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Last active April 25, 2023 08:40
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  • Save bartoszek/41a3bfb707f1b258de061f75b109042b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PKGBUILD: generate git submodule configuration.
# shellcheck disable=SC2164,SC2154 # mask unsafe cd and uninitialized variables warings
shopt -s globstar
# How to use:
# * run in PKGBUILD dir or pass path to PKGBUILD as argument
# this will generate volatile source tree in $TMP (default: /tmp) and
# generate source array and prepare_submodule() function to init them
# * add local=1 env var to use src/ dir in PKGBUILD path instead of $TMP
# * add remote=1 env var to update module past the pined commit hash
# * redirect stdout `>> PKGBUILD` to append generated script
# to do:
# * handle $srcdir
# * auto update PKGBUILD
# * handle source[]
# * handle checksums
# ✓ find all .gitmodules
# ✓ make sure noting goes to the stdout beside output script
[[ -f "${1:-$PWD}/PKGBUILD" ]] || {
echo -e "usage: $(basename "$0") run inside directory containing PKGBUILD or pass path as argument" >&2
exit 1
[[ -v 1 ]] && cd "$1"
if (( local )); then
cd src || { echo -e "usage: $(basename "$0") in local mode first run \`makepkg -Cod\`" >&2; exit 2; }
export BUILDDIR=${TMP:-/tmp}/aur_git_submodule_$$
trap 'rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"' exit
makepkg -Cod --noprepare >&2
cd "$BUILDDIR"/*/src
while read -r gitmodule; do
while read -r submodule; do
prepare+=(" git -C \"\$srcdir/${gitmodule%/.gitmodules}\" -c protocol.file.allow=always config ${submodule% *} \"\$srcdir/${submodule##*/}\"")
source+=(" \"${submodule##*/}::git+${submodule#* }\"")
done < <(git config --file "$gitmodule" --get-regex url|sed 's/\.git$//')
prepare+=(" git -C \"\$srcdir/${gitmodule%/.gitmodules}\" submodule update --init${remote:+ --remote}")
done < <(ls -- **/.gitmodules )
echo -e "\n# Generated with ( )"
echo -e "# Call prepare_submodule in prepare() function\n"
echo -e "prepare_submodule() {\n${prepare[*]}\n}"
echo -e "source+=(\n${source[*]}\n)"
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