - 20) and (MMWinGetY > MMPrimLRTBTop + 20) and (MMWinGetY < MMPrimLRTBBottom - 20)) ){
if ((MMPrimDPI - MMSecDPI) >= 0)
MMWHRatio := 1 / MMDPISub
MMWinMoveWidth := MMWinGetWidth * MMWHRatio
MMWinMoveHeight := MMWinGetHeight * MMWHRatio
WinMove, A,, 0, 0, MMWinMoveWidth, MMWinMoveHeight
WinMove, A,, 0, 0, MMWinMoveWidth, MMWinMoveHeight ;Fail safe
if (MMPrimary = 1)
SysGet, MMSecLRTB, Monitor, 2
SysGet, MMSecLRTB, Monitor, 1
MMSecW := MMSecLRTBRight - MMSecLRTBLeft
MMSecH := MMSecLRTBBottom - MMSecLRTBTop
;Primary to secondary
if ( (MMWinGetXMiddle > MMPrimLRTBLeft - 20) and (MMWinGetXMiddle < MMPrimLRTBRight + 20) and (MMWinGetY > MMPrimLRTBTop - 20) and (MMWinGetY < MMPrimLRTBBottom + 20) ){
if ( (MMSecW) and (MMSecH) ){ ;Checks if sec mon exists. Could have used MMCount instead: if (MMCount >= 2){}
if ((MMSecDPI - MMPrimDPI) >= 0){
MMWidthRatio := (MMSecW / A_ScreenWidth) / MMDPISub
MMHeightRatio := (MMSecH / A_ScreenHeight) / MMDPISub
Else {
MMWidthRatio := (MMSecW / A_ScreenWidth) * MMDPISub
MMHeightRatio := (MMSecH / A_ScreenHeight) * MMDPISub
MMWinMoveX := (MMWinGetX * MMWidthRatio) + MMSecLRTBLeft
MMWinMoveY := (MMWinGetY * MMHeightRatio) + MMSecLRTBTop
if (MMSecLRTBBottom - MMWinMoveY < 82) ;Check if window is going under taskbar and fixes it.
MMWinMoveY -= 82
MMWinMoveWidth := MMWinGetWidth * MMWidthRatio
MMWinMoveHeight := MMWinGetHeight * MMHeightRatio
WinMove, A,, MMWinMoveX, MMWinMoveY, MMWinMoveWidth, MMWinMoveHeight
WinMove, A,, MMWinMoveX, MMWinMoveY, MMWinMoveWidth, MMWinMoveHeight
} ;Secondary to primary
Else if ( (MMWinGetXMiddle > MMSecLRTBLeft - 20) and (MMWinGetXMiddle < MMSecLRTBRight + 20) and (MMWinGetY > MMSecLRTBTop - 20) and (MMWinGetY < MMSecLRTBBottom + 20) ){
if ( (MMSecW) and (MMSecH) ){
if ((MMPrimDPI - MMSecDPI) >= 0){
MMWidthRatio := (A_ScreenWidth / MMSecW) / MMDPISub
MMHeightRatio := (A_ScreenHeight / MMSecH) / MMDPISub
MMWidthRatio := (A_ScreenWidth / MMSecW) * MMDPISub
MMHeightRatio := (A_ScreenHeight / MMSecH) * MMDPISub
MMWinMoveX := (MMWinGetX - MMSecLRTBLeft) * MMWidthRatio
MMWinMoveY := (MMWinGetY - MMSecLRTBTop) * MMHeightRatio
if (MMPrimLRTBBottom - MMWinMoveY < 82)
MMWinMoveY -= 82
MMWinMoveWidth := MMWinGetWidth * MMWidthRatio
MMWinMoveHeight := MMWinGetHeight * MMHeightRatio
WinMove, A,, MMWinMoveX, MMWinMoveY, MMWinMoveWidth, MMWinMoveHeight
WinMove, A,, MMWinMoveX, MMWinMoveY, MMWinMoveWidth, MMWinMoveHeight
} ;If window is out of current monitors' boundaries or if script fails
MsgBox, 4, MM, % "Current window is in " MMWinGetX " " MMWinGetY "`nDo you want to move it to 0,0?"
IfMsgBox Yes
WinMove, A,, 0, 0
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