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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
module Main where
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Environment
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Control.Monad (void, forM, liftM2, when)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
(root:_) -> updateProject root
_ -> return ()
-- A quick tree structure for mimicking our files on disk
data Tree a
= Elem a
| Branch a [Tree a]
( Eq
, Ord
, Show
, Read
, Functor
, F.Foldable
, T.Traversable
-- I like these combinators, these specifically work on (a -> Bool) functions
(<&&>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
(<&&>) = liftM2 (&&)
(<||>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
(<||>) = liftM2 (||)
-- Gets every path in a given tree that is a .hs file, building up the full
-- paths as it goes because why do that in two steps?
getDirectoryTree :: FilePath -> IO (Tree FilePath)
getDirectoryTree filepath = do
-- filter out the current and parent directories
children <- filter ((/= ".") <&&> (/= "..")) <$> getDirectoryContents filepath
root <- forM children $ \child -> do
-- Build the full path
let fullpath = filepath </> child
-- If it's a directory
isDir <- doesDirectoryExist fullpath
if isDir
-- Return it's subtree
then Just <$> getDirectoryTree fullpath
else do
-- If it's a .hs file
let (_, ext) = splitExtension fullpath
return $ if ext `elem` [".hs"] -- Add lhs later
-- Return the full path as a single element
then Just $ Elem fullpath
else Nothing
-- Remove the `Nothing`s
let valid = catMaybes root
return $ Branch filepath valid
-- Create module names from the path. This doesn't check that the file names
-- make valid haskell module names, so watch out
createModuleNames :: Tree FilePath -> Tree (FilePath, String)
createModuleNames = fmap createModuleName
createModuleName path =
let parts = splitDirectories path
(filename, _) = splitExtension $ last parts
newMod = intercalate "." $ filter (not . null) [intercalate "." $ init parts, filename]
in (path, newMod)
-- Strips out the current module name and replaces it with the new one if it
-- detects a valid module. Current only supports files that start with "module"
updateModuleName :: String -> String -> Maybe String
updateModuleName newMod modTxt = (("module " ++ newMod) ++) <$> removeHeader modTxt
removeHeader :: String -> Maybe String
removeHeader txt =
if "module " `isPrefixOf` txt
-- length "module " == 7
then Just $ dropWhile ((/= ' ') <&&> (/= ')') <&&> (/= '\n')) $ drop 7 txt
else Nothing
-- Updates the module name in a file, creating a backup before potentially
-- breaking something
updateModuleNameInFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
updateModuleNameInFile file newMod = do
isFile <- doesFileExist file
when isFile $ do
contents <- readFile file
let updated = updateModuleName newMod contents
case updated of
Just newContents -> do
writeFile (file <.> "bak") contents
writeFile file newContents
Nothing -> return ()
-- Get the directory tree, clean up the paths, assign module names, and write
-- them out. Thanks Traversable for giving me forM for free
updateProject :: FilePath -> IO ()
updateProject root = do
dirTree <- fmap (makeRelative root) <$> getDirectoryTree root
let modNames = createModuleNames dirTree
void $ T.forM modNames $ uncurry (updateModuleNameInFile . combine root)
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