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Last active December 10, 2016 23:55
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Requirements: xcode, homebrew

First get ayab and install requirements

Install QT 4.8

Since Qt4 is not supported anymore, brew is also ditching it from their formulas for newer macos versions, this one seems to work still.

brew tap cartr/qt4
brew tap-pin cartr/qt4
brew install qt
brew linkapps qt

Install PyQt4 from source (we need some dylibs later)

Install (configure, make, make install both sip and pyqt)

Install cxfreeze to convert py to app

pip install cx_freeze

Use this file in ayab/python:

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import sys
# Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need
# fine tuning.
buildOptions = dict(packages = ['PyQt4'], includes=[])

import sys
base = 'Win32GUI' if sys.platform=='win32' else None

executables = [
    Executable('', base=base)

      version = '0.9',
      description = 'ayab',
      options = dict(build_exe = buildOptions),
      executables = executables)

python build

I had problems with the new mac os x System Integrity Protection, if you get access control errors (like Operation not permitted, even with sudo), you might have to disable it:

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