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Last active March 23, 2023 16:58
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Windows batch script that prepares (pre-multiplies) an image file for use as an overlay on an ATEM video switcher (see and ). Requires ImageMagick:…
@echo off
rem Source:
if "%~1"=="" goto :usage
if not "%~2"=="" goto :usage
set "OUTPATH=%~dp1processed\"
if not exist "%OUTPATH%" (
mkdir "%OUTPATH%"
set "OUT=%OUTPATH%%~n1_processed%~x1"
magick "%~1" -background black -alpha Remove "%~1" -compose Copy_Opacity -composite "%OUT%" && (
echo Wrote %OUT%
goto :eof
echo Prepares (pre-multiplies) an image file for use as an overlay on an ATEM video switcher
echo Usage:
echo. %0 image_file_with_transparency.png
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