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Created February 4, 2014 22:01
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2014 nagev
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
__version__ = "0.01.05"
__author__ = "nagev"
__license__ = "GPLv3"
import subprocess
import logging
import random
import socket
import time
import pafy
import json
import sys
import re
import os
# pylint: disable=F0401
from colorama import init as init_colorama, Fore, Style
has_colorama = True
except ImportError:
has_colorama = False
# Python 3 compatibility hack
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 0):
# pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
import pickle
from urllib.request import build_opener
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
py2utf8_encode = lambda x: x
py2utf8_decode = lambda x: x
compat_input = input
from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPError, URLError
import cPickle as pickle
from urllib import urlencode
py2utf8_encode = lambda x: x.encode("utf8")
py2utf8_decode = lambda x: x.decode("utf8")
compat_input = raw_input
mswin = == "nt"
member_var = lambda x: not(x.startswith("__") or callable(x))
def mswinenc(txt):
""" Encoding for Windows. """
if mswin:
sse = sys.stdout.encoding
txt = txt.encode(sse, "replace").decode("utf8", "ignore")
return txt
def mswinfn(filename):
""" Fix filename for Windows. """
if mswin:
filename = mswinenc(filename)
allowed = re.compile(r'[^\\/?*$\'"%&:<>|]')
filename = "".join(x if allowed.match(x) else "_" for x in filename)
return filename
def get_default_ddir():
""" Get system default Download directory, append PMS dir. """
# pylint: disable=E0611
from gi.repository import GLib
ddir = GLib.get_user_special_dir(GLib.USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD)
ddir = ddir or os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Downloads")
ddir = py2utf8_decode(ddir)
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
ddir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Downloads")
return os.path.join(ddir, "PMS")
def get_config_dir():
""" Get user's configuration directory. """
if mswin:
confdir = os.environ["APPDATA"]
if 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME' in os.environ:
confdir = os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME']
print("XDG not found")
confdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.config')
if not os.path.exists(confdir):
confdir = os.path.join(confdir, "pms-youtube")
if not os.path.exists(confdir):
return confdir
class Config(object):
""" Holds various configuration values. """
PLAYER = "mplayer"
PLAYERARGS = "-nolirc -nocache -prefer-ipv4 -really-quiet"
COLOURS = False if mswin and not has_colorama else True
DDIR = get_default_ddir()
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".pmsyt-debug")):
if not mswin:
import readline # import readline if not running on windows
readline.get_history_length() # redundant, prevents unused import warn
except ImportError:
pass # no biggie
opener = build_opener()
ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"
opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", ua)]
urlopen =
class Playlist(object):
""" Representation of a playist, has list of songs. """
def __init__(self, name=None, songs=None): = name
self.creation = time.time()
self.songs = songs or []
def is_empty(self):
""" Return True / False if songs are populated or not. """
return bool(not self.songs)
def size(self):
""" Return number of tracks. """
return len(self.songs)
def duration(self):
""" Sum duration of the playlist. """
duration = 0
for song in self.songs:
duration += int(song['duration'])
duration = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(int(duration)))
return duration
class g(object):
""" Class for holding globals that are needed throught the module. """
max_results = 19
url_memo = {}
model = Playlist(name="model")
last_search_query = ""
current_page = 1
active = Playlist(name="active")
noblank = False
text = {}
userpl = {}
last_opened = message = content = ""
config = [x for x in sorted(dir(Config)) if member_var(x)]
configbool = [x for x in config if type(getattr(Config, x)) is bool]
defaults = {setting: getattr(Config, setting) for setting in config}
CFFILE = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "config")
PLFILE = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "playlist")
def showconfig(_):
""" Dump config data. """
s = " %s%-17s%s : \"%s\"\n"
out = " %s%-17s %s%s%s\n" % (c.ul, "Key", "Value", " " * 40, c.w)
for setting in g.config:
out += s % (c.g, setting.lower(), c.w, getattr(Config, setting))
g.content = out
g.message = "Enter %sset <key> <value>%s to change\n" % (c.g, c.w)
g.message += "Enter %sset all default%s to reset all" % (c.g, c.w)
def saveconfig():
""" Save current config to file. """
config = {setting: getattr(Config, setting) for setting in g.config}
pickle.dump(config, open(g.CFFILE, "wb"), protocol=2)
# override config if config file exists
if os.path.exists(g.CFFILE):
# load and set config
saved_config = pickle.load(open(g.CFFILE, "rb"))
for kk, vv in saved_config.items():
setattr(Config, kk, vv)
class c(object):
""" Class for holding colour code values. """
if mswin and has_colorama:
white = Style.RESET_ALL
ul = Style.DIM + Fore.YELLOW
red, green, yellow = Fore.RED, Fore.GREEN, Fore.YELLOW
blue, pink = Fore.CYAN, Fore.MAGENTA
elif mswin:
Config.COLOURS = False
white = "\x1b[%sm" % 0
ul = "\x1b[%sm" * 3 % (2, 4, 33)
cols = ["\x1b[%sm" % n for n in range(91, 96)]
red, green, yellow, blue, pink = cols
if not Config.COLOURS:
ul = red = green = yellow = blue = pink = white = ""
r, g, y, b, p, w = red, green, yellow, blue, pink, white
def setconfig(key, val):
""" Set configuration variable. """
# pylint: disable=R0912
success_msg = fail_msg = ""
key = key.upper()
if key == "ALL" and val.upper() == "DEFAULT":
for k, v in g.defaults.items():
setattr(Config, k, v)
success_msg = "Default configuration reinstated"
elif key == "DDIR" and not val.upper() == "DEFAULT":
valid = os.path.exists(val) and os.path.isdir(val)
if valid:
setattr(Config, key, val)
success_msg = "Downloads will be saved to %s%s%s" % (c.y, val, c.w)
fail_msg = "Invalid path: %s%s%s" % (c.r, val, c.w)
elif key in g.configbool and not val.upper() == "DEFAULT":
if val.upper() in "0 FALSE OFF NO".split():
setattr(Config, key, False)
success_msg = "%s set to disabled (restart may be required)" % key
elif key == "COLOURS" and mswin and not has_colorama:
fail_msg = "Can't enable colours, colorama not found"
setattr(Config, key, True)
success_msg = "%s set to enabled (restart may be required)" % key
elif key in g.config:
if val.upper() == "DEFAULT":
val = g.defaults[key]
setattr(Config, key, val)
success_msg = "%s has been set to %s" % (key.upper(), val)
fail_msg = "Unknown config item: %s%s%s" % (c.r, key, c.w)
if success_msg:
g.message = success_msg
elif fail_msg:
g.message = fail_msg
HELP = """
Note: More documentation is available at {3}\
You can enter a search term to search whenever the program is expecting
text input. Searches must be prefixed with either a {2}.{1} or {2}/{1} \
When a list of items is displayed, you can use the following commands:
{2}d 3{1} to download item 3
{0}Selecting Items{1}
{2}all{1} to play all
{2}1 2 3{1} to play items 1 2 and 3
{2}2-4 6 7-3{1} to play items 2 3 4 6 7 6 5 4 3
{2}3-6 9-12 shuffle{1} to play selected items in random order
{2}3-6 9-12 repeat{1} to play selected items continuously
{0}Manipulating Items{1}
{2}rm 1 3{1} to remove items 1 and 3. Also use rm 1 2 5-7 to remove a range
{2}rm all{1} to remove all items
{2}sw 1 3{1} to swap the position of items 1 and 3
{2}mv 1 3{1} to move items 1 to postion 3
{0}Playlist commands{1}
{2}add 1 2 5-7{1} to add items 1 2 5 6 and 7 to the current playlist.
{2}add 1 2 3 <playlist_name>{1} to add items 1,2,3 to a saved playlist. A new
playlist will be created if the given name doesn't already exist.
{2}vp{1} to view the current playlist (then use rm, mv and sw to modify it)
{2}ls{1} to list your saved playlists
{2}open <playlist_name or ID>{1} to open a saved playlist as the current \
{2}view <playlist name or ID>{1} to view a playlist (leaves current playlist \
{2}play <playlist name or ID>{1} to play a saved playlist directly
{2}save{1} or {2}save <playlist_name>{1} to save the currently displayed items
as a stored playlist on disk
{2}mv <old_name or ID> <new_name>{1} to rename a playlist
{2}rmp <playlist_name or ID>{1} to delete a playlist from disk
{2}q{1} to quit
""".format(c.ul, c.w, c.g, c.r)
def F(key, nb=0, na=0, percent=r"\*", nums=r"\*\*", textlib=None):
"""Format text.
nb, na indicate newlines before and after to return
percent is the delimter for %s
nums is the delimiter for the str.format command (**1 will become {1})
textlib is the dictionary to use (defaults to g.text if not given)
textlib = textlib or g.text
assert key in textlib
text = textlib[key]
percent_fmt = textlib.get(key + "_")
number_fmt = textlib.get("_" + key)
if number_fmt:
text = re.sub(r"(%s(\d))" % nums, "{\\2}", text)
text = text.format(*number_fmt)
if percent_fmt:
text = re.sub(r"%s" % percent, r"%s", text)
text = text % percent_fmt
text = re.sub(r"&&", r"%s", text)
return "\n" * nb + text + c.w + "\n" * na
g.text = {
"exitmsg": """\
**0pms - **1**0
Released under the GPLv3 license
(c) 2014 nagev**2\n""",
"_exitmsg": (c.r, c.b, c.w),
# Error / Warning messages
'no playlists': "*No saved playlists found!*",
'no playlists_': (c.r, c.w),
'pl bad name': '*&&* is not valid a valid name. Ensure it starts with a '
'letter or _',
'pl bad name_': (c.r, c.w),
'pl not found': 'Playlist *&&* unknown. Saved playlists are shown above',
'pl not found_': (c.r, c.w),
'pl not found advise ls': 'Playlist "*&&*" not found. Use *ls* to list',
'pl not found advise ls_': (c.y, c.w, c.g, c.w),
'pl empty': 'Playlist is empty!',
'advise add': 'Use *add N* to add a track',
'advise add_': (c.g, c.w),
'advise search': 'Search for items and then use *add* to add them',
'advise search_': (c.g, c.w),
'no data': 'Error fetching data. Perhaps is down.\n*&&*',
'no data_': (c.r, c.w),
'use dot': 'Start your query with a *.* to perform a search',
'use dot_': (c.g, c.w),
'cant get track': 'Problem fetching this track: *&&*',
'cant get track_': (c.r, c.w),
'track unresolved': 'Sorry, this track is not available',
'no player': '*&&* was not found on this system',
'no player_': (c.y, c.w),
'no pl match for rename': '*Couldn\'t find matching playlist to rename*',
'no pl match for rename_': (c.r, c.w),
'invalid range': "*Invalid item / range entered!*",
'invalid range_': (c.r, c.w),
# Info messages
'pl renamed': 'Playlist *&&* renamed to *&&*',
'pl renamed_': (c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w),
'pl saved': 'Playlist saved as *&&*. Use *ls* to list playlists',
'pl saved_': (c.y, c.w, c.g, c.w),
'pl loaded': 'Loaded playlist *&&* as current playlist',
'pl loaded_': (c.y, c.w),
'pl viewed': 'Showing playlist *&&*',
'pl viewed_': (c.y, c.w),
'pl help': 'Enter *open <name or ID>* to load a playlist',
'pl help_': (c.g, c.w),
'added to pl': '*&&* tracks added (*&&* total [*&&*]). Use *vp* to view',
'added to pl_': (c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w, c.g, c.w),
'added to saved pl': '*&&* tracks added to *&&* (*&&* total [*&&*])',
'added to saved pl_': (c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w),
'song move': 'Moved *&&* to position *&&*',
'song move_': (c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w),
'song sw': ("Switched item *&&* with *&&*"),
'song sw_': (c.y, c.w, c.y, c.w),
'current pl': "This is the current playlist. Use *save <name>* to save it",
'current pl_': (c.g, c.w),
'songs rm': '*&&* tracks removed &&',
'songs rm_': (c.y, c.w)
def save_to_file():
""" Save playlists. Called each time a playlist is saved or deleted. """
f = open(g.PLFILE, "wb")
pickle.dump(g.userpl, f, protocol=2)
def open_from_file():
""" Open playlists. Called once on script invocation. """
f = open(g.PLFILE, "rb")
g.userpl = pickle.load(f)
except IOError:
g.userpl = {}
def logo(col=None, version=""):
""" Return text logo. """
col = col if col else random.choice((c.g, c.r, c.y, c.b, c.p, c.w))
LOGO = col + """\
8888888b. 888b d888 .d8888b.
888 Y88b 8888b d8888 d88P Y88b
888 888 88888b.d88888 Y88b.
888 d88P 888Y88888P888 "Y888b.
8888888P" 888 Y888P 888 "Y88b.
888 888 Y8P 888 "888
888 888 " 888 Y88b d88P
888 888 888 "Y8888P" %s
""" % (c.w + "v" + version + " (YouTube)" if version else "")
return LOGO + c.w
def playlists_display():
""" Produce a list of all playlists. """
if not g.userpl:
g.message = F("no playlists")
return logo(c.y) + "\n\n" if g.model.is_empty else \
maxname = max(len(a) for a in g.userpl)
out = " {0}Saved Playlists{1}\n".format(c.ul, c.w)
start = " "
fmt = "%s%s%-3s %-" + str(maxname + 3) + "s%s %s%-7s%s %-5s%s"
head = (start, c.b, "ID", "Name", c.b, c.b, "Count", c.b, "Duration", c.w)
out += "\n" + fmt % head + "\n\n"
for v, z in enumerate(sorted(g.userpl)):
n, p = z, g.userpl[z]
l = fmt % (start, c.g, v + 1, n, c.w, c.y, str(p.size), c.y,
p.duration, c.w) + "\n"
out += l
return out
def mplayer_help(short=True):
""" Mplayer help. """
volume = "[{0}9{1}] volume [{0}0{1}]"
volume = volume if short else volume + " [{0}ctrl-c{1}] return"
seek = u"[{0}\u2190{1}] seek [{0}\u2192{1}]"
pause = u"[{0}\u2193{1}] SEEK [{0}\u2191{1}] [{0}space{1}] pause"
if mswin:
seek = "[{0}<-{1}] seek [{0}->{1}]"
pause = "[{0}DN{1}] SEEK [{0}UP{1}] [{0}space{1}] pause"
ret = "[{0}q{1}] %s" % ("return" if short else "next track")
fmt = " %-20s %-20s"
lines = fmt % (seek, volume) + "\n" + fmt % (pause, ret)
return lines.format(c.g, c.w)
def tidy(raw, field):
""" Tidy HTML entities, format songlength if field is duration. """
if field == "duration":
raw = time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(int(raw)))
for r in (("&#039;", "'"), ("&amp;#039;", "'"), ("&amp;amp;", "&"),
(" ", " "), ("&amp;", "&"), ("&quot;", '"')):
raw = raw.replace(r[0], r[1])
return raw
def get_tracks_from_json(json):
""" Get search results from web page. """
items = json['data']['items']
except KeyError:
items = []
songs = []
for item in items:
cursong = dict(
length=tidy(item['duration'], "duration"),
if not items:
logging.debug("got unexpected data or no search results")
return False
return songs
def screen_update():
""" Display content, show message, blank screen."""
if not g.noblank:
print("\n" * 200)
if g.content:
g.content = mswinenc(g.content)
if g.message:
g.message = g.content = False
g.noblank = False
def playback_progress(idx, allsongs, repeat=False):
""" Generate string to show selected tracks, indicate current track. """
# pylint: disable=R0914
# too many local variables
out = " %s%-66s %s %s\n" % (c.ul, "Title", "Time", c.w)
show_key_help = (Config.PLAYER == "mplayer" or Config.PLAYER == "mpv")\
multi = len(allsongs) > 1
for n, song in enumerate(allsongs):
i = song['title'][:64], song['length']
fmt = (c.w, " ", c.b, i[0], c.w, c.y, i[1], c.w)
if n == idx:
fmt = (c.y, "> ", c.p, i[0], c.w, c.p, i[1], c.w)
cur = i
out += "%s%s%s%-66s%s [%s%s%s]\n" % fmt
out += "\n" * (3 - len(allsongs))
pos = 8 * " ", c.y, idx + 1, c.w, c.y, len(allsongs), c.w
playing = "{}{}{}{} of {}{}{}\n\n".format(*pos) if multi else "\n\n"
keys = mplayer_help(short=(not multi and not repeat))
out = out if multi else generate_songlist_display(song=allsongs[0])
if show_key_help:
out += "\n" + keys
playing = "{}{}{}{} of {}{}{}\n".format(*pos) if multi else "\n"
out += "\n" + " " * 58 if multi else ""
fmt = playing, c.r, cur[0], c.w, c.w, cur[1], c.w
out += "%s %s%s%s %s[%s]%s" % fmt
out += " REPEAT MODE" if repeat else ""
return out
def generate_songlist_display(song=False):
""" Generate list of choices from a song list."""
songs = g.model.songs or []
if not songs:
return logo(c.g) + "\n\n"
fmtrow = "%s%-5s %-63s %-7s%s\n"
head = (c.ul, "Item", "Title", "Length", c.w)
out = "\n" + fmtrow % head
for n, x in enumerate(songs):
col = (c.r if n % 2 == 0 else c.p) if not song else c.b
length = x.get('length') or 0
title = x.get('title') or "unknown title"
if not song or song != songs[n]:
out += (fmtrow % (col, str(n + 1), title[:63], str(length), c.w))
out += (fmtrow % (c.p, str(n + 1), title[:63], str(length), c.w))
return out + "\n" * (5 - len(songs)) if not song else out
def writestatus(text):
""" Update status line """
if Config.SHOW_STATUS:
def writeline(text):
""" Print text on same line. """
spaces = 75 - len(text)
sys.stdout.write(text + (" " * spaces) + "\r")
def get_stream(song, force=True):
""" Return the url for a song. """
if not "track_url" in song or force:
statusline = "getting stream url for %s..." % song['link']
p =['link'], callback=writestatus) # if not "pafy" in song else song['pafy']
track = p.getbest() if Config.SHOW_VIDEO else p.getbestaudio()
except ValueError:
track = p.allstreams[0]
track = p.allstreams[0] if not track else track
extension = track.extension
filesize = track.get_filesize()
quality = track.rawbitrate
l = song['link']
filesize = int(filesize / (1024 ** 2))
writestatus("%s : %s : %s Mb" % (l, extension, filesize))
return track.url
return song['track_url']
def playsong(song, failcount=0):
""" Play song using config.PLAYER called with args config.PLAYERARGS."""
track_url = get_stream(song)
song['track_url'] = track_url
except (URLError, HTTPError, socket.timeout) as e:
g.message = F('cant get track') % str(e)
except ValueError:
g.message = F('track unresolved')
cmd = [Config.PLAYER] + Config.PLAYERARGS.split() + [song['track_url']]
logging.debug("starting player with " + song['track_url'])
stdout = stderr = None
with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
if "mpv" in Config.PLAYER or "mplayer" in Config.PLAYER:
stderr = fnull
if mswin:
stdout = stderr = fnull
now = time.time(), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
fin = time.time()
failed = fin - now < 1 and song['duration'] > 10
if failed and failcount < 4:
writestatus("trying again (attempt %s)" % (2 + failcount))
failcount += 1
playsong(song, failcount=failcount)
except OSError:
g.message = F('no player') % Config.PLAYER
def search(term, page=1, splash=True):
""" Perform search. """
if not term or len(term) < 2:
g.message = c.r + "Not enough input" + c.w
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
original_term = term
url = ""
term = term.replace(" ", "+")
query = {
'q': term,
'v': 2,
'alt': 'jsonc',
'start-index': ((page - 1)* g.max_results + 1) or 1,
#'category': "Music" if Config.SEARCH_MUSIC else "All",
'safeSearch': "none",
'max-results': g.max_results,
'orderby': 'relevance'
query['category'] = "Music"
g.message = "Searching for '%s%s%s'" % (c.y, original_term, c.w)
url = url + "?" + urlencode(query)
memokey = str(Config.SEARCH_MUSIC) + url
if memokey in g.url_memo:
songs = g.url_memo[memokey]
if splash:
g.content = logo(c.b) + "\n\n"
wdata = urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
wdata = json.loads(wdata)
songs = get_tracks_from_json(wdata)
except (URLError, HTTPError) as e:
g.message = F('no data') % e
g.content = logo(c.r)
if songs:
g.url_memo[memokey] = songs
g.model.songs = songs
g.message = "Search results for %s%s%s" % (c.y, original_term, c.w)
g.last_opened = ""
g.last_search_query = original_term
g.current_page = page
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
g.message = "Found nothing for %s%s%s" % (c.y, term, c.w)
g.content = logo(c.r)
g.current_page = 1
g.last_search_query = ""
def _make_fname(song):
"""" Create download directory, generate filename. """
if not os.path.exists(Config.DDIR):
p =['link']) # if not 'pafy' in song else song['pafy']
if not Config.SHOW_VIDEO:
extension = p.getbestaudio().extension
extension = p.getbest().extension
filename = song['title'][:59] + "." + extension
filename = os.path.join(Config.DDIR, mswinfn(filename.replace("/", "-")))
return filename
def _download(song, filename):
""" Download file, show status, return filename. """
print("Downloading %s%s%s ..\n" % (c.g, filename, c.w))
status_string = (' {0}{1:,}{2} Bytes [{0}{3:.2%}{2}] received. Rate: '
'[{0}{4:4.0f} kbps{2}]. ETA: [{0}{5:.0f} secs{2}]')
song['track_url'] = get_stream(song)
logging.debug("[4] fetching url " + song['track_url'])
resp = urlopen(song['track_url'])
logging.debug("fetched url " + song['track_url'])
total = int(['Content-Length'].strip())
chunksize, bytesdone, t0 = 16384, 0, time.time()
outfh = open(filename, 'wb')
while True:
chunk =
elapsed = time.time() - t0
bytesdone += len(chunk)
rate = (bytesdone / 1024) / elapsed
eta = (total - bytesdone) / (rate * 1024)
stats = (c.y, bytesdone, c.w, bytesdone * 1.0 / total, rate, eta)
if not chunk:
status = status_string.format(*stats)
sys.stdout.write("\r" + status + ' ' * 4 + "\r")
return filename
def _bi_range(start, end):
Inclusive range function, works for reverse ranges.
eg. 5,2 returns [5,4,3,2] and 2, 4 returns [2,3,4]
if start == end:
return (start,)
elif end < start:
return reversed(range(end, start + 1))
return range(start, end + 1)
def _parse_multi(choice, end=None):
""" Handle ranges like 5-9, 9-5, 5- and -5. Return list of ints. """
end = end or str(g.model.size)
pattern = r'(?<![-\d])(\d+-\d+|-\d+|\d+-|\d+)(?![-\d])'
items = re.findall(pattern, choice)
alltracks = []
for x in items:
if x.startswith("-"):
x = "1" + x
elif x.endswith("-"):
x = x + str(end)
if "-" in x:
nrange = x.split("-")
startend = map(int, nrange)
alltracks += _bi_range(*startend)
return alltracks
def _get_near_plname(begin):
""" Return the closest matching playlist name that starts with begin. """
for name in sorted(g.userpl):
if name.lower().startswith(begin.lower()):
return begin
return name
def play_pl(name):
""" Play a playlist by name. """
if name.isdigit():
name = int(name)
name = sorted(g.userpl)[name - 1]
saved = g.userpl.get(name)
if not saved:
name = _get_near_plname(name)
saved = g.userpl.get(name)
if saved:
g.model.songs = list(saved.songs)
play_all("", "", "")
g.message = F("pl not found") % name
g.content = playlists_display()
def save_last(args=None):
""" Save command with no playlist name. """
if g.last_opened:
open_save_view("save", g.last_opened)
saveas = ""
#save using artist name in postion 1
if not g.model.is_empty:
saveas = g.model.songs[0]['title'][:18].strip()
saveas = re.sub(r"[^-\w]", "-", saveas, re.UNICODE)
# loop to find next available name
post = 0
while g.userpl.get(saveas):
post += 1
saveas = g.model.songs[0]['title'][:18].strip() + "-" + str(post)
open_save_view("save", saveas)
def open_save_view(action, name):
""" Open, save or view a playlist by name. Get closest name match. """
if action == "open" or action == "view":
saved = g.userpl.get(name)
if not saved:
name = _get_near_plname(name)
saved = g.userpl.get(name)
if saved and action == "open":
g.model.songs = = list(saved.songs)
g.message = F("pl loaded") % name
g.last_opened = name
elif saved and action == "view":
g.model.songs = list(saved.songs)
g.message = F("pl viewed") % name
g.last_opened = ""
elif not saved and action in "view open".split():
g.message = F("pl not found") % name
g.content = playlists_display()
elif action == "save":
if not g.model.songs:
g.message = "Nothing to save. " + F('advise search')
name = name.replace(" ", "-")
g.userpl[name] = Playlist(name, list(g.model.songs))
g.message = F('pl saved') % name
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def open_view_bynum(action, num):
""" Open or view a saved playlist by number. """
srt = sorted(g.userpl)
name = srt[int(num) - 1]
open_save_view(action, name)
def songlist_rm_add(action, songrange):
""" Remove or add tracks. works directly on user input. """
selection = _parse_multi(songrange)
if action == "add":
for songnum in selection:[songnum - 1])
d =
g.message = F('added to pl') % (len(selection),, d)
elif action == "rm":
selection = list(reversed(sorted(list(set(selection)))))
removed = str(tuple(reversed(selection))).replace(",", "")
for x in selection:
g.model.songs.pop(x - 1)
g.message = F('songs rm') % (len(selection), removed)
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def play(pre, choice, post=""):
""" Play choice. Use repeat/random if appears in pre/post. """
if not g.model.songs:
g.message = c.r + "There are no tracks to select" + c.w
g.content = g.content or generate_songlist_display()
shuffle = "shuffle" in pre + post
repeat = "repeat" in pre + post
selection = _parse_multi(choice)
debug = ("shuffle=" + str(shuffle) + " : repeat=" +
str(repeat) + " : " + str(selection))
songlist = [g.model.songs[x - 1] for x in selection]
play_range(songlist, shuffle, repeat)
def play_all(pre, choice, post=""):
""" Play all tracks in model (last displayed). shuffle/repeat if req'd."""
options = pre + choice + post
play(options, "1-" + str(len(g.model.songs)))
def ls():
""" List user saved playlists. """
if not g.userpl:
g.message = F('no playlists')
g.content = g.content or generate_songlist_display()
g.content = playlists_display()
g.message = F('pl help')
def vp():
""" View current working playlist. """
txt = F('advise search') if g.model.is_empty else F('advise add')
g.message = F('pl empty') + " " + txt
g.model.songs =
g.message = F('current pl')
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def play_range(songlist, shuffle=False, repeat=False):
""" Play a range of songs, exit cleanly on keyboard interrupt. """
if shuffle:
if not repeat:
for n, song in enumerate(songlist):
g.content = playback_progress(n, songlist, repeat=False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
g.message = c.y + "Playback halted" + c.w
elif repeat:
while True:
for n, song in enumerate(songlist):
g.content = playback_progress(n, songlist, repeat=True)
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
g.message = c.y + "Playback halted" + c.w
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def show_help(helpname=None):
""" Print help message. """
print("\n" * 200)
print("Press Enter to continue", end="")
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def quits(showlogo=True):
""" Exit the program. """
msg = ("\n" * 200) + logo(c.r, version=__version__) if showlogo else ""
vermsg = ""
print(msg + F("exitmsg", 2))
if Config.CHECKUPDATE and showlogo:
url = ""
v = urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
v ="^version\s*([\d\.]+)\s*$", v, re.MULTILINE)
if v:
v =
if v > __version__:
vermsg += "\nA newer version is available (%s)\n" % v
except (URLError, HTTPError, socket.timeout):
def download(num):
""" Download a track. """
song = (g.model.songs[int(num) - 1])
filename = _make_fname(song)
f = _download(song, filename)
g.message = "Downloaded " + c.g + f + c.w
except IndexError:
g.message = c.r + "Invalid index" + c.w
except KeyboardInterrupt:
g.message = c.r + "Download halted!" + c.w
except IOError:
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def prompt_for_exit():
""" Ask for exit confirmation. """
g.message = c.r + "Press ctrl-c again to exit" + c.w
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
userinput = compat_input(c.r + " > " + c.w)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
return userinput
def playlist_remove(name):
""" Delete a saved playlist by name - or purge working playlist if *all."""
if name.isdigit() or g.userpl.get(name):
if name.isdigit():
name = int(name) - 1
name = sorted(g.userpl)[name]
del g.userpl[name]
g.message = "Deleted playlist %s%s%s" % (c.y, name, c.w)
g.content = playlists_display()
g.message = F('pl not found advise ls') % name
g.content = playlists_display()
def songlist_mv_sw(action, a, b):
""" Move a song or swap two songs. """
i, j = int(a) - 1, int(b) - 1
if action == "mv":
g.model.songs.insert(j, g.model.songs.pop(i))
g.message = F('song move') % (g.model.songs[j]['title'], b)
elif action == "sw":
g.model.songs[i], g.model.songs[j] = g.model.songs[j], g.model.songs[i]
g.message = F('song sw') % (min(a, b), max(a, b))
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def playlist_add(nums, playlist):
""" Add selected song nums to saved playlist. """
nums = _parse_multi(nums)
if not g.userpl.get(playlist):
playlist = playlist.replace(" ", "-")
g.userpl[playlist] = Playlist(playlist)
for songnum in nums:
g.userpl[playlist].songs.append(g.model.songs[songnum - 1])
dur = g.userpl[playlist].duration
f = (len(nums), playlist, g.userpl[playlist].size, dur)
g.message = F('added to saved pl') % f
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def playlist_rename_idx(_id, name):
""" Rename a playlist by ID. """
_id = int(_id) - 1
playlist_rename(sorted(g.userpl)[_id] + " " + name)
def playlist_rename(playlists):
""" Rename a playlist using mv command. """
# Deal with old playlist names that permitted spaces
a, b = "", playlists.split(" ")
while a not in g.userpl:
a = (a + " " + (b.pop(0))).strip()
if not b and not a in g.userpl:
g.message = F('no pl match for rename')
g.content = g.content or playlists_display()
b = "-".join(b)
g.userpl[b] = Playlist(b)
g.userpl[b].songs = list(g.userpl[a].songs)
g.message = F('pl renamed') % (a, b)
def add_rm_all(action):
""" Add all displayed songs to current playlist.
remove all displayed songs from view.
if action == "rm":
for n in reversed(range(0, len(g.model.songs))):
g.message = c.b + "Cleared all songs" + c.w
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
elif action == "add":
size = g.model.size
songlist_rm_add("add", "-" + str(size))
def nextprev(np):
""" Get next / previous search results. """
if np == "n":
if len(g.model.songs) == g.max_results and g.last_search_query:
g.current_page += 1
search(g.last_search_query, g.current_page, splash=False)
g.message += " : page %s" % g.current_page
g.message = "No more items to display"
elif np == "p":
if g.current_page > 1 and g.last_search_query:
g.current_page -= 1
search(g.last_search_query, g.current_page, splash=False)
g.message += " : page %s" % g.current_page
g.message = "No previous items to display"
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def info(num):
""" Get video description """
item = (g.model.songs[int(num) - 1])
writestatus("Fetching Description..")
#if not "pafy" in item:
item['pafy'] =['link'])
p = item['pafy']
out = c.ul + "Video Info" + c.w + "\n\n"
out += p.description or ""
out += "\n\nAuthor: " + py2utf8_decode(
out += "\nViewcount: " + str(p.viewcount)
out += "\nRating: " + str(p.rating)[:4]
out += "\nCategory: " + p.category
out += "\n\n%s[%sPress enter to go back%s]%s" % (c.y, c.w, c.y,c.w)
g.content = out
def plist(parturl):
""" Import playlist created on website. """
url = "" + parturl
page = urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
songs = get_tracks_from_page(page)
g.model.songs = songs = songs
g.message = c.y + "Playlist imported" + c.w
except IOError:
g.message = "Problem fetching that list."
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
def main():
""" Main control loop. """
g.content = generate_songlist_display()
g.content = logo(col=c.g, version=__version__) + "\n"
g.message = "Enter .artist/song name to search or [h]elp"
# open playlists from file
# get cmd line input
inp = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
# input types
word = r'[^\W\d][-\w\s]{,100}'
rs = r'(?:repeat\s*|shuffle\s*)'
regx = {
'ls': r'ls$',
'vp': r'vp$',
'top': r'top(|3m|6m|year|all)\s*$',
'plist': r'.*(list[\da-zA-Z]{8,14})$',
'play': r'(%s{0,3})([-,\d\s]{1,250})\s*(%s{0,2})$' % (rs, rs),
'info': r'i\s*(\d{1,4})$',
'quits': r'(?:q|quit|exit)$',
'search': r'(?:search|\.|/)\s*(.{2,500})',
'play_pl': r'play\s*(%s|\d+)$' % word,
'download': r'(?:d|dl|download)\s*(\d{1,4})$',
'nextprev': r'(n|p)$',
'play_all': r'(%s{0,3})all\s*(%s{0,3})$' % (rs, rs),
'save_last': r'(save)\s*$',
#'setconfig': r'set\s*(\w+)\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$',
'setconfig': r'set\s*(\w+)\s*"?([^"]*)"?\s*$',
'show_help': r'(?:help|h)$',
'add_rm_all': r'(rm|add)\s*all$',
#'showconfig': r'(showconfig)',
'showconfig': r'(set|showconfig)\s*$',
'playlist_add': r'add\s*(-?\d[-,\d\s]{1,250})(%s)$' % word,
'open_save_view': r'(open|save|view)\s*(%s)$' % word,
'songlist_mv_sw': r'(mv|sw)\s*(\d{1,4})\s*[\s,]\s*(\d{1,4})$',
'songlist_rm_add': r'(rm|add)\s*(-?\d[-,\d\s]{,250})$',
'playlist_rename': r'mv\s*(%s\s+%s)$' % (word, word),
'playlist_remove': r'rmp\s*(\d+|%s)$' % word,
'open_view_bynum': r'(open|view)\s*(\d{1,4})$',
'playlist_rename_idx': r'mv\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(%s)\s*$' % word
# compile regexp's
regx = {name: re.compile(val, re.UNICODE) for name, val in regx.items()}
prompt = "> " + c.y if not mswin else "> "
while True:
# get user input
userinput = inp or compat_input(prompt)
userinput = userinput.strip()
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
userinput = prompt_for_exit()
inp = None
for k, v in regx.items():
if v.match(userinput):
func, matches = k, v.match(userinput).groups()
except IndexError:
g.message = F('invalid range')
g.content = g.content or generate_songlist_display()
g.content = g.content or generate_songlist_display()
if userinput:
g.message = c.b + "Bad syntax. Enter h for help" + c.w
if __name__ == "__main__":
if has_colorama:
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