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Created October 21, 2013 14:55
Show Gist options
  • Save antichris/7085254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save antichris/7085254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fork your own Gist

Fork your own Gist

This is a bookmarklet that adds a fully functional Fork button to your own Gist.

If a Fork button is already present in the page, this bookmarklet will set focus to it instead of adding another one.

The change is temporary and the button will disappear as soon as you navigate away from that Gist (clicking the Fork button does this for you as well).

A Closure Compiler optimized version provided below for convenient copy'n'paste.

javascript: (function () {
var fork, present, star, button, form, forks, count;
$('.pagehead-actions li').each(function () {
var action = $(this).find('form').attr('action');
if (action) {
switch (action.split('/').pop()) {
case 'fork':
fork = $(this);
present = true;
case 'star':
star = this;
if (!fork) {
fork = $(star).clone();
button = fork.find('.minibutton');
if (present) {
form = fork.find('form');
form.attr('action', form.attr('action').split('/').map(function (a) {
return a === 'star' ? 'fork' : a;
button.html('<span class="octicon octicon-git-branch"></span>Fork');
forks = $('.counter').filter(function () {
var href = $(this).parent().attr('href');
return href ? href.split('/').some(function (a) {
return a === 'forks';
}) : false;
count = fork.find('.social-count');
count.html(forks.text() || 0);
count.attr('href', forks.parent().attr('href'));
$('.pagehead-actions li:last').parent().append(fork);
javascript:(function(){var b,e,f,c,d;$(".pagehead-actions li").each(function(){var a=$(this).find("form").attr("action");if(a)switch(a.split("/").pop()){case "fork":b=$(this);e=!0;break;case "star":f=this}});b||(b=$(f).clone());c=b.find(".minibutton");e?c.focus():(d=b.find("form"),d.attr("action",d.attr("action").split("/").map(function(a){return"star"===a?"fork":a}).join("/")),c.html('<span class="octicon octicon-git-branch"></span>Fork'),c=$(".counter").filter(function(){var a=$(this).parent().attr("href");return a?a.split("/").some(function(a){return"forks"===a}):!1}),d=b.find(".social-count"),d.html(c.text()||0),d.attr("href",c.parent().attr("href")),$(".pagehead-actions li:last").parent().append(b))})()
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elhaem commented Jun 29, 2019

To get a “Fork” button with the right fork-count, change .minibutton to .btn-sm, and .counter to .Counter. However, this does not solve the problem with the authenticity_token.

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This no longer works because the fork link has been replaced with a form that includes a authenticity_token field. I don't think there is any way around that from the browser.
I now use from the CLI to:

  • # Define your original gist url (I have to use the ssh url to get it to work for my credential-helper)
  • # Create a new gist
    url="$(date | gist -f temp)"
  • # Clone it
    git clone $url; cd $(basename $url)
  • # Add the original gist as a remote and fetch it
    git remote add alt $original_url; git fetch alt
  • # Check out the original
    git reset --hard alt/master
  • # Push to the new gist
    git push -f origin master

Note: the # are in there so you can copy-pasta the whole block into the terminal 😉

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