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Last active March 24, 2016 15:51
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As a mathematics student I found this visualization funny. I wanted to implement it.

It is extracted from the book Information is Beautiful.

data: MIT/Wellesley College magazine, Counterpoint (2001)

subject percent
Studio Art 0
Anthropology 0.20
Neuroscience 0.25
Art History 0.37
Computer Science 0.40
Spanish 0.43
English 0.50
French 0.50
Philosophy 0.57
History 0.62
Economics 0.65
Undecided 0.68
Psychology 0.70
International relations 0.71
Biology 0.72
Political Science 0.73
Biochemistry 0.83
Mathematics 0.83
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var margin = {top: 70, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 20},
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y.domain( { return d.subject; }));
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});"height", height + + margin.bottom + "px");
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