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Created November 14, 2018 08:42
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ascii art animation
```{r, message=F}
im <- load.image('Ortiz_Ulloa_Benjamin.jpg')
all_im <- 'satrdays_2018_photos/' %>%
str_c(., dir(.)) %>%
load.image(x) %>%
resize(400, 400) %>%
map(all_im, ~plot(print(.)))
speakers_info <- tibble(
name = c("Daniel Chen",
"David Meza",
"Benjamin Harvey",
"Gwynn Sturdevant",
"Helen Levy-Myers",
"Martin Skarzynski",
"Matthew Hendrickson",
"Michael Lee",
"Minh Tran",
"Kelly O'Briant",
"Katherine Ognyanova",
"Benjamin Ortiz Ulloa",
"David Smith",
"Charlie Thompson",
"Tony McGovern",
"Tyler Morgan-Wall",
"Wendy Wong"),
title = c("TBD",
"Understanding the International Space Station Crew\n Perspective Following Long Duration Missions:\n Data Analytics and Visualization of Crew Feedback",
"Influencing Factors on \nHigh School Graduation",
"How to Write Respectful\n and Empathic Code and Documentation",
"Learning R by Doing",
"Animate All the Things:\n Methods for Animated Visualization in R",
"Time-Series Regressions:\n What Are They & Why Would I Use Them",
"Spatial Data Analysis in Power BI: \nFrom Beautiful Thematic Maps to R-Based Models",
"3D Mapping, Plotting, and Printing \n with Rayshader",
"How to Run RStudio Servers Anywhere\n with Containers - HPC, Cloud, and Locally"),
img = all_im
existing_talks <- speakers_info %>%
filter(title != 'TBD')
asc <- gtools::chr(38:126)
g.chr <- function(chr) {
implot(imfill(50, 50, val = 1),
text(25, 25, chr, cex = 5)) %>%
grayscale() %>%
g <- map_dbl(asc, g.chr)
n <- length(g)
plot(1:n, sort(g), type ='n', xlab='Order', ylab = 'lightness')
text(1:n, sort(g), asc[order(g)])
char <- asc[order(g)]
char_key <- char %>%
unique %>%
{names(.) <- .; .}
existing_talks <- existing_talks %>%
mutate(d = map(img, function(x){
temp_df <- x %>%
imresize(.2) %>%
grayscale() %>% %>%
mutate(qv = cut(value, n) %>% as.integer,
char = char[qv])
n_clr <- 10
shade_key <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n_clr)
existing_talks <- existing_talks %>%
mutate(d_clr = map(img, function(x){
x %>%
imresize(.2) %>% %>%
mutate(value = cut(value, n_clr) %>% as.integer(),
value = shade_key[value]) %>%
mutate(cc = paste0('cc_', cc)) %>%
group_by(x,y) %>%
spread(cc, value) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(rgb = rgb(cc_1, cc_2, cc_3))
existing_talks <- existing_talks %>%
mutate(all_d = map2(d, d_clr, function(d, d_clr){
left_join(d_clr, select(d, x, y, char, value), by = c('x', 'y'))
})) %>%
select(-d, -d_clr)
existing_talks$all_d %>%
clr_key <- img$rgb %>%
{names(.) <- .; .}
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x,y, color = rgb, shape = char), img) +
scale_color_manual(values = clr_key) +
scale_shape_manual(values = char_key) +
scale_y_reverse() +
theme(legend.position = 'none')
point_ascii_animation <- function(img, name, title, fading_point = 10, fading_color = 15, label_show = 25){
print(str_glue("Started on {name}'s animation"))
disappearing_point <- img %>%
mutate(data = list(
alpha = 1:fading_point,
size = 1:fading_point,
step = 1:fading_point
))) %>%
unnest() %>%
mutate(size = round(size, 2))
staying_char <<- img %>%
mutate(data = list(
alpha = 1,
size = 1,
step = 1:(fading_point * 1.5)
))) %>%
tween_dictionary <<- img$rgb %>%
unique %>%
setNames(., .) %>%
map(~tween_color(c(.x, "#000000"), fading_color, 'linear'))
greying_char <<- img %>%
mutate(data = map2(value, rgb, function(x,y){
tibble(rgb2 = tween_dictionary[[y]] %>% unlist()) %>%
mutate(step = (fading_point * 1.5 + 1):(fading_point* 1.5 + fading_color),
alpha = 1, #tween_numeric(c(1, 1-x), fading_color , 'linear') %>% unlist(),
size = 1)
})) %>%
unnest() %>%
mutate(rgb = rgb2)
clearing_char <<- img %>%
mutate(rgb = "#000000") %>%
mutate(data = map(value, function(x){
alpha = tween_numeric(c(1, 1-x), 5 , 'linear') %>% unlist(),
size = 1,
step = (fading_point*1.5 + fading_color + 1):(fading_point*1.5 + fading_color + 5)
})) %>%
char_animation <<- bind_rows(staying_char, greying_char, clearing_char) %>%
select(x, y, rgb, alpha, size, char, step)
clr_key <- c(char_animation$rgb, disappearing_point$rgb) %>%
unique %>%
{names(.) <- .; .}
char_key <- char_animation$char %>%
unique %>%
{names(.) <- .; .}
size_key <- tween_numeric(c(2, 0), fading_point, 'linear') %>%
unlist() %>%
{names(.) <- 1:fading_point; . }
print(str_glue("finished data cleaning, now rendering animation"))
ani.options(interval = 0.1, ani.width = 500, ani.height = 500)
for (i in seq(max(char_animation$step))) {
to_show <- ggplot() +
scale_color_manual(values = clr_key) +
scale_shape_manual(values = char_key ) +
scale_size_manual(values = size_key) +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position ='none') +
# print(str_glue("to_show {i} initiated"))
if(nrow(filter(char_animation, step == i)) > 0){
to_show <- to_show +
geom_text(aes(x,y, color = rgb, label = char, size = '1', alpha = alpha ),
filter(char_animation, step == i))
if(nrow(filter(disappearing_point, step == i)) > 0){
to_show <- to_show +
geom_point(aes(x,y, color = rgb, alpha = alpha, size = as.character(size)),
filter(disappearing_point, step == i))
temp_df <- char_animation %>%
filter(step == max(char_animation$step))
mid_x <- median(temp_df$x)
min_y <- min(temp_df$y)
quar_2_y <- quantile(temp_df$y, .1)
quar_3_y <- quantile(temp_df$y, .9)
max_y <- max(temp_df$y)
# tween_title <- tween_numeric(c(min_y, quar_2_y), label_show) %>% unlist
# tween_name <- tween_numeric(c(max_y, quar_3_y), label_show) %>% unlist
title_letters <- title %>%
str_split('') %>%
name_letters <- name %>%
str_split('') %>%
max_i <- max(length(name_letters), length(title_letters))
# for(i in seq(label_show)){
for(i in seq(max_i)){
temp_name <- ifelse(i > length(name_letters),
paste(name_letters, collapse = ''),
paste(name_letters[1:i], collapse = ''))
temp_title <- ifelse(i > length(title_letters),
paste(title_letters, collapse = ''),
paste(title_letters[1:i], collapse = ''))
ggplot() +
geom_text(aes(x,y, alpha = alpha, label = char, size = "1"), temp_df, color = "#000000") +
scale_color_manual(values = clr_key) +
scale_size_manual(values = (size_key + .5)) +
scale_shape_manual(values = char_key) +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position ='none') +
scale_y_reverse() +
annotate("label", x = mid_x, y = quar_2_y, label = temp_title, color = "blue", hjust = .5, vjust = 1, size = 7, label.padding = unit(0.5, "lines")) +
annotate("label", x = mid_x, y = quar_3_y, label = temp_name, color = "blue", hjust = .5, vjust = 0, size = 5, label.padding = unit(0.5, "lines"))
ggplot() +
geom_text(aes(x,y, alpha = alpha, label = char, size = "1"), temp_df, color = "#000000") +
scale_color_manual(values = clr_key) +
scale_size_manual(values = (size_key + .5)) +
scale_shape_manual(values = char_key) +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position ='none') +
scale_y_reverse() +
annotate("label", x = mid_x, y = quar_2_y, label = title, color = "blue", hjust = .5, vjust = 1, size = 7, label.padding = unit(0.5, "lines")) +
annotate("label", x = mid_x, y = quar_3_y, label = name, color = "blue", hjust = .5, vjust = 0, size = 5, label.padding = unit(0.5, "lines"))
ani.pause(interval = 1)
}, = str_glue("{name} animation.gif"))
existing_talks %>%
filter(name == "David Meza") %>%
pmap(function(name,title, img, all_d){
point_ascii_animation(all_d, name, title)
existing_talks %>%
pmap(function(name,title, img, all_d){
point_ascii_animation(all_d, name, title)
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