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Created June 18, 2018 01:41
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An unsolicited solution to How to Lose an IT Job in 10 Minutes
def distinct_value(word):
add up the hash value of each letter of the given word to create a unique id
for that entry
# make word lower-case
word = word.lower()
hash_val = 0
for letter in word:
hash_val += hash(letter)
return hash_val
def match_distinct_value(word, _list):
check the first word in each sub_list of _list to see if it matches the word
that's passed in
if it matches, return the index where it matches
if it doesn't match any of the existing members return None
for index, item in enumerate(_list):
if distinct_value(item[0]) == distinct_value(word)h:
return index
return None
def main():
for each city in the given_list
check if it has a matching distinct_value in the city_list
if it does, append within the sub_list at the returned index
otherwise, append a new sub_list with it as the member
given_list = ['Tokyo', 'London', 'Rome', 'Donlon', 'Kyoto', 'Paris', 'Ondlon', 'Apris']
city_list = []
for city in given_list:
index_result = match_distinct_value(city, city_list)
if index_result is not None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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