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Created February 18, 2010 15:52
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Save callison-burch/307752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This word alignment interface was written by Chris Callison-Burch.
It's free and open source. If you publish a paper using data that you collected
with it, please give me a shout out in the acknowledgements. You can cite my
EMNLP-2009 paper "Fast, Cheap, and Creative: Evaluating Translation Quality
Using Amazon's Mechanical Turk" or my ACL-2004 paper "Statistical Machine
Translation with Word- and Sentence-Aligned Parallel Corpora"
June 22, 2009
<h3> Urdu-English Word alignment</h3>
<p>The initial alignment that you see was created by a computer, and it contains errors. &nbsp;Please correct it by clicking on the squares. &nbsp;Use black boxes to indicate which words are in correspondence. &nbsp;If there is not a direct correspondence (as in the case of a loose translation) please use the dark gray boxes. &nbsp;If any of the computer's initial suggestions are wrong please uncheck them.&nbsp;</p>
<p>This task should only be completed by people who speak both Urdu and English. &nbsp;Do you speak both Urdu and English?</p>
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="center"><input type="radio" value="yes" name="u-e-speaker" />Yes</td>
<td valign="center"><input type="radio" value="no" name="u-e-speaker" />No</td>
body,td,div,.p,a{font-family:arial,sans-serif }
a:link,.w,a.w:link,.w a:link{color:#00c}
.t a:link,.t a:active,.t a:visited,.t{color:#000}
div.n {margin-top: 1ex}
.n a{font-size:10pt; color:#000}
.n .i{font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold}
.q a:visited,.q a:link,.q a:active,.q {color: #00c; }
.b{font-size: 12pt; color:#00c; font-weight:bold}
.e{margin-top: .75em; margin-bottom: .75em}
.g{margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em}
td.topborder { text-align: center; background-color: #E2FAFA; border-left: solid 3px #000000; border-right: solid 3px #000000; border-top: solid 3px #000000;}
td.middleborder { text-align: center; background-color: #E2FAFA; border-left: solid 3px #000000; border-right: solid 3px #000000; }
td.bottomborder { text-align: center; background-color: #E2FAFA; border-left: solid 3px #000000; border-right: solid 3px #000000; border-bottom: solid 3px #000000; }
.blacklink A:link {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
.blacklink A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
.blacklink A:active {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
.blacklink A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: black;} { background-color: black; }
td.white { background-color: #CCCCCC; }
td.gray { background-color: gray; }
td.highlight { background-color: #FF00FF; }
<script type="text/Javascript">
// Here's an example input
var initialSureAlignments = "0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3";
var initialPossAlignments = "";
var initialSourceHighlights = "4 5 6";
var initialTargetHighlights = "";
var sourceString = "this is a test of the code";
var targetString = "esto es una puerba";
var imageDirectory = "";
var viewTransposed = false;
var sourceIsRTL = false;
var targetIsRTL = false;
// the URL directory where rotated word images are stored
var imageDirectory = "";
// specify whether the languages should be written right-to-left
var sourceIsRTL = true;
var targetIsRTL = false;
// indicates whether to switch the view from the source being
// along top (default) or the target on top (transposed).
// The results still keep the same source / target names.
var viewTransposed = true;
// read in the values for this sentence pair
// ${source} and ${target} should contain whitespace delimited words
var sourceString = "${source}";
var targetString = "${target}";
var initialSureAlignments = "${sureAlignments}";
// sure alignments should have the format "0-0 0-1 1-2" where the first number
// in each pair is the index of the source word, and the second it the target
var initialPossAlignments = "${possAlignments}";
// indicates which rows and columns are highlighted
var initialSourceHighlights = "${sourceHighlights}";
var initialTargetHighlights = "${targetHighlights}";
if(viewTransposed) {
var tmp = sourceString;
sourceString = targetString;
targetString = tmp;
tmp = initialSourceHighlights;
initialSourceHighlights = initialTargetHighlights;
initialTargetHighlights = tmp;
tmp = sourceIsRTL;
sourceIsRTL = targetIsRTL;
targetIsRTL = tmp;
initialSureAlignments = transposeAlignments(initialSureAlignments);
initialPossAlignments = transposeAlignments(initialPossAlignments);
// split the source and target sentences into words
var whitespacePattern = /\s/;
var sourceWords = sourceString.split(whitespacePattern);
var targetWords = targetString.split(whitespacePattern);
var width = sourceWords.length;
var height = targetWords.length;
// initialize the sureGrid and the probGrid
var sureGrid = initalizeBooleanGrid(width, height, initialSureAlignments);
var probGrid = initalizeBooleanGrid(width, height, initialPossAlignments);
// initialize the highlighted rows and columns
var sourceHighlights = initalizeBooleanArray(width, initialSourceHighlights);
var targetHighlights = initalizeBooleanArray(height, initialTargetHighlights);
if(sourceIsRTL) {
writeHtmlAlignmentTableRTL(sourceWords, targetWords, sureGrid, probGrid, sourceHighlights, targetHighlights, imageDirectory);
} else {
writeHtmlAlignmentTable(sourceWords, targetWords, sureGrid, probGrid, sourceHighlights, targetHighlights, imageDirectory);
// log the time...
date = new Date();
timeAtStart = date.getTime();
timeOfLastModification = date.getTime();
activeTime = 0;
// Transposes the string form of the alignment. Changes each x-y into y-x
function transposeAlignments(alignmentString) {
var transposedAlignmentsString = "";
var whitespacePattern = /\s/;
var dash = '-';
var points = alignmentString.split(whitespacePattern);
for(i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if(points[i].indexOf(dash) > 0) {
var point = points[i].split(dash);
var x = point[0];
var y = point[1];
var transposedAlignmentsString = transposedAlignmentsString + y + "-" + x + " ";
transposedAlignmentsString.replace(/\s$/, '');
return transposedAlignmentsString;
// Returns an initialized boolean grid. Sets the points to true
// that are included in the alignmentString as "x-y".
function initalizeBooleanGrid(width, height, alignmentString) {
var grid = new Array(width);
for (i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
grid[i] = new Array(height);
for(j = 0; j < height; j++) {
grid[i][j] = false;
// Set the points in alignmentString to true
var whitespacePattern = /\s/;
var dash = '-';
var points = alignmentString.split(whitespacePattern);
for(i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if(points[i].indexOf(dash) > 0) {
var point = points[i].split(dash);
var x = point[0];
var y = point[1];
grid[x][y] = true;
return grid;
// Returns an initialized boolean array
function initalizeBooleanArray(length, indexOfTruesString) {
// pad the indexOfTruesString with spaces
indexOfTruesString = " " + indexOfTruesString + " ";
var array = new Array(length);
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = false;
// set the points in alignmentString to true
var whitespacePattern = /\s/;
var indicies = indexOfTruesString.split(whitespacePattern);
for(i = 0; i < indicies.length; i++) {
var index = indicies[i];
array[index] = true;
return array;
// This method outputs the HTML table with clickable grid squares
// that are indexed into the sure and prob alignment boolean grids.
// There is an alternate version for source languages that should be
// displayed right-to-left.
function writeHtmlAlignmentTable(sourceWords, targetWords, sureGrid, probGrid,
highlightedSourceWords, highlightedTargetWords, imageDirectory) {
var smallerFont = false;
var size = 20;
var fontSize = 0;
if(sourceWords.length > 20 || targetWords.length > 20) {
size = 15;
smallerFont = true;
fontSize = -1;
// print the source words as a table header
// write the source words
for(i = 0; i < sourceWords.length; i++) {
var word = sourceWords[i];
document.write('\t<td valign="bottom">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickColumn(' + i + ')">');
document.write('<img src = "' + getImagePath(word, imageDirectory) + '" width="' + size + '" alt="' + word + '"' + ' title="' + word + '" border="0">');
for(row = 0; row < targetWords.length; row++) {
// print the target word
var targetWord = targetWords[row];
if(!targetIsRTL) {
} else {
document.write('<td dir="rtl">');
if(smallerFont) {
document.write('<font size=' + fontSize + '>');
document.write('<span class="blacklink"><a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')"></span>');
if(smallerFont) document.write('</font>');
// print this row
for(column = 0; column < sourceWords.length; column++) {
if(sureGrid[column][row]) {
document.write('<td class="black" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
} else if(probGrid[column][row]) {
document.write('<td class="gray" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
} else {
if(highlightedSourceWords[column] || highlightedTargetWords[row]) {
document.write('<td class="highlight" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
} else {
document.write('<td class="white" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickButton(' + column + ',' + row + ')">');
document.write('<img src= "'+ imageDirectory + 'clearpixel.gif" border="0" ');
document.write('title="' + targetWords[row] + ', ' + sourceWords[column]+ '" ');
document.write('width="' + size + '" height="' + size + '"></a>');
// print the target word again
if(!targetIsRTL) {
} else {
document.write('<td dir="rtl">');
if(smallerFont) document.write('<font size=' + fontSize + '>');
document.write('<span class="blacklink"><a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')"></span>');
if(smallerFont) document.write('</font>');
// write the source words again
for(i = 0; i < sourceWords.length; i++) {
var word = sourceWords[i];
document.write('\t<td valign="top">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickColumn(' + i + ')">');
document.write('<img src = "' + getImagePath(word, imageDirectory) + '" width="' + size + '" alt="' + word + '"' + ' title="' + word + '" border="0">');
// An alternate version of writeHtmlAlignmentTable which displays the
// source language in a right to left (RTL) fashion.
function writeHtmlAlignmentTableRTL(sourceWords, targetWords, sureGrid, probGrid,
highlightedSourceWords, highlightedTargetWords, imageDirectory) {
var smallerFont = false;
var size = 15;
var fontSize = 0;
if(sourceWords.length > 20 || targetWords.length > 20) {
size = 11;
smallerFont = true;
fontSize = -1;
// print the source words as a table header
// write the source words
for(i = sourceWords.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var word = sourceWords[i];
document.write('\t<td valign="bottom">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickColumn(' + i + ')">');
document.write('<img src = "' + getImagePath(word, imageDirectory) + '" width="' + size + '" alt="' + word + '"' + ' title="' + word + '" border="0">');
for(row = 0; row < targetWords.length; row++) {
// print the target word
var targetWord = targetWords[row];
if(smallerFont) {
document.write('<font size=' + fontSize + '>');
document.write('<span class="blacklink"><a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')"></span>');
if(smallerFont) document.write('</font>');
// print this row
for(column = sourceWords.length-1; column >= 0; column--) {
if(sureGrid[column][row]) {
document.write('<td class="black" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
} else if(probGrid[column][row]) {
document.write('<td class="gray" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
} else {
if(highlightedSourceWords[column] || highlightedTargetWords[row]) {
document.write('<td class="highlight" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
} else {
document.write('<td class="white" id="button.' + column + '.' + row + '">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickButton(' + column + ',' + row + ')">');
document.write('<img src= "'+ imageDirectory + 'clearpixel.gif" border="0" ');
document.write('title="' + targetWords[row] + ', ' + sourceWords[column]+ '" ');
document.write('width="' + size + '" height="' + size + '"></a>');
// print the target word again
if(smallerFont) document.write('<font size=' + fontSize + '>');
document.write('<span class="blacklink"><a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickRow(' + row + ')"></span>');
if(smallerFont) document.write('</font>');
// write the source words again
for(i = sourceWords.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var word = sourceWords[i];
document.write('\t<td valign="top">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:clickColumn(' + i + ')">');
document.write('<img src = "' + getImagePath(word, imageDirectory) + '" width="' + size + '" alt="' + word + '"' + ' title="' + word + '" border="0">');
// Writes the path to the image of a word. Expects an image server like
// We use images because rotated text is not supported in cross-platform HTML.
function getImagePath(word, imageDirectory) {
return imageDirectory + "getImage?word=" + word + "&rotate=-90";
// for static images use something like...
// return imageDirectory + word + ".png";
function clickButton(x, y) {
var button = document.getElementById("button."+x+"."+y);
if(sureGrid[x][y] == false && probGrid[x][y] == false) {
sureGrid[x][y] = true;
probGrid[x][y] = false;
button.className = "black";
} else {
if(probGrid[x][y] == false) {
sureGrid[x][y] = false;
probGrid[x][y] = true;
button.className = "gray";
} else {
sureGrid[x][y] = false;
probGrid[x][y] = false;
if(sourceHighlights[x] || targetHighlights[y]) {
button.className = "highlight";
} else {
button.className = "white";
document.mturk_form.sureAlignments.value = boolGridToString(sureGrid);
document.mturk_form.possAlignments.value = boolGridToString(probGrid);
function clickRow(y) {
targetHighlights[y] = (!targetHighlights[y]);
var x = 0;
for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
var button = document.getElementById("button."+x+"."+y);
if(sureGrid[x][y] == false && probGrid[x][y] == false) {
if(sourceHighlights[x] || targetHighlights[y]) {
button.className = "highlight";
} else {
button.className = "white";
document.mturk_form.targetHighlights.value = highlightsToString(targetHighlights);
document.mturk_form.sourceHighlights.value = highlightsToString(sourceHighlights);
function clickColumn(x) {
sourceHighlights[x] = (!sourceHighlights[x]);
var y = 0;
for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
var button = document.getElementById("button."+x+"."+y);
if(sureGrid[x][y] == false && probGrid[x][y] == false) {
if(sourceHighlights[x] || targetHighlights[y]) {
button.className = "highlight";
} else {
button.className = "white";
document.mturk_form.sourceHighlights.value = highlightsToString(sourceHighlights);
document.mturk_form.targetHighlights.value = highlightsToString(targetHighlights);
function boolGridToString(grid) {
var gridString = "";
for(i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
row = grid[i];
for(j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
if(grid[i][j]) {
gridString += i + "-" + j + " ";
// remove the training space
gridString = gridString.substring(0, gridString.length-1);
if(viewTransposed) {
gridString = transposeAlignments(gridString);
return gridString;
// Converts an array of highlights into a string
function highlightsToString(array) {
var arrayString = "";
for(i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if(array[i]) {
arrayString += i + " ";
// remove the training space
arrayString = arrayString.substring(0, arrayString.length-1);
return arrayString;
// Updates the activeTime and timeOfLastModification
function updateTime() {
var date = new Date();
var currTime = date.getTime();
var timeElapse = currTime - timeOfLastModification;
timeOfLastModification = currTime;
// only increment the active time if the time since
// the last modification is less than 5 minutes...
if(timeElapse < 300000) {
activeTime += timeElapse;
document.mturk_form.startTime.value = timeAtStart;
document.mturk_form.endTime.value = timeOfLastModification;
document.mturk_form.activeTime.value = activeTime;
<input type="hidden" value="unchanged" name="sureAlignments" />
<input type="hidden" value="unchanged" name="possAlignments" />
<input type="hidden" value="unchanged" name="sourceHighlights" />
<input type="hidden" value="unchanged" name="targetHighlights" />
<input type="hidden" value="" name="startTime" />
<input type="hidden" value="" name="endTime" />
<input type="hidden" value="" name="activeTime" />
<br />
<font size="-1" color="gray">Comments</font><br />
<textarea cols="30" rows="5" name="comment"> </textarea></p>
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