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Last active September 20, 2017 11:42
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Use miniCRAN to install packages on SQL Server
# Instructions for using miniCRAN to create a package repository for installing packages on SQL Server 2016
# 1. Create a local repository on a machine connected to the Internet
# 2. Copy the miniCRAN repository to the target machine
# 3. Install the packages on the target machine
# Creates a local miniCRAN repository
# The settings will download windows binary files with R-3.2.x, ready for installation on a SQL Server machine.
# Run this code on a machine that has internet connectivity
# Install miniCRAN --------------------------------------------------------
if(!require("miniCRAN")) install.packages("miniCRAN")
if(!require("igraph")) install.packages("igraph")
# Fill out these values to suit your requirements -------------------------
# Define the package source, e.g. your CRAN mirror of choice, or an MRAN snapshot
CRAN_mirror <- c(CRAN = "")
# Define the local download location
local_repo <- "~/miniCRAN"
# Define the packages you need. You don't need to specify dependencies
pkgs_needed <- c("ggplot2", "ggdendro")
# Plot the dependency graph -----------------------------------------------
# Create the local repo ---------------------------------------------------
pkgs_expanded <- pkgDep(pkgs_needed, repos = CRAN_mirror)
makeRepo(pkgs_expanded, path = local_repo, repos = CRAN_mirror, type = "win.binary", Rversion = "3.2")
# List local packages -----------------------------------------------------
pdb <-
pkgAvail(local_repo, type = "win.binary", Rversion = "3.2"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pdb[, c("Package", "Version", "License")]
# Install packages from a local miniCRAN repository
# Run this code on the SQL Server machine
pkgs_needed <- c("ggplot2", "ggdendro")
local_repo <- "~/miniCRAN"
"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/130/R_SERVER/library"
lib <- .libPaths()[1]
repos = file.path("file://", normalizePath(local_repo, winslash = "/")),
lib = lib,
type = "win.binary",
dependencies = TRUE
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