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Last active December 28, 2015 17:17
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  • Save chrismdp/f3073b1e2756d5106a98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrismdp/f3073b1e2756d5106a98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to grab one of the 10 more recent images from Unsplash, and tint and blur it for use as an iTerm background using Solarized Dark
# NOTE: requires ImageMagick
# NOTE: will tint to the Solarized Dark default background scheme, as the iTerm background blend option didn't lower the contrast enough for me
# NOTE: Optimised for a 1280x800 point screen (my 13" Retina MBP)
set -e
index=$[ 1 + $[ RANDOM % 10 ]]
img=`curl | xmllint --xpath '/rss/channel/item['$index']/image/url/text()' -`
curl "$img" > ~/unsplash-latest.jpg &&
/usr/local/bin/mogrify -fill '#002833' -gaussian-blur 0x10 -resize 1280x800^ -extent 1280x800 -colorize 50% ~/unsplash-latest.jpg &&
osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to set background image path of current session of current terminal to "'$HOME'/unsplash-latest.jpg"'
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