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Created April 12, 2012 07:33
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python: hook exception handler
import sys
def my_excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, tb):
print 'My Excepthook:'
# traceback display: see tb_printinternal from cpython source
print ' Traceback (most recent call last):'
while tb:
filename = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
name = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
lineno = tb.tb_lineno
print ' File "%.500s", line %d, in %.500s' %(filename, lineno, name)
tb = tb.tb_next
# Exception type and value
print ' %s: %s' %(exc_type.__name__, exc_value)
def divide_zero():
1 / 0 # raise ZeroDivisionError
def f():
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.excepthook = my_excepthook
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