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Created August 28, 2016 04:07
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<div style="clear: both; padding: 2px; color: #00ff00; background-color: black; width: 798px;">
<p id="moveEvent"> ==&gt; Drag the red box around with your mouse! Use left button for pane and right for zoom. </p>
<p id="mouseOverEvent"> ==&gt; Move your mouse over the little primitives to update the markers. </p>
<p id="viewMat"> &nbsp; </p>
<span id="anno2d" style="position: absolute; background-color: blue; color: yellow; border: yellow solid 1px; z-index: 10; padding: 6px; margin: 2px; width: 60px; height: 30 px; opacity: 0.7; text_align: center; top: 6px; left: 6px;">
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
// the x3dom runtime object
var runtime = null;
var drag = false;
// on button press
function start(event)
if (!drag) {
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Down: [" + event.layerX + " | " + event.layerY + "]";
drag = true;
// on mouse move
function moveCallback(elem, trans)
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Move " + + ": [" + trans + "]";
// on button release
function stop(event)
if (drag) {
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Up: [" + event.layerX + " | " + event.layerY + "]";
drag = false;
// viewpoint changed
function viewFunc(evt)
// show viewpoint values
if (evt)
var pos = evt.position;
var rot = evt.orientation;
var mat = evt.matrix;
var camPos = pos.x.toFixed(4)+' '+pos.y.toFixed(4)+' '+pos.z.toFixed(4);
var camRot = rot[0].x.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[0].y.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[0].z.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[1].toFixed(4);
document.getElementById("viewMat").innerHTML = "&ltViewpoint position='" +
camPos + "' orientation='" + camRot + "'&gt";
// update 2d marker also if camera changes since projection is now wrong
var trans = x3dom.fields.SFVec3f.parse(document.getElementById('bar').getAttribute("translation"));
var pos2d = runtime.calcPagePos(trans.x, trans.y, trans.z);
var anno = document.getElementById("anno2d");
anno.innerHTML = "(" + pos2d[0] + ", " + pos2d[1] + ")"; = (pos2d[0]+1) + "px"; = (pos2d[1]+1) + "px";
// AP: link axes
var invrot = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.axisAngle(rot[0], rot[1]).inverse().toAxisAngle();
var axes_trafo = document.querySelector('#axes');
axes_trafo.setAttribute('rotation', invrot[0].x+' '+invrot[0].y+' '+invrot[0].z+' '+invrot[1]);
// update position and orientation of line according to picked position and surface direction
function updateStuff(event)
var norm = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(event.normalX, event.normalY, event.normalZ);
var qDir = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.rotateFromTo(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, -1, 0), norm);
var rot = qDir.toAxisAngle();
var t = document.getElementById('bar');
t.setAttribute('rotation', rot[0].x+' '+rot[0].y+' '+rot[0].z+' '+rot[1]);
t.setAttribute('translation', event.worldX+' '+event.worldY+' '+event.worldZ);
var pos2d = runtime.calcPagePos(event.worldX, event.worldY, event.worldZ);
var anno = document.getElementById("anno2d");
anno.innerHTML = "(" + pos2d[0] + ", " + pos2d[1] + ")"; = (pos2d[0]+1) + "px"; = (pos2d[1]+1) + "px";
// some inits to attach listeners etc.
document.onload = function()
var boxes = document.getElementById("boxes");
runtime = boxes.runtime;
boxes.addEventListener('mouseup', stop, false);
var redBox = document.getElementById("box_2_id");
redBox.addEventListener('mousedown', start, false);
// Moveable wrapper requires x3dom-full.js, its signature is:
// x3dom.Moveable(x3domElement, transformNode, callback, snapToGridSize)
new x3dom.Moveable(boxes, redBox, moveCallback, 0);
document.getElementById('aView').addEventListener('viewpointChanged', viewFunc, false);
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript"> // the x3dom runtime object
var runtime = null;
var drag = false;
// on button press
function start(event)
if (!drag) {
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Down: [" + event.layerX + " | " + event.layerY + "]";
drag = true;
// on mouse move
function moveCallback(elem, trans)
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Move " + + ": [" + trans + "]";
// on button release
function stop(event)
if (drag) {
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Up: [" + event.layerX + " | " + event.layerY + "]";
drag = false;
// viewpoint changed
function viewFunc(evt)
// show viewpoint values
if (evt)
var pos = evt.position;
var rot = evt.orientation;
var mat = evt.matrix;
var camPos = pos.x.toFixed(4)+' '+pos.y.toFixed(4)+' '+pos.z.toFixed(4);
var camRot = rot[0].x.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[0].y.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[0].z.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[1].toFixed(4);
document.getElementById("viewMat").innerHTML = "&ltViewpoint position='" +
camPos + "' orientation='" + camRot + "'&gt";
// update 2d marker also if camera changes since projection is now wrong
var trans = x3dom.fields.SFVec3f.parse(document.getElementById('bar').getAttribute("translation"));
var pos2d = runtime.calcPagePos(trans.x, trans.y, trans.z);
var anno = document.getElementById("anno2d");
anno.innerHTML = "(" + pos2d[0] + ", " + pos2d[1] + ")"; = (pos2d[0]+1) + "px"; = (pos2d[1]+1) + "px";
// AP: link axes
var invrot = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.axisAngle(rot[0], rot[1]).inverse().toAxisAngle();
var axes_trafo = document.querySelector('#axes');
axes_trafo.setAttribute('rotation', invrot[0].x+' '+invrot[0].y+' '+invrot[0].z+' '+invrot[1]);
// update position and orientation of line according to picked position and surface direction
function updateStuff(event)
var norm = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(event.normalX, event.normalY, event.normalZ);
var qDir = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.rotateFromTo(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, -1, 0), norm);
var rot = qDir.toAxisAngle();
var t = document.getElementById('bar');
t.setAttribute('rotation', rot[0].x+' '+rot[0].y+' '+rot[0].z+' '+rot[1]);
t.setAttribute('translation', event.worldX+' '+event.worldY+' '+event.worldZ);
var pos2d = runtime.calcPagePos(event.worldX, event.worldY, event.worldZ);
var anno = document.getElementById("anno2d");
anno.innerHTML = "(" + pos2d[0] + ", " + pos2d[1] + ")"; = (pos2d[0]+1) + "px"; = (pos2d[1]+1) + "px";
// some inits to attach listeners etc.
document.onload = function()
var boxes = document.getElementById("boxes");
runtime = boxes.runtime;
boxes.addEventListener('mouseup', stop, false);
var redBox = document.getElementById("box_2_id");
redBox.addEventListener('mousedown', start, false);
// Moveable wrapper requires x3dom-full.js, its signature is:
// x3dom.Moveable(x3domElement, transformNode, callback, snapToGridSize)
new x3dom.Moveable(boxes, redBox, moveCallback, 0);
document.getElementById('aView').addEventListener('viewpointChanged', viewFunc, false);
// the x3dom runtime object
var runtime = null;
var drag = false;
// on button press
function start(event)
if (!drag) {
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Down: [" + event.layerX + " | " + event.layerY + "]";
drag = true;
// on mouse move
function moveCallback(elem, trans)
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Move " + + ": [" + trans + "]";
// on button release
function stop(event)
if (drag) {
document.getElementById('moveEvent').innerHTML = "Up: [" + event.layerX + " | " + event.layerY + "]";
drag = false;
// viewpoint changed
function viewFunc(evt)
// show viewpoint values
if (evt)
var pos = evt.position;
var rot = evt.orientation;
var mat = evt.matrix;
var camPos = pos.x.toFixed(4)+' '+pos.y.toFixed(4)+' '+pos.z.toFixed(4);
var camRot = rot[0].x.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[0].y.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[0].z.toFixed(4)+' '+rot[1].toFixed(4);
document.getElementById("viewMat").innerHTML = "&ltViewpoint position='" +
camPos + "' orientation='" + camRot + "'&gt";
// update 2d marker also if camera changes since projection is now wrong
var trans = x3dom.fields.SFVec3f.parse(document.getElementById('bar').getAttribute("translation"));
var pos2d = runtime.calcPagePos(trans.x, trans.y, trans.z);
var anno = document.getElementById("anno2d");
anno.innerHTML = "(" + pos2d[0] + ", " + pos2d[1] + ")"; = (pos2d[0]+1) + "px"; = (pos2d[1]+1) + "px";
// AP: link axes
var invrot = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.axisAngle(rot[0], rot[1]).inverse().toAxisAngle();
var axes_trafo = document.querySelector('#axes');
axes_trafo.setAttribute('rotation', invrot[0].x+' '+invrot[0].y+' '+invrot[0].z+' '+invrot[1]);
// update position and orientation of line according to picked position and surface direction
function updateStuff(event)
var norm = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(event.normalX, event.normalY, event.normalZ);
var qDir = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.rotateFromTo(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, -1, 0), norm);
var rot = qDir.toAxisAngle();
var t = document.getElementById('bar');
t.setAttribute('rotation', rot[0].x+' '+rot[0].y+' '+rot[0].z+' '+rot[1]);
t.setAttribute('translation', event.worldX+' '+event.worldY+' '+event.worldZ);
var pos2d = runtime.calcPagePos(event.worldX, event.worldY, event.worldZ);
var anno = document.getElementById("anno2d");
anno.innerHTML = "(" + pos2d[0] + ", " + pos2d[1] + ")"; = (pos2d[0]+1) + "px"; = (pos2d[1]+1) + "px";
// some inits to attach listeners etc.
document.onload = function()
var boxes = document.getElementById("boxes");
runtime = boxes.runtime;
boxes.addEventListener('mouseup', stop, false);
var redBox = document.getElementById("box_2_id");
redBox.addEventListener('mousedown', start, false);
// Moveable wrapper requires x3dom-full.js, its signature is:
// x3dom.Moveable(x3domElement, transformNode, callback, snapToGridSize)
new x3dom.Moveable(boxes, redBox, moveCallback, 0);
document.getElementById('aView').addEventListener('viewpointChanged', viewFunc, false);
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