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Last active December 21, 2018 15:25
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#Urban Complexity
#------ Utility Func ----------#
#If we store node information in the edges
#Then we can calculate slope and angles
#g is a graph we want to get angle information for
#lout is either a layout function or a layout matrix
customize_graph <- function(g, lout){
#we can provide either a layout function or a layout matrix
l <- lout
} else {
l <- lout(g)
g %>%
set_graph_attr(., 'layout', l)%>%
set_vertex_attr('size', value = 5) %>%
set_vertex_attr('label', value = '') %>%
set_vertex_attr('x', value = .$layout[,1]) %>%
set_vertex_attr('y', value = .$layout[,2]) %>%
set_edge_attr('head_x', value = head_of(., E(.))$x) %>%
set_edge_attr('tail_x', value = tail_of(., E(.))$x) %>%
set_edge_attr('head_y', value = head_of(., E(.))$y) %>%
set_edge_attr('tail_y', value = tail_of(., E(.))$y) %>%
# Slope is calculated as (y2 - y1)/(x2-x1)
set_edge_attr('slope', value = map_dbl(E(.), function(e){
slope = (e$tail_y - e$head_y)/(e$tail_x - e$head_x)
if(is.infinite(slope)) return(Inf)
})) %>%
set_edge_attr('color', value = map_chr(E(.)$slope, function(e){
if(e < 0) return('red')
})) %>%
#Tangent = Opposite/Adjacent
#Tangent = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
#Tangent = Slope
#ArcTan(Slope) = The angle we are looking for
set_edge_attr('angle', value = map_dbl(E(.)$slope, function(e){
atan(e) * 180 / pi
})) %>%
set_edge_attr('width', value = 1.5)
#this creates the data for the compass
#g must be a graph from the customize_graph function
#intervals are the bin intervals between +90 degrees and -90 degrees
graph_orientation <- function(g, intervals = 10){
break_points <- seq(90, -90, -intervals) #%>% .[2:(length(.) - 1)]
#North-South Orientation is essentially angles with +-90 degrees
#East West Orientation is essentially angles with 0 degrees
# c(Inf, break_points, -Inf)) %>%
break_points, include.lowest = T) %>%
factor(levels = rev(levels(.))) %>%
tmp <- table(.)
tibble(direction = names(tmp),
count = as.numeric(tmp))
} %>%
#We only calculated the right side of the compass
#We go off the assumption that any road that
#orients east also orients west
#orients North East also orients South West
#orients Southe East also orients North West
direction = paste0('-', direction))
) %>%
mutate(direction = factor(direction, direction))
#plot the
plot_entropy <- function(x, title){
ggplot(x) +
geom_col(aes(x = direction, y = count)) +
coord_polar() +
# # let's nudge the coordinates a bit so that north is pointing straight up
# # coord_polar(start = -2 * pi / nrow(x) / 2) +
theme_bw() +
labs(title = title)
get_city_graph <- function(city, road_types){
city_bbox <- getbb(city)
city_roads <- road_types %>%
setNames(., .) %>%
opq(bbox = city_bbox) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'highway', value = x) %>%
}) %>%, .) %>%
.$osm_lines %>%
select(geometry, highway)
city_g <- city_roads %>%
as('Spatial') %>%
SpatialLinesNetwork() %>%
.@g %>%
set_vertex_attr('x', value = .$x) %>%
set_vertex_attr('y', value = .$y)
#------ DC Info ---------------#
dc_g <- get_city_graph('Washington, DC', c("primary", "secondary", "tertiary"))
plot(dc_g, vertex.size = .1, vertex.label = '')
dc_l <- c(V(dc_g)$x, V(dc_g)$y) %>%
matrix(ncol = 2)
dc_custom <- customize_graph(dc_g, dc_l)
dc_orientation <- graph_orientation(dc_custom, 10)
plot(dc_custom, vertex.size = .1)
plot_entropy(dc_orientation, title = "DC")
#--- Charlotte Info -----------#
charlotte_g <- get_city_graph('Charlotte, NC',
c("primary", "secondary", "tertiary"))
plot(charlotte_g, vertex.size = .1, vertex.label = '')
charlotte_l <- c(V(charlotte_g)$x, V(charlotte_g)$y) %>%
matrix(ncol = 2)
charlotte_custom <- customize_graph(charlotte_g, charlotte_l)
charlotte_orientation <- graph_orientation(charlotte_custom, 10)
plot(charlotte_custom, vertex.size = .1)
plot_entropy(charlotte_orientation, title = "Charlotte, NC")
#-- Let's do multiple at once! --#
cities <- c('Washington, DC',
'Philadelphia, PA',
"New Haven, CT",
"New York, New York",
"Boston, MA",
"Santiago, Chile")
city_graphs <- map(setNames(cities, cities), function(cty){
c("primary", "secondary", "tertiary"))
saveRDS(city_graphs, 'city_graphs.rds')
map2(city_graphs, names(city_graphs), function(cg, nm){
cg_l <- c(V(cg)$x, V(cg)$y) %>%
matrix(ncol = 2)
cg_custom <- customize_graph(cg, cg_l)
cg_orientation <- graph_orientation(cg_custom, 10)
cairo_pdf(str_c(str_replace_all(nm, ' ', '_'), '_graph.pdf'), 8, 11)
plot(cg_custom, vertex.size = .1)
cairo_pdf(str_c(str_replace_all(nm, ' ', '_'), '_entropy.pdf'), 8, 11)
plot_entropy(cg_orientation, title = nm)
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