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Created August 6, 2018 14:12
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namespace Tests;
use App\Console\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabaseState;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use RuntimeException;
trait RefreshSqliteDatabase
* Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
* @return void
public function refreshDatabase()
if (!$this->usingSqliteDatabase()) {
throw new RuntimeException("You're not using an SQLite database");
? $this->refreshInMemoryDatabase()
: $this->refreshTestDatabase();
* Determine if a SQLite database is being used.
* @return bool
protected function usingSqliteDatabase()
$default = config('database.default');
return config("database.connections.{$default}.driver") == 'sqlite';
* Determine if an in-memory database is being used.
* @return bool
protected function usingInMemoryDatabase()
return $this->getDatabaseFile() == ':memory:';
* Refresh the in-memory database.
* @return void
protected function refreshInMemoryDatabase()
* Refresh a conventional test database.
* @return void
protected function refreshTestDatabase()
if (!$this->exemplarExists()) {
if (!copy($this->getExemplarFile(), $this->getDatabaseFile())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to copy exemplar over database");
* Is exemplar database available
protected function exemplarExists()
return file_exists($this->getExemplarFile());
* Create a new exemplar database
protected function makeExemplar()
$this->artisan('migrate:fresh', $this->shouldDropViews() ? ['--drop-views' => true] : []);
if (!copy($this->getDatabaseFile(), $this->getExemplarFile())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to backup database in exemplar");
* Obtain the exemplar filename
* @return string
protected function getExemplarFile(): string
$pid = getmypid();
return dirname($this->getDatabaseFile()) . "/exemplar_{$pid}.sqlite";
* Obtain the database fiename
* @return string
protected function getDatabaseFile()
$default = config('database.default');
return config("database.connections.{$default}.database");
* Determine if views should be dropped when refreshing the database.
* @return bool
protected function shouldDropViews()
return property_exists($this, 'dropViews') ? $this->dropViews : false;
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