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Last active August 3, 2017 06:54
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multiple lines
license: mit
"all": [
"year": 2017,
"months": [
"month": 1,
"totalNet": 130000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 2,
"totalNet": 128000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 3,
"totalNet": 145000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 4,
"totalNet": 142000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 5,
"totalNet": 163899,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 6,
"totalNet": 158000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"year": 2016,
"months": [
"month": 1,
"totalNet": 142000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 2,
"totalNet": 141000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 3,
"totalNet": 130000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 4,
"totalNet": 152000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 5,
"totalNet": 150000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 6,
"totalNet": 153000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 7,
"totalNet": 149000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 8,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 9,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 10,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 11,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 12,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"year": 2015,
"months": [
"month": 1,
"totalNet": 123000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 2,
"totalNet": 123300,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 3,
"totalNet": 130000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 4,
"totalNet": 130400,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 5,
"totalNet": 125000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 6,
"totalNet": 122000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 7,
"totalNet": 138000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 8,
"totalNet": 146000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 9,
"totalNet": 144000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 10,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 11,
"totalNet": 140000,
"totalIn": 0,
"totalOut": 0
"month": 12,
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"totalIn": 0,
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const minMonth = 1;
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d3.json('data.json', (err, rawData) => {
const data = rawData.all
.map(y => {
const year = y.year;
const values = y.months
.map(m => ({
month: m.month,
value: m.totalNet
.filter(m => m.month >= minMonth && m.month <= maxMonth);
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function setup(data) {
// build y scale and axis
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year => d3.min(year.values,
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function update(data) {
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function checkbox(data, color) {
const container = svg.append('g');
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// necessary if you call invoke this function for multiple svgs
// api docs:"resize." + container.attr("id"), resize);
// get width of container and resize svg to fit it
function resize() {
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