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Forked from sjonkeesse/
Last active July 20, 2022 06:17
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import time
import psutil
import pyautogui
# Check for a demo
# Required software
# Python 3 ( (with installation: check add to PATH)
# psutil (pip install psutil)
# pyautogui (pip install pyautogui)
# Instructions
# 1. Open DaVinci Resolve and open the Color tab
# 2. In the tracker panel, open the Stabilizer
# 3. Make sure you can select the next clip on the timeline with the arrow down button
# 4. Select the first clip for stabilization
# 5. Open Windows Taskmanager (ctrl + alt + del)
# 6. Open Performance tab
# 7. In DaVinci Resolve click on 'Stabilize' and monitor CPU usage (in percentage)
# 8. Define a threshold of the CPU usage for when the Stabilization is in progress vs. idle
# 9. Run this script in the command prompt, preferably next to the DaVinci Resolve window
# 10. Define the Cropping ratio, Smooth and Strength values you want to change. Leave blank for no change.
# 11. When asked, hold your mouse above the input field(s) and Stabilize button.
# 12. Enter the threshold for the CPU you think is appropriate (script will move on after 5s below this threshold)
# 13. Let it do it's thing. You should monitor the first few tries.
print("Make sure DaVinci Resolve Color tab is active with tracker Stabilizer.")
clipCount = input("Amount of clips to stabilize: ")
croppingRatio = input("Cropping ratio (enter for no change): ")
smooth = input("Smooth (enter for no change): ")
strength = input("Strength (enter for no change): ")
cpuIdleThreshold = int(input("CPU idle threshold in percentage: ") or "5") # in percent
# Set default values or leave it to 0 for configuration on each start
posXCroppingRatio = 0
posYCroppingRatio = 0
posXSmooth = 0
posYSmooth = 0
posXStrength = 0
posYStrength = 0
posXStabilize = 0
posYStabilize = 0
# Get position of Cropping Ratio field
if "" != croppingRatio and 0 == posXCroppingRatio and 0 == posYCroppingRatio:
print("Hold cursor above 'Cropping Ratio' field")
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print("Capturing mouse position (hold above 'Cropping Ratio' field) in", x)
posXCroppingRatio, posYCroppingRatio = pyautogui.position()
print("Position captured! X:", posXCroppingRatio, " Y:", posYCroppingRatio)
# Get position of Smooth field
if "" != smooth and 0 == posXSmooth and 0 == posYSmooth:
print("Hold cursor above 'Smooth' field")
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print("Capturing mouse position (hold cursor above 'Smooth' field) in", x)
posXSmooth, posYSmooth = pyautogui.position()
print("Position captured! X:", posXSmooth, " Y:", posYSmooth)
# Get position of Strength field
if "" != strength and 0 == posXStrength and 0 == posYStrength:
print("Hold cursor above 'Strength' field")
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print("Capturing mouse position (hold cursor above 'Strength' field) in", x)
posXStrength, posYStrength = pyautogui.position()
print("Position captured! X:", posXStrength, " Y:", posYStrength)
# Get position of Stabilize button
if 0 == posXStabilize and 0 == posYStabilize:
print("Hold cursor above 'Stabilize' button")
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print("Capturing mouse position (hold cursor above 'Stabilize' button) in", x)
posXStabilize, posYStabilize = pyautogui.position()
print("Position captured! X:", posXStabilize, " Y:", posYStabilize)
print("Dont move or resize DaVinci Resolve!")
for x in range(int(clipCount)):
print("Starting stabilization for clip", x)
# Entering Cropping ratio value
if "" != croppingRatio:
print("Setting cropping ratio to", croppingRatio)
pyautogui.moveTo(posXCroppingRatio, posYCroppingRatio, duration = 1) # Not necessary, but nice to see what's going on, posYCroppingRatio, clicks = 2)
pyautogui.typewrite(["backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace"])
# Entering Smooth value
if "" != smooth:
print("Setting smooth to", smooth)
pyautogui.moveTo(posXSmooth, posYSmooth, duration = 1) # Not necessary, but nice to see what's going on, posYSmooth, clicks = 2)
pyautogui.typewrite(["backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace"])
# Entering Strength value
if "" != strength:
print("Setting strength to", strength)
pyautogui.moveTo(posXStrength, posYStrength, duration = 1) # Not necessary, but nice to see what's going on, posYStrength, clicks = 2)
pyautogui.typewrite(["backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace", "backspace"])
# Start stabilization
print("Starting stabilization")
pyautogui.moveTo(posXStabilize, posYStabilize, duration = 1) # Not necessary, but nice to see what's going on, posYStabilize)
# Wait for stabilisation to finisch
start = time.time()
load = 1.00
counter = 0
stabilizationInProgress = True
while stabilizationInProgress:
cpuLoad = psutil.cpu_percent(1)
if cpuIdleThreshold <= cpuLoad:
# CPU is working
print("CPU load:", cpuLoad, "%")
# Reset counter
counter = 0
# CPU is idle
print("Idle for", counter, "second(s)")
if 5 <= counter:
stabilizationInProgress = False
counter = counter + 1
end = time.time()
duration = end - start + 5;
print("It looks like DaVinci is ready with stabilizing. (it took ", duration,"seconds)")
# Select next clip in timeline
print("Selecting next clip on timeline")
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